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Pop N Wood

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Posts posted by Pop N Wood

  1. Mine is pretty simple: An individual or group who intentionally targets civilians to achieve political' date=' religion, or other ends.


    To a large degree that includes any military that intentionally targets civillian populations. That would also include ALL the major combatants in WW2. [/quote']


    Now now. Dresden was a valid military target. I am sure they had a ball bearing factory in there somewhere.

  2. When it comes to old Z's you live in God's country. I honestly think the overwhelming majority of series 1 Z's never made it past the left coast. You have the advantage of all the CA aerospace engineers migrating to AZ bringing their Z’s with them. Everybody here on the east coast wants to make pilgrimages to the south west to get rust free Z's


    Start getting autotraders and look for the old cars. LA is a weekend trip so that should be an option for you.


    3 K should get you a low rust, clean, running Z no problem. May not look nice, but rust free is the ticket. For 5-6 K you could probably find a ratty one with a V8. As for ebay, I don’t know how anyone could buy a used car without seeing it in person. Just one opinion, but a possible explanation for the low price.


    You could try contacting the guy at Arizona Z car. I would bet he would have a line on an old Z or two. Only problem is he would know what they are worth, so you won’t steal one that way.


    240 vs. 260: the early 260’s had the same small bumpers as the 240’s. Some where in mid development the 260’s went to the fat crash bumpers. Everybody wants the smaller bumpers, so expect to pay more for those. Engine wise (I think) all 260’s had the flat top carbs which totally suck. But for V8 swap that won’t matter.


    Structurally I am not sure how much difference there is. The 260’s did gain weight, but the early 240’s had some sheet metal that was too thin in places. So the weight gain may not be a bad thing. 260’s should in general be less expensive simply because they are not 240’s. Structurally the 280’s were considerably different. But once again that may not be a bad thing depending upon who you talk to. Do a search to get details.

  3. I don't think many people "fear" the PA as much as just don't like it. I know a lot of the ideas I presented were more to illustrate a point or to place things into an historical perspective than to predict where this act will lead us.


    A big part of the "system working" is convincing others that this is not the way things should be done. The jury is still out on the PA. But the one thing in this thread that amazed me is the apparently large number of people who argued in favor of the act.

  4. Trial and error? Also get some play dough. Put a ball on top of the high points and slowly press the hood shut. Can then cut the mushed play dough to measure your exact hood clearance.


    Also see how most people attach some type of upright bracket to the strut plate to get the bar ends higher. MSA sold a straight bar that "almost" cleared my L6. They claim it actually works with some cars, so the amount of bend you need may be different then other people.

  5. I started out doing a simple drivetrain swap from a 72 chevy PU to a 1981 280 ZX (estimating 3 weeks and 1200 bucks). Three years and $6Klater, the car actually ran and drove, but still had no paint, interior, or suspension work done.


    How would you have avoided "paint, interior, or suspensions work" by going turbo?

  6. The guy who wrote the JTR manual is a member of this site (screen name MikeJTR). He wrote in another thread that one of his primary motivations for the setback position was to get the shifter of a T5 tranmission to come out in the stock position. All the stuff about weight distribution was more to "promote" the kit.


    So auto or manual will be a consideration for you.

  7. Old Z's make excellent daily drivers, as long as you don't monkey with them too much. My 1970 240 was my only source of transportation for several years. I kept the engine smog legal but managed to completely upgrade the suspension while living in an apartment. All without missing a day of work due to downed transportation. A stock inline 6 will run forever and parts are still readily available. You can go a long way to upgrade the suspension and handling by only bolting on aftermarket pieces on the weekend.


    Since you are buying two, pick the one in the best shape and get it road worthy. Keep it near stock. 5 speeds are bolt in (mine has one). Keep in mind they are 30+ years old cars so some electrical gremlins and misc broken pieces are to be expected.


    But heed Mike's advice about contracting out any any large scale performance upgrades.

  8. 1/4 plate will be too thick to allow putting the nuts on the top of the strut isolators.


    Besides. John once said nothing on a Z car requires 1/4 steel.


    Hollow vs. solid: the majority of the strength comes from the outer diameter of the bar. If given a chance, you want a larger diameter, hollow tube rather than a small diameter solid one. The solid core just adds weight and not much strength. Look at Cannondale bikes. Use light weight aluminum with a large diameter to retain rigidity.


    Another case in point. Air craft carriers use propeller shafts that are hollow (well, filled with sand).

  9. I am still mad at Clinton BECAUSE of the 50 million they spent investigating him.


    They? Who were "they"? What was motivating it? The search for truth? I think not. Nothing in Washington is investigated for it's truth, anymore.


    So you understand the realities of life in the big white house. Just wish Clinton had understood that before doing what he did. He should have known what a diversion such a controversy would create, so how could he have felt it was worth it? And if he didn't know or simply didn't care, then he is an idiot and derserves such contempt.

  10. I am still mad at Clinton BECAUSE of the 50 million they spent investigating him. All moral issues aside he should have known better from a strictly political point of view. He didn’t show the office the respect it was due and we as a country had to pay the price.


