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Everything posted by doublexl240z

  1. Ok guys I'm brain farting on posting the pics from photobucket. Tried four times and can't figure it out. I have done it a dozen times!!
  2. Stony, I have the fiberglass 1/4s. Will not take long to have a set made. 400 plus ship!!
  3. I build cages and agree with ALMOST everything these guys are saying. There is a harness, 5 or 6 point (your choice) available from Schroth, that is DOT compliant. It is a rally harness. Unless you are wearing a helmet, roll bars will be smashing your head worse than a steering wheel in an accident. I might suggest a more tame tune when driving on the street if it is that much of a hairtrigger. There are many 400 hp cars out there that are safely streetable.
  4. Make sure your first priority is your cousin and her recovery. Then, maybe its time for a roadtrip!
  5. Our family is praying for you and your entire family.
  6. Mr. Mortensen, You are Correct!! That would look really really biatchin on a not so fast car though!! Up until you load it... at say... Turn 1 at Sebring or the corkscrew at Laguna. Then, its all over. It would be neat to run it and have cameras and telemetry showing deflection and alignment changes under load. That is, unless I had paid almost 4000 dollars for rear suspension. My 2 cents... your mileage may vary!!
  7. The light weights should work fine. Call Wilwood and ask for Mike. He has owned like 18 Zs and knows them well.
  8. Ray, Call me I some stuff for you!! Chris Leone 407.463.0312
  9. Hey guys, Just jumping on here, I operate a laser that does the Lasik, Customvue as well. I have been doing it for over 3 years and have done over 4000 cases to date. I have seen fantastic results from Lasik and had my daughters eyes done 2 years ago. 20/20 since for her. Tell your Dr what is happening. Not everybody reacts to surgery the same, some may need enhancements. Now I'm not a doctor but have been paying attention for a quite a while. As far as the Marines and Navy not allowing pilots to fly with Lasik. Their testing was done with a 600 MPH ( that is six hundred mile per hour) blast of air to show the potential hazard. They did use cadavers for testing. We are not talking about rolling the window down on the 5. The biggest piece of advice I would have is to research your DOCTOR more than anything!!!! DON'T PRICE SHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its your eyes for Gods sake!! I have worked with more than a dozen diferent surgeons and there is some that I wouldn't let treat my goldfish!! Our Joke: What do they call the guy who graduated last in his class at Doctor school??? , , , , , Answer: Doctor If you have any questions I have a number of people I can contact. I just left the office and have a surgery day next Wednesday.
  10. Z-Spec those are beautiful. The only only thing wrong is that all the safety rules changes across the pond. I don't know if its the metric system or the accent, but FIA rules differ dramatically from SCCA. What is certified by FIA wouldn't be allowed on track at an SCCA event, and vice versa. MAYBE we crash differently?!?! Could be driving on the other side of the road to the track also?!! i don't know!!
  11. Cameron is right there is a +/- of 10 degrees for the main hoop it looks good. I think you added a number of extra tubes in that hoop that are only adding weight to your car. I don't know your expected power output but don't go to crazy adding tubes, it only decreases your power to weight ratio at no increase in performance. I will attach some pics(I hope) to give you some ideas. I have many more of different cages that I build if you want them.
  12. I would suggest building to the SCCA club racing specs. The club rules are more definitive and look like they fit the style of protection you are looking for. Like John said the diagonals needto be on thhe same plane as the main hoop. And the main supports going rearward need to be straight. Think that any time you bend a tube you have started to break it, bent tubes are already pre fatigued not what you want in a crash or impact. Go to some events and look at the cars there and get ideas. BUILD RIGHT,BUILD ONCE!! I'll add some pics later,I have to go in for back surgery in a little while, and I'm on the laptop. Go slow!!
  13. JOHN!!!!! Why did you go and post that?? I knew he meant oven(?) Now i spent 40 minutes watching airplane clips on you tube. It would of taken less time to pull the video out and watch the whole thing. Another potentially productive day ruined. Thats it, the movie is comng out. Being hurt and stuck at home sucks!!
  14. Spoke to my glass guy today. He can have some ready the first week of Jan. 400. plus shipping!! Let me know!! 407.463.0312
  15. I will cantact my glass guy Monday to see if the molds are good to go. Thanks, and i will let you know.
  16. Try: DIAMONDRACINGWHEELS.COM i got my wheels from them, very good to deal with ordered wheels on Tuesday in Orlando got wheels at front door monday a.m.!! Send me an email and i will sendyou some pics.
  17. I have a complete running driving s14 95 model in the drive yours for 3500, with title. Cold ac, beautiful interior, w/s is cracked though!! 407.463.0312
  18. These are Diamond racing 16x10 front with 5.5 backspacing and 16x12 rear with 5.5 backspacing and a 3/4 spacer( I could go to a 1/2) They are 5x4.5 bolt pattern. Ordered last Tuesday got here Monday. 721 Shipped for all 4!!!
  19. Jon, You're right I just looked at my notes its actually the 1.38 rotors on the Wilwood front, They use 1.65 on the front APs.( Those calipers are $1000) 35 for hats and 30 for rotors is pretty sweet. When I talked to them the superlights had 1.10 in. or 1.25 piston I was hoping for the 1.75 for fronts. And figured the 12.72x1.38 fronts with the 12.19x1.25 would make a good rear match. Not trying to hijack here... Sorry
  20. That was my thought process on the calipers... if I have to make a bracket, what difference does it make if I go to a 3.5, 5.25 or even 6.00. It seems to me that a wider bolt pattern would inheritely(sp) stronger and less prone to twisting under load I was looking at the Wilwood GT3 calipers ( short track front cup) with 1.65in. rotors. That should handle a 2000 lb Zcar withe superlights on the back. I just got my wheels in so the brake fitting will commence.
  21. Mark, If you are going to go looking for some big brakes etc. Try musclemotorsports.com he is in NC and sells take off from the cup guys. He has some massive (read short track)Brembos, Wilwoods and AP for half the price of new. He has forged superlight for 160 a pair. PitstopUSA has them new for 165each.
  22. We have used the Jiffy Tite on a few cars. But they are limited to 200 psi , nowhere near brake usage. You'll need a minimun of 2000 psi rated, I would even look toward 3000 psi.
  23. When you get a price quote from Staubli make sure you are in a comfortable position, your blood pressure meds are up to date and your check book is topped off. They are the best by far, if not the only. But when I talked to them at PRI last year I believe it was in the neighborhood of 175 per fitting!!
  24. Try napaonline.com. Their prices are really decent.
  25. Try these guys. Thats who Greg Ira gets his r180 from, its called power brute.http://reiderracing.com
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