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Everything posted by BurnoutZ

  1. Haha... I didnt pay too much attention to that. I was just talking about the storyline and suspense... i thought they did a decent job. Ahhh i guess you could look at it like that, I thought the fight scenes and techniques were pretty cool. Some nice girls in that movie too...
  2. Has anyone installed the 280z cf taillight panal yet?
  3. I just saw the bank job today... really good all the way through like a bit faster paced ocean's 11. Only instead of a casino it is a bank. But i didnt fall asleep during it and that says alot about it. Anyone see never back down? I thought it was pretty good, and again i stayed awake. No country for old men? Haha started out with potential... dragged to the point where i was falling asleep and then chopped ending... i didnt like it. 30 days of night? Decent movie... not as bad as veritech says in my opinion... at least the action is constant. I guess its all depending on what movie you like.... i am more of an action guy, drama movies usually lull me to sleep.
  4. How about the DOHC kit for an L series engine?
  5. No single turbo headers? I'm not planning on using a twin turbo setup. Also isnt there a kit you can buy in japan to convert the head to a DOHC setup? Im probably wrong but i thought i would throw it out there...
  6. Maybe some L series turbo headers. Ha.
  7. Could the same design be used? A reverse scoop, almost flat but extends across the whole surface, that opens up toward the windshield? This would work wouldnt it? Isnt this the design many modern cars use?
  8. How does the 350z do it? Can a similar system be made? and finally kinda off subject... a V-8 swapped 350z (super gt?)
  9. Hello, I was considering doing this to "modernize" the z look. I am not sure if it the smartest decision. Has anyone on here filled in these vents between the hood and the windshield? Or is there a replacement "sleek" design vent panel kit?
  10. Cool, Yeh. My z isnt done... yet. is the only problem. Ha. But yeah keep in touch and we could meet up sometime.
  11. Your a junior in high school? Cool, me too...
  12. Ive always wanted to do this... finally i get to see pics of it on a car. I guess im not alone. It looks pretty good man, keep up the good work.
  13. Haha. Thats what i was thinking.... I'd keep the rubber glove on for now....
  14. 2+2? Its gonna weigh more... Your gonna have to think about that one... You seem to have alot of work ahead of you. You havent even bought one?
  15. :icon53:Hahha they had a live show in kuwait for the soldiers in iraq. It aired on myspace streaming live in HD yesterday.... I was supprised too that myspace has gotten so famous now to start airing and hosting live shows... Hahha Myspace is big time now. Your behind if you dont have it...
  16. Anyone catch the live show? I caught the parts i wanted to see from it... I mainly just watched the ones with carlos mencia and disturbed... Anyone here watch the show? Alright ill back up... For those who have myspace who watched it?
  17. This one any good? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/TR-10-Treadstone-Intercooler-Nissan-Toyota-Honda-RX-7_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33742QQihZ005QQitemZ150223475927QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  18. Looks mean... how much was the cost?
  19. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=130225 Good Info...
  20. The guy only has 1 post... I hope he comes back. But its not promising.
  21. Could you make a carbon fiber whaletail? Or do you just cover fiberglass parts? How much would you charge?
  22. Depends on what it is... If you have a body kit... it will be more. The paintjob i am getting is going to be close to the $5,000 range.... might break $5,000. I know i should be getting back at least 200$ maybe/probably more. Not too bad for being 16 years old....
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