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Posts posted by MazterDizazter

  1. So I've been thinking (dangerous idea I know) about doing a carbureted turbo setup. If anyone has seen or read Wangan Midnight they may know about the carbureted twin turbo L28 S30Z. Whether or not that was based off a real motor is beyond me, but it got me thinking: could I swap in an L28ET and use my current triple Weber carbs with a custom plenum? I'm sure tuning would be a friggin' nightmare, and the other concern is whether or not the carbs could handle the forced induction. I saw the custom ITB's on extrudabody.com but they cost as much as my Webers and I really don't have that kind of money. So, is it doable? In my head it sounds like it's probably a bad idea, but I figured I'd ask. I tried searching but didn't have any luck...

  2. Honestly I don't know exactly how it happened; I assume because the timing was off and one of the carbs was out of synch, and from all the cranking of the engine trying to get it to start might've caused a lot of fuel buildup...so when I finally got it started, one of the air filters went up in flames, scaring the absolute pee pee out of me and my brother. Don't try this at home kiddies! Especially not parked next to your home with your brother's car parked next to yours!

  3. I didn't plan on driving my '73 Z every day but since my '87 MR2 crapped the bed, and I replaced it with another '87 MR2 which keeps breaking (detecting a pattern here?) I've driven it every day since purchasing it this past August. It has about 10 solid things wrong with it (signals a little wonky, needs a timing chain/tensioner, leaks/burns oil, leaks/burns coolant, keeps getting flat tires) but it starts every day and gets me to school and work no problem. I hate driving it daily though; I'm not gonna lie. It always smells like exhaust, leaks like crazy when it rains, the drivetrain is rough, it goes through gas like nobody's business (partially due to it needing a timing chain and partially due to the triple Webers), and I'd rather have something comfy with power options (like an E30 BMW hahaha) to be my daily considering I've owned nothing but harsh two-seaters for the past 4 years. If I had my way I'd only take it out on sunny weekends, thrash it on an occasional auto-x or road course, and cruise the beach :)

  4. I was driving my '73 Z today and I noticed the signals weren't blinking as quickly as normal. Then, tonight when I was driving it, the signals didn't hardly work at all, and the guages and lights seemed very dim compared to normal. The lights didn't dim when I stepped on the brakes or turned the stereo on and off, which would obviously point to a bad ground. Any ideas? I kinda drive my Z every day so I need to fix it fast!

  5. Alright, so I was poking through the Want Ad and saw a 350Z trans for sale for $400. Can't beat that. Has anyone sucessfully mated one of these transmissions to an L series engine? If so, what was required? Also, the seller swears that it is a 5 speed manual from a 2004 Z, that he was looking straight at it in his garage. Now I am 99.9% sure that they only came with 6spd manuals and 5spd autos, so can someone clarify that? I may just have to go have a look for myself. If it for some strange reason is a Z32 transmission, would that be able to be mated to an L series engine?

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