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IneedAmotor last won the day on September 18 2012

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    Charlotte NC

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  1. oh my... that is quite nice! NOW MAKE MORE YOUTUBE VIDEOS ALREADY!!!!!!!!
  2. Since i am really into cars and would love to pursue it as a career so felt i needed practice. This entire S30 is being built by me and only me. When i took the head off i noticed all the carbon on the valves and decided to "do the machine shop a favor" and clean it off for them. I used one of the rotary tools from autso zone and took all of it off but left tons of little dings in the compression cylinder and valves. The shop said that this would cause hot spots and destroy the head when it heated up and it would be easier to just buy a new one. I can truthfully say that as a junior in high school i should really ask before doing next time.
  3. Hello all, I own a 77 280z. I recently ruined my N42 head and found a N47 head on what appears to be a 78 280zx in a junkyard. from what i see so far the head is compatible with little to no modification. I know that a few people have done this swap and i was looking for advice or warnings that people have. Also, which camshaft would be better to use? If i switch camshafts do i need to switch cam gears or are they the same? Are the zx injectors larger and swappable with the 280? ANY ADVICE IS GREATLY NEEDED. thanks in advance for any comments
  4. Looks like carp! sooooo you should send it to me and start over Great job it looks really nice
  5. My head is ruined and i am on the hunt for another, I prefer it to be local so there is no need for shipping.
  6. The "trap door" that covers the spare tire. would i have to remove it or could i keep it where it is?
  7. If you dont mind me asking, what are the sizes of that tank? and how well does it fit under the car? i would like to get on e of theses tanks but not have it sitting completely in the hatch of the car. I would love to help but im going blind with this as well
  8. What are the dimensions of that fuel cell if you dont mind me asking? would i still be able to close the back wooden section o fthe truck if i got one?
  9. by studs do you mean a long threaded peice and a nut that id removed from it insead of removing the entire peice? Just want to be 100% sure before i do this
  10. Some people make brackets or buy some off ebay. really simple job to put them on but to get one of the rear bumper shocks off you have to drop the gas tank. As for the actual thread type in "240z bumpers" into the search bar and you will get many options
  11. the bolts that hold My thermostat housing to the head have snapped. (77 280z with L28). I know that i can slide the housing off then slowly remove the bolts but i was wondering if there was any way that i could use the same length bolts that are fully threaded in place of the snapped ones? Also what are the lenghts so i will know how short to cut them? Any comments are appreciated greatly
  12. Very very nice. wish mine looked half as good as this
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