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Everything posted by nbesheer

  1. My wheel shakes too, I'm on stock rims and from what I have been told stock sized Pirrelli P400's. I get it going over 40MPH, I just figured it was because my bushings are all mashed.
  2. Okay that's pretty much what I was going to do anyways save for the plugs. And autozone or Kragen should have the plugs right, just regular ones.. Well I'll reread the Bosch platnium 2 thread and see. So is there an order of importance on what I should replace beucase I can really only do 1 or 2 things a week. Crap I just remembered I have a phone bill to pay lol.
  3. Okay so some times when I drive my car will kinda be stupid from 2k to 3k RPM starting in 2nd and then getting better through the gears. Basically sometimes when accelerating in that RPM range it feels like I'm draging a trailer and then if I just punch it it will start to fade once I get into higher RPMs. Is this a miss in my engine ? I have Bosch Platnium +4 plugs, new wires, NO new cap and rotor (My dad didn't think I needed one and I have no idea what they do.) I am very new to cars if you couldn't tell. HAHA I forgot the engine... 1983 280ZX N/A, L28 other then i don't know what head or what not.
  4. Well I got a "stock" muffler, just a regular no name one and got it installed for 53 bucks, not sure if that is a good deal or not. But anyways It's SUPER quiet which I like lol. And I dind't know how loud my other one was. and the old one has like 40 holes in it haha. But I am happy.
  5. Warning noob post. I thought 4WD was different then AWD, and you can't drive fast in 4WD ?
  6. I aucutally really like the sound of the stock muffler, is there any place to get one besides a junkyard.
  7. Well today it rained a lot. Once it stoped raining, I went out driving it was really cold and there was some moisture in the air. Anyways when I would take off the ride would be real choppy like the car was about to stall, it didn't do this yesterday when I drove it. Is there something I need to adjust for the new intake ?
  8. Here you go, just got the cameras USB cable in the mail.
  9. That's a very good idea BUT every time I replace parts I keep the originals. for instance I have the original headights (I believe) stock radio which i wanted to keep but it needed 8ohm speakers, speakers, air box, radiatorr cap, thermostat that's about it. Just in case I want to make it original again lol.
  10. Well anyways I edited my previous post which said this Also I coudln't hear it make noise becuase my alternater belt was too loose and it would screech whenever I reved the engine but i fixed it now and damn is it nise sounding lol.
  11. The engine is in good shape it runs really smooth too, smoother then my girls old 2003 lancer believe it or not. it's not all pretty and shiny and theres some red hue under the hood vents becasue they dind't tape it off when it was painted 12 years ago. But I'll try to take a shot of it for you guys. And the interior looks just as good as the exterior as well. EDIT: Okay I took some pictures after I got my cold air intake in and I think they came out okay but my girlfrined forgot the XD Picture card for the camera so I have to wait on ebay for a usb cord lol. But I have them.
  12. Sweet this is so awesome. I've been going crazy wanting new car parts and such this is going to be so bomb. (BTW I have the nicest car out of my frineds lol gotta have the braging rights.) Anyways I just noticed that It's Wednesday not Thursday so I guess I'll have a day I buy it unless I scrape up some cash. Man this week is going by slow. EDIT, my girlfriend buoght the MSA one for me... well I paid Ebay price and she paid the rest beucase she didn't want to do the ebay lol. Took me 10 minutes to switch it.
  13. Ideally it would give me better gas right, and because I'm all stoked about the return I really want to get sometime soon lol. But I don't really drive all that fast as it is I'm a pretty safe and slow driver which gets my girlfriend pissed lol "your driving too slow, why do you drive the speed limit... nag nag nag" But will that work in the rain I try not to drive in the rain that much as it is but it would be good to know if I can/can't. Also how does an intake make more noise ? Also that's 20 minutes away with no traffic and with the 91 freeway thats rare so it kinda sucks with a stick too lol.