    And no, I don't think anyone agrees with Bush 100% (hell, even 70%). But the way election year spins go, people take things to extremes.


    And one last thing about Kerry's military service. I don't think anyone should ever have to apologize for serving their country. Kerry did his time and did what he was ordered to do. We should do nothing but thank him for that. But at the same time, that guy was only in Vietnam for 4 months before his third purple heart became his ticket out. That raises a lot of questions in my mind. The guy is no Sergeant York so he should quit trying to sound like one.

  11. Don't want to answer for the guy who made it, but the allen bolt is probably so the bar can be removed for engine access. You want to mount the bar as rigidly as possible, so the pivoting ends could be replaced with something that bolts solidly to the mount.


    I have seen strut bars made by simply flatenning the end of a piece of heavy conduit and drilling a bolt hole in it. Not pretty, but it doesn't get much cheaper than that. Just try to keep the bar straight if possible.


    Also, I think the idea of wrapping the bar in aluminum was just to get the "look" of aluminum but still have the strength of steel.

  12. When that happened to me it was a piece of dirt on the needle valve seat. The gas overflows into the carbs so the only way to keep the engine running is to rev it.


    Replace your fuel filter and open the top of the carb to clean out the bowls. You might consider rebuilding the carb if it has been awhile since that was done. At the very least use some carb cleaner to get rid of the soot and do a visual inspection of all diaphrams and gaskets.

  13. Unfortunately he was (is) a personal injury lawyer.


    Well-spoken, photogenic and quick on his feet, Edwards made his fortune as a successful trial lawyer before entering politics. As a personal-injury attorney, he convinced juries to award multimillion verdicts.


    One of his most celebrated cases resulted in a record $25 million award to a 9-year-old North Carolina girl seriously injured by a defective swimming pool drain.



  14. OK now this article seems to imply that Pinatubo supports the nuclear winter theory:




    Although it does not give any numbers on a nuclear exchange vs. Pinatubo.



    And more interesting yet, this article




    seems to imply the onset of global warming was actually masked for years by pollution. Says modern pollution control measures might be causing a noticable increase in the global temperatures:


    The "global dimming" trend may have leveled out in the 1990s as many nations imposed pollution controls. That would make for continued sharp termperature rises if, as many aerosol specialists now suspected, they had seriously underestimated how strongly cooling by aerosols had been holding back greenhouse warming.


    Papers published in 1992 concluded that the smoke from slash-and-burn farming of tropical forests might have been enough all by itself to cancel a large share of the expected warming. (85*) As one expert remarked, "the fact that aerosols have been ignored means that projections may well be grossly in error."(86) Thus efforts to restrict sulfate emissions, however important that might be for reducing acid rain and other unhealthy pollution, might hasten global warming.


    So by removing my smog equipment, am I actually doing something positive to prevent global warming?

  15. No, Pinatubo disproved the Nuclear Winter theory .....


    I wasn’t aware that the volcano exceeded the nuclear winter estimates for debris. Learned something new. I was talking more about the cooling effect caused by the dust in the atmosphere. So I guess we can say that we need to build up global warming to offset the possibility of global cooling caused by a massive series of volcanic eruptions or a meteor strike?


    Also 20 megaton explosions are small when compared to the potential yield of a nuclear exchange at the height of the cold war. 20 megatons is something like 2 MX missiles. The Russians had single warheads that yielded 100 megatons.

  16. Why exactly did we walk away from the Kyoto accord?


    I have not looked at John's link at Kyoto, but PBS did an excellent show on global warming. If you look at the numbers involved Kyoto was going to accomplish nothing in reducing CO2 levels. The reductions agreed to in Kyoto were absolutely insignificant in comparison to the amount of CO2 being dumped into the atmosphere, let alone the rate at which it is increasing. The people backing Kyoto were doing so from the viewpoint that doing something was better than doing nothing. This was simply a means for the Al Gores of the world to say “look what I am doingâ€. But the PBS special had some very real numbers concerning the economic impact. The fact is there is not much we can do to reduce CO2 levels.


    Also I thought the big impact of Mt Pinatubo was the high levels of dust thrown into the upper atmosphere, not aerosols. Dust in the upper atmosphere would shield/reflect radiant energy causing a lowering of the earth's temperatures. Isn't this what you are saying? Thus doesn’t it tend to support the nuclear winter theory (or end of the dinosaurs theory, whichever way you want to look at it)? As for the heat sink issue, there is such a thing as black body radiation. The earth is not a heat sink that only absorbs energy. It can also re-radiate a significant amount.


    That brings up another issue I have had. If we created global warming, then why can’t we actively manipulate our environment to counter it? Why can’t we study methods of adjusting the upper atmosphere to counter the effects of excess CO2? Say ozone generators or a Mt Pinatubo type dust generator? Why are our only options to give up living an industrialized life or to drown all of Huston?


    I think some people are just determined to think the worst of mankind. Truth is much more study needs to be done to even understand the issue let alone examine reasonable options.

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