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Everything posted by opie

  1. Makes good since. What spawned the thought was that Bell dual core I/C on Scottie's page and I thought a similar design on the Conquest cores might be a good alterative for a motor that would eventually develope 350hp. I know this isn't an original idea, but the higher flowing DSM coolers might have made some difference. (2) 14 row(big tube) coolers would stack well and mods would cost 100 or under, and such. Adding up the cons, I think something like the Bells would be much better served. I am a little concerned with the flow to the rad on an a/c equipped car with such big coolers, though. Thanks, Doug(opie)
  2. I checked the Z-Barn once for source, and good/used hyd units were $8 each:if you don't mind the used route. BTW, I had 218,000 clocked when I sold my 83zxt and only one would announce it's presence on cold mornings b-4 warm up. So used doesn't always mean junk. Doug.
  3. I've never seen a big and small size, but I've owned 4 so far(I've only used a Supra MK III), but 2 of the DSMs were 16 row and 2 were 14 row. They were both the same Hi/Wi/Depth. I've seen a small NPR that looks very similar. The 14 row appears, and is reported by others, to have larger tubes and higher flowing. It comes from the later model Dodge and Mit Conquests. I sold off all my Z mod stuff and found that I haven't cured the Zbug. I just got a 71 and then found a good 82 zxt + diesel engine for a possible swap. If I can find another 14 row, I thought I'd give it a try. I've seen lots of negs on the restrictive inlets, but not specifically the core. Doug(opie).
  4. Anyone have any data/opinion on how efficient the 14 row (read:bigger tube) Conquest intercoolers are? Assuming the inlet tubes were not limiting the flow. We're talking the core here. Thanks for the input. I'd like to pick one of these up if anyone has one. Doug.
  5. Another oddity when I did the swap on an 83ZX, was a boss cast onto the lower portion of the case. It wouldn't allow the diff to settle in enough to bolt in. I tried twice before I realized I had to grind it off. I never heard anyone else mention this, though. Doug(opie).
  6. That's a good start, I just needed a pointer. Thanks Doug,(opie).
  7. I worked in a tire store for 3 yrs and what Scottie described was always a rotating mass issue. It's balance, roundness or side runout on the front. Scottie, if the Z rack is similar in design to the ZX, it's is not difficult at all. Opie. 69 Conv. LeMans 70 Conv. VW 71 240Z 73 Superbug couple of drivers also.
  8. Hey all, is there a site with pics of the 300rotor/spacer/4runner swap? I searched this site for hours yesterday and can't seem to find an example of the spacer shown. Same question on the rear. I'd like to find a pic or at least an good explanation of the elusive "correct Maxima bracket". I know of a yard with lots of Dat/Nis cars where I picked up a diesel engine. I understand that the rears require a custom bracket if you can't find the Max brack and use of early calpiers(?) and late rotors(?). Once the bracket is in place, I'd like to know which yr-parts the rears take. I have read lots of rear brake posts from this forum including the pic of the argued custom bracket pic that was discussed, but haven't found what I'm looking for. Btw, the tech article on this site is blank with the exception of a few pics. Thanks for looking, and sorry to poke in with a redundant question. I haven't had a 1st gen Z since about '84 and would like to swap the stops.
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