  14. Okay so I did my taxes and I'm getting $980.00 back so I want to buy a K&N Intake for my car. But I couldn't find one on their site so I guess they don't make them but at MSA I see this...http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/CTGY/PFFC12 It has a K&N filer which I guess is all that matters, but any reviews on this good buy or bad buy ? Also I don't mind paying $130 for that but if theres others for cheeper then that would be best, but MSA is 20 minutes away and I was thinking I would buy it tomorrow when I get paid. So anyone run this and I should get better gas miliage right ? And I've been told more HP ? Not sure if that is true though, doesn't seem like it would add horse power. Also I've been warned that you can't drive in the rain with a cold air intake is that true ?
  15. Wow I just realized something, I'm on stock rims as well as stock tire size (from what I have been told) are the one inch lowering springs going to be a problem with tires that big/small what ever you consider them lol. They look like doughnuts. BTW here is my car the day I got it about a year ago. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v505/snsforums/?action=view&current=forums.jpg I've only replaced the plugs, plug wires, belts, oil, seat covers, radio/speakers, wipers, washer hose, Air filter, PCV. And I took that stupid bra off. That's nothing major so thats why this is kinda a big deal to me lol.
  16. No offense or anything but I'm kinda leary of buying used parts. I'm even kinda worried about buying off eBay because I've heard a lot of problems from them, Anyways I have a haynes manuel at home that should explain in detail what needs to be done right ? EDIT as for the bushings, is this what I need from Summit http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1&part=PTP%2D14%2D2003%2DBL&N=700+4294907666+4294906794+4294925044+4294925130+4294839050+4294865789+115&autoview=sku Also it says it does not include Radius Arm Bushings Included am I going to need those as well. And this is a pretty helpful forum by the way.
  17. So these will work here I'm guessing http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/TOKICO-HP-SHOCKS-SPRINGS-280Z-NISSAN-280ZX-79-to-83_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33590QQihZ006QQitemZ160082792229 That's the same as what I posted from MSA right ? Has anyone bought from this guy ? And is changing the shocks and struts pretty challenging ? I have no experiance with them but it seems pretty strait forward, I would probably do the front one day and then the back another day because I only have one car lol.
  18. Okay the tip of my muffler rusted off. I took a picture from sparkys thread as it will be easy for me to show what happened. Hope you don't mind that I jacked your picture. That part is gone and the muffler is just like the pipe that normaly exhausts exhaust as well as the inside which is open too, I'm guessing that is bad, it's not loud like if there was no muffler but it does sound nice when I rev it up. But back on topic it smells a lot like a muscle car which it isn't and didn't before, so I'm assuming I'm loosing gas miliage or something (not sure on that) But I need a new one and all the places I've looked want to sell me mufflers that are shaped like this But I should have just a fatty cylinder shape and I don't know what/where to look. Is there any muffler that zcar owners like a lot ?
  19. Well I can't purchase them right now reguardless of the price and I will shop around when I do. But those tockio ones I linked to will give me both a smooth ride as well as decent handeling (better then what I have). The bushings that I have to replace will I be removing them in the process of replacing the suspenision ? If so I'll do them too but if there not removed in the process it can wait as I only net $200.00 a week lol. Also for the sway bar, is that one just an upgrade or would mine be broken ? My whole phliophsoy (sp?) on this car is if it's broken I might as well replace it with something good, so if the sway bar works then I'll just leave it for now. PS. I just replaced the belts with gatorbacks and new berring for the AC idle pully it was exploded, it's so quiet now.
  20. Okay so I have a 1983 280ZX 140k miles that's pretty much stock and I've got a feeling that the suspension is really worn by looking at it and driving the car with a passanger lol. Any ways I want new suspension and I was looking at these Struts: Front: http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/PSDC02B/23-3965 Rear: http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/PSDC02B/23-3966 Springs: http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/PSDC01B/23-3953 I don't need to be able to adjust them and I want a smoother ride then what I have but I also still want to be able to hug the corners and stuff so are these right for me? Please note that I am not made of money. Also when I replace the suspension are there any bushings or what ever that need to be replaced at the same time ? Thanks for the help, if any.
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