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Everything posted by BurnoutZ

  1. Any of you guys see it? i saw it on saturday... i thought it was pretty good. The ending is what made the movie in my opinion...
  2. Someone told me ethanol has a higher octane than gas. I also heard they are discovering because of the high octane it has been found to damage either the injectors or the spark plugs...
  3. On a side note... Wheres 280zforce's reverse lights?
  4. i am getting this as well, your not alone.
  5. The outlook of a 300zx panel being procuded is possible, but because of the "not very high" interest im not sure if we could run a line. As far as a flat taillight panel. 300zx taillights would not work with this panel because they are deceptively curved at the ends. A flat taillight panel would appeal to those doing the "corvette taillights". As silvia taillights, like 300zx taillights are curved at the ends, but at a greater degree than the 300zx taillights. So im not sure if this will accually become possible. Also as i have nno clue how the reverse light idea for the 300zx taillights would work. The chances of any of these being produced would take alot of planning, custom work, and model specific taillight panels designed only for that specific model....
  6. Id also like one of these, but one that would work with a msa type 3 body kit. And maybe you could produce a carbon fiber whaletail, ive asked in the past for one of these produced... I would def buy a carbon fiber whaletail and a carbon fiber msa type 3 airdam "lip" if you made them.
  7. And to those who havent already figured this out. That was misinformation... with further investigation i figured out they were accually from a 90-93...
  8. Alright I managed to find the car owner on this forum. I pmed him. He said those mirrors are off of a 88-89 Toyota celica. He used a process similar to the mounting process of toyota tercel mirrors posted previously in this thread.
  9. Thats the thing... i dont know if a "universal" taillight panel is even possible. Every taillight is shaped differently and has different depths.
  10. I wonder how he bolted it up and which car did the mirrors were made for...
  11. Probably what you said would be the best option. Just get the "euro style" (or is it jdm) white and red light version... Hook one of the bulbs on the white part up to the reverse lights...
  12. Maybe... ganador super aero mirrors Could this be it? How could it mount? http://www.google.com/products?hl=en&q=ganador+carbon+fiber+mirror&um=1&ie=UTF-8
  13. Browsing the extrudabody project list, i noticed this z project car... I have never seen these mirrors installed on a z car. Anyone know where they came from and how they were installed?
  14. Dan juday's car doesnt have them so i guess its not required. I dont know. I'm thinking we should just proceed with a design similar to the one ive posted. Flush with the body except for the liscense plate recess. Maybe we could mess around with the design when we get a mold. Maybe have the liscense plate recess covered in carbon fiber w/ the rest fiberglass. I dont think the whole panel being carbon fiber would look good? Because the 300zx tail lights have a smooth black border.
  15. Whatever happend to this? Did they call you guys back?
  16. I have as well, The only problem with my design is the reverse lights. Anyone have any ideas on what to do and where to put it? Photoshop a picture as an example...
  17. I have sent rayven a pm asking him about price, design, etc.. We can only wait to see what he says. I honestly hope we can get a run going. Theres bound to be more hidden faces/lurkers that are interested and just not posting.
  18. I would like to get a run going... The interest for this needs to be high though for rayven to attempt such a big project.
  19. *bump* Anyone have any comments on this? Here is the design i had in mind... or something similar
  20. I'm not sure of price right now as he hasnt told me.
  21. Hey guys, I have been talking to Rayven... some might know him as the guy who made the fiberglass doors with speaker holes. I talked to him about a fiberglass taillight panel that mounts flush with the back of an s30 chassis that allows for z32 300zx taillights. This conversion has been done twice that I know of on this forum(new40z and dan juday). This panel will be alittle different but will use elements from both designs. Before i go into further details... What is the interest on a z32 tailight conversion panel? Have any of you wanted to do it? Any buyers?
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