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Everything posted by doublexl240z

  1. Moms'z, It appears in your pic that the bar that is behind the drivers seat is a piece of flat stock not cage tubing, that extends from the diagonal to the main hoop behind your left shoulder. I may be wrong. A continuation of that bar(actually a seperate piece) from the diagonal to the pass. side of the hoop, on the same plane as the belt bar. Not every word but most everyone from the ITCS and general rules. P.S. a cage can never be overbuilt!!! There was a nasty crash this weekend @Sebring between the Nat'l Champ GT1 and an ITS RX7, resulting in the RX being flipped over a 12 fence on its roof. Driver walked away, shaken not stirred!! Car totalled!!! Driver going to work tom.
  2. Momsz, Do you have more than one door bar on each side. I hope you do because that is the requirement as of 1Jan07 in SCCA. Also I would highly recommend a 1.5 in/1.75 in. (what ever matches you cage) bar for the belts to go around, behind your seat, and one that continues on the other side of the diagonal bar. Also if you are not utilizing an FIA rated seat you will need a seat brace to prevent the seat from reclining back in case of an impact. Where are you in FL. I'm in Orlando area and I build cages and do chassis work etc. I can help you out very reasonably!! Have you memorized the GCR yet???
  3. For an inexpensive alternative try Safe Quip Racing in NC. Very reasonable and great service too!!
  4. I have found the Schroth harnesses to be the best out there. I hope you are looking at a HANS device as well!! Schroth makes a set of belts that is designed specifically for the HANS. It has 2in. shoulder belts that are legal ONLY with a HANS, and are available in 3 in. if you are not using a HANS. 6 point is the most popular and I would say the easiest to deal with. I see you live in Fl somewhere and Wine Country Motorsports in Melborne is a great dealer for them. The shoulder belts are wrapped around the horizontal bar of your main hoop. The lap belts are bolted to the floor underneath the seat, and the sub belts are bolted underneath the seat and come up through the hole in the bottom of the seat. Hope this helps!!
  5. I just pulled the diff out of my future race car(SCCA prod) and low and behold an R200 with a 4.375 gearset, ran great around the neighborhood, no whining!!! It is welded though. Problem is that I can't/don't want to run anR200. So, my dilema is that I need an R180 with either 4.11 or 4.375 gears in it. I wonder if someone out there might need an r200 and would be willing to swap?
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