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Pop N Wood

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Posts posted by Pop N Wood

  1. I don't know how anyone could buy a car from someone they don't know sight unseen. You have to look at the car. If you really want to buy an ebay car you need to be willing to travel to see the car, then be equally prepared to walk away if it isn't everything it is suppose to be.


    Like Mike said, 4K will buy you a good Z, or it will cover the cost of a budget V8 swap, or it could be completely consumed by a quality paint job. Paint is time consuming and expensive to do right. Hard to imagine 4K doing all three. I also think most guys will agree it is much cheaper to buy a V8Z than to build one. With very few exceptions the things don't sell for anywhere near what guys put into them.


    As for those welds, the early Z's were notorious for collapsing the frame rails at the sway bar mounts. Nissan corrected this in later Z's. Those pictures look like someone did a quality job of reinforcing the frame rails with extra steel. If the rest of the car is solid and straight, then who cares if it had been in an accident?

  2. The December issue of Car Craft has half the issue devoted to LS engines. They dyno a $6200 LS1 crate engine, complete with ECU, that made 402 HP out of the box. Only needed a half dozen items to complete the engine (they gave the part numbers).


    They also have charts detailing exactly what head came on each engine. The Escalades have an LQ9 engine whose head is based on the LS6 head. Said these heads work better for blown applications.


    They also detail a stroker kit that put displacement at 402 Cubes and made (I think) 580 HP. Very expensive though.

  3. Just drive faster. Loud, cold and noisy will seem insignificant when she is fearing for her life.


    #1 ride quality fix is tires. Get 60 opr 70 series tires. No low profile. And not too wide.


    As for the rest, 240's are pretty raw cars. Only so much you can do before it is no longer a 240.

  4. Make sure your tuner is properly grounded. Try a noise filter on the power into the tuner.


    Dirty RCA connectors are a possiblity. Looks like you already thought of an input wire being too close to power wire or other noise source.


    The question is whether the pop is being generated in the tuner or the amp. Either way need to ensure everything is properly grounded, the power wires are all in tact, not grounded and no loose connectors (power or signal) anywhere.


    You might try to filter the power amp DC power. Big ass capacitor or other type of noise filter mounted right at the amp like mentioned above.


    One other possiblity is what type of alternator are you running? Does your new amp draw significantly more DC power than the old? Could be you are overloading the alternator and the voltage regulator is having trouble keeping up. A car battery acts like a pretty good DC filter, so try running the power to the amp right off the battery with as short and heavy of a power wire as possible.


    But my guess is just loose wire somewhere.

  5. A recent Hot Rod (I think) magazine had a guide to LS engines and the escalade motor is suppose to have LS6 like heads. I think this is different from the regular 6L truck engines. I will look at the article again once I get home. The magazine also detailed an LS crate engine install. The crate package came with a computer especially set up for non-stock installations. Good read.


    The Northstar has been talked about quite often. Expensive to work on and doesn't have the aftermarket support of the LS engines.

  6. He basically has to compute the HP being generated at the rear wheels then plot that vs. engine RPM.


    The dyno operator is measuring engine RPM directly. He is also measuring rear wheel RPM and rear wheel torque. Run the engine up to some RPM, compute HP as the rear wheel RPM times rear wheel torque then make a data point on a plot (HP at that engine RPM). After he runs revs the engine thropugh the power band, he takes the plot and divides HP by engine RPM to get the torque curve.


    Actually the dyno probably measures the RPM of the dyno drum and not the rear wheels. So he doesn't need to know anything about the cars gear ratio or tire diameter to get the engine curves.


    And 115 HP with 470 ft-lbs of torque would be an odd engine. Sounds like they were giving the measured torque value at the rear wheels?

  7. GIECO is cheap insurance if they will cover you. In my case they are considerably cheaper than anyone else. When I first bought my Tacoma I had 7 accidents in the first 3 years. None were my fault, but they had to pay out on 2 of them (long story). But even with all that they did not raise my rates.


    GIECO also has a history of political activism. They were on a crusade for a while to outlaw radar detectors.


    Capitol raceway is within ear shot of my house. I would really like to know how they got the track sign in sheet. Maybe they insure the track?

  8. ONLY $700.00. At this point in an earlier post' date=' I might have accused you of belonging to a certain political party. :twisted:[/quote']


    Im not sure how you took that comment but it was very sarcastic. There is no way I would buy a LSD unit for $700 when for $500 more I could just get a Quafie.





    Try $1200 more. Have you seen Ross's prices lately?


    We need a pro-LSD party in this nation. Someone needs to put those European nations back in line.

  9. Maybe I am coming off as arrogant. Sorry. When I go back and reread some of my posts they tend to read that way.


    As for the hydrogen, if you can make a car run an LP gas, then it can run on hydrogen. Just have to get over the safety issues and where to find a gas station..


