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Pop N Wood

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Posts posted by Pop N Wood

  1. Here's the actual truth regarding this matter:

    Kerry's claim is false. A court order is expressly required before a delayed notification search can be conducted. Moreover' date=' the statute requires that the subject of the search be notified after a reasonable period of delay. The amount of delay is determined by a judge. The Patriot Act requires standard judicial oversight – a search warrant or court order – before a search can be conducted. (PATRIOT Act § 213)[/b']


    Hate to get back into this but you might want to go back 7 or 8 pages and look at the details more closely. Yes, technically a judge is required for all search warrants, but when you look how the PA has changed that process the judge is essentially nothing more than a rubber stamp.

  2. Hey Kevin, here is a hypothetical for you. Let's introduce the concept of a discount rate. Say all the islanders pool their money in the bank, and for every $10 in the bank they can loan out $100 (a 10% discount rate).


    Then, lets say the islander borrows the $100, but sells his corn for $150. There is now excess funds available to support this.


    Doesn’t the island wealth now increase?

  3. To keep things off topic just a tad longer.


    First I am not sure where the argument that invading Iraq took resources away from the Al Qaeda fight (how ever it is spelled) came from. There is only so much 200,000 extra troops could do in Afghanistan anyway. I am sure there were localized shortages at the troop level, but is anyone aware of any military commanders saying they couldn’t do what they needed to because of a lack of commitment? The brunt of the terrorist fight is going to be borne by groups like the NSA, FBI and CIA.


    Second, as far as the US is concerned “UN assistance†is more for moral support than material. We usually end up footing the overwhelming majority of the coalition expenses in any of these campaigns. Examine the UN budget and compare the troop commitments to the various police actions to see what I mean. In Kosovo, we ended up with the majority of the missions because most NATO countries have equipment that is so out of date as to be tactically incompatible with ours. For example, we were the only people with GPS guided bombs and stealth aircraft. In many cases the radios and IFF gear were incompatible.


    Finally, I believe it is difficult to distinguish the insurgency from the near state of civil war that exists in Iraq. There is a massive power struggle going on. If you look at the history of Iraq, they remind me to a certain extent of the former Yugoslavia. A bunch of historically combative people held in check by an authoritarian regime. Have to expect problems when a power void is created.


    Back on topic, I don’t think there are many people arguing that we should abandon Iraq now that we have upset it. Kerry is making campaign promises that I believe he has no intention of fulfilling. What we should use as exit criteria is probably a better topic of discussion.

  4. Maryland does the visual also. They use to do a treadmill test. Now they just to the visual and check the OBDII codes.


    The problem with the tailpipe test is it is not very stressing. It doesn't check the emissions when the engine is cold (probably the worst case scenario for a carbed vehicle), usually doesn't check them under load and can't check for gas fumes escaping from the car (for some reason something they worry about a lot )


    This is why I want to mod my "exempt" vehicle to be legal anyway.

  5. efective, but cheep.


    Hear you there.


    I upgraded my stock 240 brakes with the larger master cylinder and stainless steel brake lines. I am convinced the early 240's had insufficient MC volume. With the larger MC and no flex in the brake lines, the brakes at least feel more solid.


    Don't remember if you said what year Z you have, but you will need the larger MC with the 4x4 calipers anyway. So might give those things a try.

  6. There are a couple of other threads currenty in progress on brake options.






    I bought a complete 4x4/300ZX vented rotors set up with 240SX rear disks for my car but have yet to install them. From what I have read they work very well. What I can also tell you is they are extremely heavy. I got this set up becasue it was complete and a fair price. If you have the budget look into JSK/MM for the fronts. Do a little digging and there is also a guy making adapters to fit Mustang brakes on the front. More options and are suppose to have better seals for street use.


    BTW, on your current ride try bleeding your brakes. Many guys feel that is something you should do after every "track" type event. While you are digging look at some old posts about upgraded pads.

  7. When Ross Perot was running there was a lot of talk about his flat tax plan. One article said the biggest drawback to any income tax plan is defining income.


    For people who get a paycheck it seems pretty straight forward. For people with businesses, stocks, capital gains, inheritances etc. it can get awfully confusing. Especially if you still want to exempt specific incomes to encourage certain types of investments, or tell home business people what expenditures are business expenses and what they have to pay out of their taxable "income". That means everything needs to be codified, which is then subject to political manipulation and before you know it nothing has been simplified.


    Point of sale and value added taxes seem just as complicated to me.


    But flat tax or not, you still have to decide what level of deficit spending you can tolerate.

  8. Mike, that was a pretty interesting response. We talk about you so much, it is funny to put a person behind our talk.


    I just read Green Eggs and Ham to my 3 year old. As a kid I remember a teacher telling us the book was about trying something before passing judgement yada yada yada. Years later I read an interview with Dr Suess saying that was nonsense. He said the book was to settle a bet with his publisher that he couldn't write a book using less than 50 different words.


    Sam I am.

  9. Man you still don't get it. Go back a read a few of the posts that got people banned and you will see you are fitting the pattern. Look at the first post in this one from the Announcements thread




    That was a stressful time in our history. Don’t want to see it happen again.


