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Everything posted by lammbn

  1. did you get the knock sensor programming? i am EXTREAMLY interested in finding a way to put a knock sensor on my megasquirt II to retard the timing. i am about ready to start building my engine with 10.6:1 compression and i am a little nervous about knock issues even with premium fuel with octane boosts. i am getting my megasquirt hooked up and running my engine now so i don't ruin it after the re-build while trying to get it dialed in. I've been looking everywhere for a way to put a knock sensor in and get megatune to recognize it and adjust the spark. I'm even ready to try and build my own board to wire into the proto area. if anybody has any way to do this it would be very helpful.
  2. What i don't get is why you would not spend the extra $60 for ms II when it is obviously much more feature laden with out the use of extra external cards and there is a card in the late stages of development to provide sequential fuel injection, which will only work with ms II when it's done. as well as the new DIY wideband O2 board on the way, again only for ms II. that seems like a good investment to me. you never know what you might want to do in the future.
  3. Great pics. looks like your doing a great job. now i know what I'm going to use on my flaps. I'm in the process of doing my own right now. I am actually wiring servos to open/close all the flappers for me and having my freind print me a circuit board to control it all. It's looking like it will all work out pretty smoothly. I will have to post all my pics when i get done with it all. it may take a while though, its been half done for long time now.
  4. Ive done a bit powder coating with heat lamps before. it turned out great. the temp and time depend on the powder you use, the cure time is usually 10-15 minutes after the part is up to temp which is in the range of 325F to 450F. You just have to make sure that you move the lamps along and that each part gets the proper amount of time. I used a laser thermometer to tell when each part was up to temp and then i started the timer. the hardest part is that after you shoot the powder you cannot touch the part at all or the powder will come off. powder coat will stick to anything that can handle the temp and is completly grease free. the easiest way to do a whole car would be to take off every panel you can and have them done in an oven. as long as you use the exact same powder on all parts they will come out matching perfectly. thats the great part about powder coating. the only parts you should have to do with lamps should be the roof and the rear quater panels. its possible but you have to be paitient. hope that helps.
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