hey bbz i am "predicting" 500hp because of the stroker kit and 210ci aluminum heads and a 150 shot of nitrous this car is gonna be specicially built for auto cross and tearin up I-35 in the middle of the night. i think i'm gonna go with an auto trans due to cost and reliability my father in law made a good point "you'll never miss a shift" this is gonna be a project for flex to move up against the cocky old farts in the z06's and porches that are all over the place in austin. plus i would love to beat the crap out of these punks that think they're cars are awesome because they own a v-tec civic with a huge wing and a group of stickers and decals on the side of their POS and the neon lights that look rediculous(to much fast and the fursious very large lack of respect even at the track). Z owners around here are a good bunch of guys and seem to know the ropes. I own a 81 zx and now i've got the 76 in the middle of resto. as for straight line on the strip i have a 83 bird set up for that so my purpose for this car is deffinately the street. i'll be running dual quad 500cfms 383 stroker (still working on the cam) all forged internals, nitrous, corvette rear end since the r200 can't handle torque on this level dependably. 17x8 rear rims and msatype III kit. funding is coming along a little slower then originally anticipated due to house and wife. i'm leaving the cam and valve choice to my father inlaw due to his experience level.
this car should be a nasty little street beast when i'm done with it in a couple of years.
by the way, where did you get your cowl hood was that MSA?
take it easy and let me know what you think