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Everything posted by BurnoutZ

  1. Has anyone on here tried using one as a replacement to the stock z alternator? Is it necessary? How many amps are suggested?
  2. The tube manifolds flow better allowing more hp. Anybody have an update on this? I hope this idea doesnt die...
  3. Does the engine fan spin clockwise or counterclockwise? Just curious... Whats the difference between the two?
  4. You know ths thread is three years old?
  5. Or... http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1&part=DCC%2D4120758&N=700+4294839058+4294838812+115&autoview=sku
  6. http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1&part=PRM%2D96170&N=700+4294839058+4294838812+115&autoview=sku *EDIT* the other one i posted being a 20" fan probably wouldnt fit... this is more like it? How about bolting up one of these sob's....
  7. Has anyone used the Flexalit black magic extreme? I was between that, the zirgo and an engine driven fan..
  8. Thats the thing... i search but all i find is electric fan opinions none about motor fans... Was this guy that told me motor fans are better, b/sing?
  9. *bump* I'm gonna have to decide soon of which radiator fan to use... What are some of the results you guys have had?
  10. Which gets better results? Ive always thought electric but when i inquired about this subject to a guy that drag races he says that the motor fans do a better job of cooling. On othe other hand ive heard you gain 15 hp with switching to an electric. Do motor fans really spin faster? What are some of the best motor fans that will work in a z with an L6 engine providing maximum cooling abilities?
  11. I was confused until i found this calculater. It has really helped me. http://www.rims-n-tires.com/rt_specs.jsp Sorry if this is a repost..
  12. Hey, Not to be rude or anything but, What is the point of making this? Im not exactly understanding...
  13. Im interested in this turbo header if the price isnt too bad...
  14. Well, With him it seems like a coin flip. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=129842
  15. Haha Its just for show... Set something up, no matter how crazy it is, just to turn heads. "Bling Factor" as some of you call it on here. lol.
  16. Hahha There have been a few auctions like this of the 88' vlsd's. It use to make me think they were the desired rear ends till i did more research haha. I guess it is advertising... If the seller makes it sound like only 200 was produced theyll have buyers hopping on it like a virgin whore in mexico. The funny part is there is nothing even special about this rear end and its going for this much.... someones getting taken for sure.
  17. And some twenha foes wit a few hoes. lol.
  18. repost? ahhh sorry guys... havent seen this on here before.
  19. What do you guys think? http://youtube.com/watch?v=uCGbCz6YMe8&feature=related
  20. Can you post pictures and information on how you converted the tail lights to z32? I have been considering this for awhile but it seems difficult.
  21. Very nice job. I plan to modernize my z.... but in a different unique way.
  22. Hmm. I guess if you say so... but i dont think so. I think the top would have to angled alittle forward and the base supports angled alittle backwards making it to hang off the back some. But wouldnt a whale tail provide the most downforce... this is the spoiler i referred to earlier in the thread.
  23. Thats what ive been saying... my reasoning on creating this thread was to show how silly the spoiler looks. Way to high and almost flat... you can def. tell it was probably a home production.
  24. Cool you work out too? Were even on the leg press. I dont usually bench with dumbells but i can do 100's on incline.
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