    The number of post is relevant in two regards. You don’t have a feeling for the history of past problems and what constructive content have you added to this site?


    But don’t listen to me. Don’t listen to the warnings. Keep arguing with Mike Kelly. Keep telling Pete that you didn’t violate the rules and that you didn’t call him what you did. Keep displaying your ignorance by calling people things like “liberal pigâ€. I am sure it will get you where you want to be.

  10. I hear you on the deficits. I didn't like them when Reagan was ringing them up. But then when Clinton actually ran surpluses I thought maybe they weren't such a big deal. Now with George W I don't know what to think. At least Reagan seemed to have a plan: specific cuts to stimulate the economy. But George, I don't know. Seems like he has just backed himself into a corner (with the war and all) and now he doesn't know how to get out. Hopefully I am wrong.


    But about these specific tax changes. I have to say Dubya is the first guy to give people like me a noticeable cut. Seems like the rich guys get theirs, and the poor have people championing their cause. But us in the middle seem to get nothing but lip service and the brunt of the taxes. Maybe we should just think of them as a reappropriation of taxes.


    The marriage penalty is very real. My wife and I actually got married in February of 93 rather than December of 92 because a December wedding would have cost us a full $1800 in additional taxes. Of course, now she stays home so I no longer have anything to gain, but I still think the marriage penalty is a good thing to get rid of.


    Telling people to give back the cut may be an amusing argument, but it still comes back to a fundamental question of fairness. At some point we need to pay the bills, so what constitutes a fair share for each of us?


    The percent of the budget that goes to debt servicing is a valid argument. I also believe the economic theories that says goverments can operate without a balanced budget, but what point is "too much"?

  11. Hey I vote we ban him. The guy has less than 50 posts, all but a handful on the Non-Tech board. In that short time he has somehow survived an argument with Mike Kelly about proper conduct, and now he is trying to tell the guy who wrote the rules what the rules are. Funny how he can call Pete a pansy and still congratulate him for making such a wonderful site.


    He came in at a weird time in HybridZ history when we have several, very political threads in progress. I know I have been overly consumed with them. But even still, he seems pretty clueless about taking advice. How many people here know the first rule of HybirdZ is to not argue with the moderators?


    His first post was your typical noob posting asking what you would do to build the "money is no object Z car". So far he has brought nothing but consternation to this site and unquestionably has no sense of history. IMO he would be happier on a Honda site anyway since he is simply a flame war waiting to happen.

  12. Have to disagree with the guys above. I upgraded my steering rack bushings and replaced the rubber steering coupler at the same time so I don't know which had the big effect, but doing those things was like adding power steering. In my smooth floor garage turning effort went from a two arm lug to literally one hand. This was with with narrow 195 street tires, but I was amazed. I think you hit it right. Most of the effort is spent charging and recharging all the rubber in the front end.

  13. You REALLY want guns on planes in civilians hands?


    I have absolutely no idea where that came from. Your words' date=' definitely not mine.


    I would so dearly love to see you face to face with a mother or father, or even a CHILD of a DEAD american, telling them that your rights are more important than the rights of their deceased loved one.


    You sound like a campaign manager for John Kerry. Either fear mongering or the Chewbacca defense.


    It is because I don’t want to see any dead Americans (or Iraqis for that matter) that I take the stand I do. Like I said, some things you do as a matter of principle.


    You so easily state your willingness to preserve privacy or rights over the PA and its INTENT.... tell us about your experiences where your LIFE was on the line' date=' so we can attempt to believe your opinions are credible, and would hold true if the fan was blowing excrement in your face, instead of others.



    Once again, no idea where that comes from or the relevance. My opinions are only as credible as logic supporting them. My life experiences have very little to do with whether the logic is valid or not.


    What kind of life have you lived that you expect perfection out of government and bureaucracy?


    Are we reading the same posts? I say we need a system of checks and balances to keep the government honest. How is that expecting perfection?



    I do not know of another nation or political system in history that has a better track record than ours' date=' [/quote']


    And I like to think it is because of all of those who have gone before us who refused to cut corners. That is what I am saying we need to do. Look at the big picture and don’t forget where we came from.



    Hey Pop' date='

    What a cute little poem. IT perfectly describes what I was thinking as I was reviewing your other posts. So when it comes to your personal position on taxes, deficit spending, and the Patriot Act... I can certainly guess which part of the elephant you grabbed... did she like it?



    You know I was kind of hoping you had gotten banned. Maybe my head is just spinning from your high IQ, but the way you present yourself has all of the credibility of the typical 17 year old keyboard warrior.


    This thread has turned too personal. Guess I need to step away from it.


    Once again, my apologies to any I have inconvenienced.

  14. Just had a thought. I wonder if anyone that has pushed the bill is a collector trying to drive the price of the older cars up? Maybe to increase the value of the collection?


    Collectors value totally stock vehicles. Right down to the paint marks on the body panels. I would think nothing in this law will change that.


    Also most 30+ year old cars that are still drivable are owned by car guys who take better care of their vehicles than the average joe. That, combined with what would have to be the small number of old cars that are still driven makes me wonder just how much "pollution" this bill will prevent.


    I am sure sombody somewhere has posted estimates.


    My 71 is still golden!

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