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Everything posted by nbesheer

  1. I want to build a speaker box for the back of my car right infront of the tail ligts but if I remember correctly the MSA one is like 200 bones or so. and I don't have that much to spend on a box. so does anyone have a box that they can give me dimensions for ? or a lplace to get one that is cheeper then the speakers going in it lol.(that was a joke i do plan on geting better speakers some day)
  2. Mine was guy thought 65 was too slow for the Ketella exit so he hoped in front of me and slamed on his brakes and my brakes locked up after a bit (I didn't lock them up as soon as I touched the pedel mind you) and I spun around and ended up painting the rail regetta red. But at least it's only cosmetic.
  3. This is good info I was going to be asking a similar question when I get a job. I bumped the guard rail with mine a couple weeks ago
  4. I know the pads are worn, I will be replacing them when my dad has time to help me because I gotta replae a lot of things down there and have no idea how. But anyways this problem happened before I put in those SS brake lines and the brake fluid was/is at a good level, but i will double check tomorrow. I'm pretty sure it's the parking brake because sometimes the lever would stick and it would make that noise but I would be able to push it further down and it would fix it but not anymore.
  5. Okay left rear brake is always squeeking whene ever I move to the not just when i brake. and it bugs the $#!+ out of me but today i noticed that it says my parking brake is on it enver did that before but now it does, so is there anyway I can disable the parking brake thing on that wheel ? it's super loud and annoying. and I can't replace the brakes till next week at the earliest so I need a quick fix.
  6. Sweet thanks, so it's just bolt in I assume.. I'm going to have to look at my haynes manuel before I replace it. EDIT: If I get a PS20/40 is it just a bolt in upgrade or do I have to do rewiring and stuff to get it to work ?
  7. Well I went to Kragen and they sold me a lug nut for like a dollar so I figured I would try it. It says 12x1.5 on the side of it, not sure what that means. Also when I went down there the guy said someone had called and asked about the same lug nut for my car... So who was it ?
  8. I wanted to get a new coil and they have PS20 and PS40 from Crane Cams for like 44/50 bucks Well anyways I read this at partsamerica.com Does this mean I can not use this coil if I don't have a Xr700 ignition ? Also I searched but didn't fine specifics.
  9. I was thinking that but iw as kinda scared to run my car with missing lug nut.
  10. Okay so I'm short one stock aluminum wheel lug nut for my 83 280zx does anyone have one they want to part with or shuld I just go buy a new set and by new set it that just 4 for that wheel or 16 for the entire car ?
  11. Okay my tax return is coming in soon (from what my dad says) and I'm using the money for new Tockio HP struts, and Tockio 1" lowering springs, along with new bushings for the entire car. Since I'm down there should I get new sway bars ? Are these wear and tear parts or are my stock ones still good. What else should I do while I'm down there ?
  12. The water pump belt doesn't wiggle across that big pully ?
  13. In don't know why you need the copper washer for the clutch line because it doesn't even screw in all the way. Well anyways I put them on there just to be on the safe side. But in the process of doing the lines I figured I would do a tire rotation but on the last tire the lug lock key broke!!! So now I can't switch them or anything till I get a new key. damn!
  14. Actually I just found the extra two brake lines. so that leaves the copper washer
  15. First off I bought the ss brake line kit from MSA and it has 6 hoses ? I'm guessing 1 for each wheel but what are the others for ? Anyways I replaced one brake line and then I noticed that the old one had a copper washer. Should I use that washer ? Get new ones ? Or just leave it off ?
  16. Sweet I got it working, and I can really feel the difference with the new line. But it might also be because the fluid is clear rather then black.
  17. HEy bartman, I know what SUV that is, I've acutually driven it before. When I worked at Car Spa in Corona.
  18. Wow that sucks my77z, by the way is that hanger at your house ?
  19. Okay, i got the right wrench and it doesn't fit on the nut, it fits on the one for the brake though so I don't know what's up. Anyways it's a good thing I lost my job becuase I won't be going anywhere anytime soon lol.
  20. And by flare nut wrench you don't mean 10mm open end wrench ? lol I kinda accedently twisted the metal line a bit, it's still intact just kinda twisted
  21. auctually I still don't know what to do, do I turn the part on the metal line or the rubber one ?
  22. Wait I think I got it, theres a clip thing that I have to remove lol
  23. Okay I can get the hose off at the slave but I can't figure out how to get the other end off. Theres the metal line from the master, then a braket, then the hose. The hose end looks like it's mounted into the bracket and looks like it has to be removed from the metal line side but I can't get the nut thing to move and I'm afraid I'm doing it wrong, and my haynes doesn't help at all.
  24. OKay first things first, I slamed on the brakes at 35, 45, 65, 75 and it took a lot more for my brakes to lock up then when I was on the freeway, and when they did lock up I just went strait which makes me wonder fi there was debris on the road when I spun out, it was the lane closest to the shoulder so that's a possiblilty, can that be the cause ? Back on track the rotors at Kragen for $22.95 for rears are those as good or better then stock rotors ? Also front vented rotors from the same company are $15.95 which seems pretty cheep, same thing - are those as good or better then stock ? I think I might just replace all the rotors, pads, get SS lines and replace the fluid.
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