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Everything posted by happynukes

  1. apparently and automatic shifter is knda hard to finnd for this model as well anyone see something let me know that way i can go with an auto i was looking at the corvette 6 speeds but they max out at 450ft of torque auto seems like this is my best and most reliable and least costly choice unless theres something else out there that can handle 500ft safely talk to you guys soon anyone seen the clip of the dohc l28 on u tube very cool build couldn't believe it check it out if you can bye!!
  2. let me know what is the lightest and what ends up being beefeir i can't find any 230's on ebay right now unfortuneately i just don't want to stop the gas and have a rear end destroy itslef on the middle of the highway and end up stranded
  3. looks like a lotus from the front nice job
  4. happynukes


    not a big fan of wings like that on Z's but you just changed my min wow where did those fenders come from?
  5. your not going to run any rails underneath for chasis support? so would you say for project cost just start off with my current r200 and see what happens? thanks again man i had my doubts about this site by watchin some of the senior members burn the rookies on stupid questions but you have by far been a great help I can't wait to get under it and start pulling everything out and start the cleaning now that fall is here and things are cooling down for us.
  6. umm holy crap that looks great can't wait o see the final product i like that series of Z but theres only one problem for me a i don't fit well in them LOL something about my knees on the steering wheel dosn't feel right but once again very slick ride can't wait to see some more out of it an thoughts of making a quick vid or a dyno run?
  7. the dual quads like you said are for the looks mainly i just like the appeal i have a 1050 cfm for my bird and if i wanna get crazy I can always make the swapo also i have that 76 and its seems to be all original what kinda of diff is in there and will i need to modify it to make it tougher or just doa swap. did you reinforge you body underneath by the way? thanks talk to you again soon Greg H.
  8. BBZ which rear end has the best capabilities and toughness also where do you find the half shafts you were talking about and
  9. thanks again guys i will look into all these tranny's before i make my final decsion i might still want the manual just because of the feeling take it easy guys
  10. hey bbz i am "predicting" 500hp because of the stroker kit and 210ci aluminum heads and a 150 shot of nitrous this car is gonna be specicially built for auto cross and tearin up I-35 in the middle of the night. i think i'm gonna go with an auto trans due to cost and reliability my father in law made a good point "you'll never miss a shift" this is gonna be a project for flex to move up against the cocky old farts in the z06's and porches that are all over the place in austin. plus i would love to beat the crap out of these punks that think they're cars are awesome because they own a v-tec civic with a huge wing and a group of stickers and decals on the side of their POS and the neon lights that look rediculous(to much fast and the fursious very large lack of respect even at the track). Z owners around here are a good bunch of guys and seem to know the ropes. I own a 81 zx and now i've got the 76 in the middle of resto. as for straight line on the strip i have a 83 bird set up for that so my purpose for this car is deffinately the street. i'll be running dual quad 500cfms 383 stroker (still working on the cam) all forged internals, nitrous, corvette rear end since the r200 can't handle torque on this level dependably. 17x8 rear rims and msatype III kit. funding is coming along a little slower then originally anticipated due to house and wife. i'm leaving the cam and valve choice to my father inlaw due to his experience level. this car should be a nasty little street beast when i'm done with it in a couple of years. by the way, where did you get your cowl hood was that MSA? take it easy and let me know what you think
  11. i am predicting that the 383 i am setting up for my 76 is gonna be a high amount of torque and the hp is gonna be in the 5-550 hp area so i need a manual transmission that will handle that kind of power i researched the richmonds but i don't have 3k+ for a six speed any other suggestions would be great thanks and the rear end is out of a corvette still setting up the mounts pics to come soon thanks
  12. whats up guys my name is greg I have been a Z owner since 01 and have a 76 280 z coupe that i just picked up that is turning into my 350 (stroked 383) project the engine is set up for 475hp we'll see when i get in on the test stand. 81 280zx coupe and a civic (it gets me arround) I will be hitting you guys up for info here shortly once i get all my ducks in a row. on a side note i've seen people get pissed about repeated questions that are held in the archives so instead of me doing the same please tell me where they are located so there is no patience tested thanks again and hope to hear from you guys take it easy
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