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aziza z

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Everything posted by aziza z

  1. how safe would that be? haha. 250mph shopping cart haha.
  2. I was wondering if anyone had time to help me this week, theres a few things i need to do on my car (wiring harness and some small misc stuff) and i need help and was wondering if anyone in the area could help in anyway. I sent a few private messages to people i know are in the area. Im not very experianced so any help at all would be appreciated. thanks in advance. matt.
  3. that car is insane. bottom line. but i wonder what a million dollars in mods in a z would do.
  4. btw i just wanted to let everyone know that i changed my name from v8260 to aziza z. i dont even have a 260z like i thought when i got the car and i dont have a v8 yet either. haha. i figure aziza z is better anywho.
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