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Everything posted by doublexl240z

  1. just looked at tig machines most of yesterday at the PRI show. I can get a diversion165 for 1275 from cyberweld.com (delivered). One switch ac or dc, and a dial to set the thickness of the material, comes with a thumb controlled torch, ready to go. Foot control for an additional 135. Are you building bridges? space shuttle stuff? Do you know what all the switches do? Me neither, just want to weld stuff and make money!! The 165 will weld 3/16 all day, 1/4 if it is preheated.
  2. Hey Chris, I am looking at picking up a imsa kit like yours from Roger (ZWolf) on this sight. He decided to go with Brians kit for his next project. Figured you would be the one to ask about tips on install even though yours would be a little different than mine. I will call you if I decide to get it.

  3. amazon. com has a book " How to modify your Nissan and Datsun OHC engine" has all the info you will need!! Under 20 bucks if I remember correctly.
  4. Yes I do!! Call me or pm me email and I can send pics!! Chris
  5. I have a few sets of 5 lug front hubs. 75 plus shipping. Let me know!!
  6. I have a urethane air dam from my 1970 Z that I'll sell for 50 plus shipping. Its in pretty nce shape. four zero seven 4 6 3 zero three 1 2
  7. I have 6 of them 30 bucks shipped each! let me know! 4 zero 7 four six three 0 3 one two
  8. Bill, Where abouts are you located? I'm in Casselberry/longwood. I am doing a tube frame z, but for road racing. My shop is in Longwood near UPS on Bennett Drive. 407 four six three 03 one two
  9. Andy, I don't believe the sway/antiroll bar works the way you think it does. It will NOT stop the rear of the car from squatting under acceleration. It will help prevent the car from rolling in a corner( thus not allowing weight transfer to the outside wheels). Many of the z cars that are road raced use a very large front bar and no rear bar at all. If you are worried about the rear squatting, which, to a certain extent is desirable. Than a stiffer shock that will not allow the rear to squat/or slow the squat would be your best direction. Antiroll bars have no affect on this.
  10. Try: diamondracingwheels.com not the lightest but definitely not the heaviest. BUT, most definitely the cheapest custom wheel out there, and will be near indestructable. I had 16x10s and 16x12s built for $732.00 to my door. 6 days later!!
  11. I'm almost as far away as I can be( Orlando), but I'm just about to post a Rebello built header with stepped primaries. from 1 1/2 to 1 5/8 with a 3 inch collector for 250 plus shipping. These would cost about 700 to buy new, Stahl gets 910 for their stepped headers, these are NOT MSA type headers these are "racing" quality, hand made!! They have been repaired and will work great. I will have pics up in a little while. Let me know!! 407 four six three 0 3 one 2
  12. Try Stahlheaders.com, they make a mild steel flange for 60 bucks or so, should be able to make a SS.
  13. Thats the body work Don Ahrens was using last year. I was told the hatch and hood did not fit at all by somebody else that was building a GT2 car. They used to be owned by Doug Piner a former Z racer from the east coast. Personally the air dam looks like a snowplow!! and a rather small air inlet at the front. But, having the headlight bucket and fender one peice would make life easier.
  14. I guess he is not into that "retro" look!!
  15. I'm in the process of reading Allan Staniforths book Competition Car Suspension it has an entire chapter on ackerman and steering rack position vs. steering arm length/ position. Its about 20 bucks on amazon. Very good drawings, easy to understand. BUILD THE STRING CALCULATOR THAT IS DESCRIBED IN THE BACK OF THE BOOK!!! Your milage may vary.
  16. Huge front bar and no rear bar is the hot ticket for most of the race cars (Zs) out there.
  17. Also try colemanracing.com great pricing and the best service in the industry!!
  18. Kaoz, I would highly not recommend a cage for a street driven car. A roll bar at most. The cage gives you something really stout to smack your head on. What kind of piece of mind were you looking for? Strut bars and a roll bar would be most adaquate in a street ride. I can build any of those for you. I'm In the Orlando area. PM me if you are interested. laxorl at aol dot com
  19. check out bandmzcars.com He posts on here quite regularly, as 1 fast z I believe. They were pretty cheap for a set.
  20. Hey Tom, Back is doing awesome!! Thanks for asking. I have been buried with work, which is great. I haven't done much in the last 3 months. I moved the engine back 5.5 inches and am working on the firewall and pedals and floorboards now. I believe I am near your territory now, I'm off 17-92 and Plumosa. Give me call and we all can get together sometime.

    Chris leone


  21. Hey Chris, how is your back doing? I am finishing up the last of my off season upgrades and looking forward to my next event. Just don't know when it will be.

  22. Yah!! Pretty much designed for racecar only. But, I'm sure you could mount one of the round aluminum doors on there and make it work for the street. Keep the racecar look going!!
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