    But I still remain skeptical about the cost advantages. Looks like you have put a lot more detailed thought into it than I so I won’t dispute your numbers. I still don’t see how hydrogen can reduce our dependence on oil since the hydrogen is only a storage medium. It still takes some type of power source to generate. If the power source is solar, then you aren’t there yet since solar power is still not cost competitive with oil. I brought up the wind power costs just to illustrate what seems like “free†power in reality isn’t.

  10. pop'n'wood' date='

    Actually the price of the initial purchase is WWWWAAAAAAAYYYY compensated for by the FREE fuel you get for years and years. It works out to be the equivelant of paying a few cents per gallon. Not only that, but it is 94% cleaner when burned and can be enjoyed by hotrodders (BMW had a hydrogen-combustion show car 540i that was claimed to have a 30% increase in power output over gasoline, how's that sound hotrodders?)[/quote']


    Unfortunately, no it isn’t. There is no such thing as free fuel. Look at the cost per kilowatt hour of the wind power being generated in California. Those wind turbines have a very high initial price. Even running them after they are built isn’t cheap when you account for the maintenance costs. If it wasn’t for the government subsidies they all would be operating at a loss.


    Hydrogen research for automobiles hit a peak a few years ago. Car companies and governments were experimenting with sintered iron tanks for safely holding the hydrogen. The iron acted like a sponge to hold the gas without excessive pressure. That approach is being phased out in favor of fuel cells. Fuel cells have been used on spacecraft for years, but the technology is still too expensive to be cost effective. They need another 10 or 20 years. Maybe less.


    The problem with hydrogen has nothing to do with oil companies. Electrolysis of water is well known. The problem is where do you get the energy to disassociate the hydrogen and oxygen? Solar energy requires some type of solar cell. This is no different than a modern day solar panel hooked up to a car battery. The hydrogen just takes the place of the battery as a storage medium. These devices cost more to run and maintain than the price BGE charges me for electricity. I don’t have time to look up the numbers right now, but believe me if, it was cost effective I would have such a set up in my garage right now.


    You also need to look at the amount of energy consumed by the world every day. Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) has the largest solar energy system in the world. It use 10 acres of panels to out put all of six megawatts. Compare that the average nuke plant that kicks out around 1000 megawatts. Do you really think we can afford to replace each and every nuke plant with 1500 acres of solar panels? Actually you may need to double that since solar energy doesn’t work too well at night.


    Hardly anyone is aware of this ….


    I am well aware of all this, as are hundreds of technical investors. Look up detailed numbers.

  11. The units of torque have an angular component too. Mathematicians don't like it but you could specify it as lbs-ft per radian of revolution. RPM can be converted to radians per second. So when you multiply it all together the radians cancel and you get lbs-ft/sec, and one horsepower is defined as 550 ft-lbs/sec. That is where the "5252" comes from in all the car magazines. It just makes all the units work. Torque and work are not the same thing and do not have the same “unitsâ€.


    Torque is the rotational equivalent of force. Push on the side of refrigerator and you are exerting force. If it doesn't move, then technically you have done no "work", even though you are expending energy at some rate. But all of that “if it didn’t move you didn’t do work†just confuses the issue so don’t worry about it. Also keep in mind that power can exist in different forms than just work. An engine being reved against a trans brake is still producing power. The power is just being dissipated as heat in the trans instead of work moving the car. Light bulbs could be rated in HP. A 75 watt light bulb is about a tenth of a HP.

  12. a solar cell coupled to an electrolysis machine coupled to a hydrogen tank. FREE energy (excluding the initial purchase)


    But once you include the price of the initial purchase your FREE energy is much more expensive than oil. Can't ignore the reality of that.


    A lot of us grew up in the 70's. Alternate energy sources were all the rage. Then the price of oil stagnated in inflation corrected dollars and suddenly the alternate energy sources were no longer cost effective.


    I think eventually the world will turn to hydrogen as an energy storage medium. But there are some very real technological questions that need to be answered first (that stuff is dangerous, ever hear of the Hindenburg?). And none of it will happen on any scale until gas becomes much more expensive.


    Also I wish John had not posted that article on war for oil. It is not the way I think.

  13. Where I feel we are worse off is our standing in the eyes of the rest of the world, our environment, sciences, national budget, and corporate ethics, all of which has taken a nose-dive in the last 4 years.


    Would have to arque the corporate ethics part. Remember those corporate accounting scandals (i.e. Enron) that happened on Clinton's watch? Not that I blame Clinton for that, but makes it hard to argue things are worse now than 4 years ago.


    As for the economy, anyone see the job reports released today?




    In terms of shear numbers more Americans are working today than at anytime in our history.


    I do worry a good deal about the deficits (budget and trade) and wish Bush would take a more fiscally responsible approach. But I don't see how electing Kerry and his entitlement programs would have helped that. Guess his "tax the rich" programs might have made some short term differences (assuming he could have gotten them through congress). But that could easily result in a recession wiping out any revenue increase.


    I simply do not agree with all the economic maysayers. Things simply are not going that badly right now. In fact, for the majority of Americans, things are going pretty well.


    And what do I care what the French think of us? Can't be any lower than my opinion of them.

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