Yes, I have been busy. Been working on the bikes. The Z has been on hold, but I do have the interior almost done. Getting the sewing machine fixed. Now that I have made up my mind, I will start to play with the car. Have all the parts and some time off.
Getting ready to ride as Santa, did a test ride in the rain and 40 degree, not bad. Got some waves and smiles and that is what it is all about. Sharing a Smile and being Happy.
At lease for a couple of days
I just got my tubing for my brakes and fuel line, thinking of using the mustangs gas tank and most wiring. It is nice to have a complete car to steal parts from, specially a car that will not need the motor back.
See my truck needed its motor back so that is where my Z engine went, back home. I have 2 more 350 4 bolt, but to build one it would cost me to much, so that is why I'm using what I have. When I'm done I should be able to change out engines in a weekend and run 350 or 5.0 HO.
Done the Chev ran great handled excellent.
Never really like 302s but this 5.0 mustang
was a kick.
So 5.0 it is.
Well got to go dinner time
Take it easy all and have a Happy Holiday
Adam of Washington