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Everything posted by Chartoo

  1. thats very good advice. i really like these clean style ones. i think i might go 240z arm rests not the bigger 260z ones something like this but with a grey insert im thinking
  2. Hi all im flying out to thailand soon to live for a year but im taking a few zed projects to get my through the time away from my zed baby. One of which is my interior. I will get the vinyle trim pieces and panels retrimmed in leather over there pretty cheap but i wanna get my door skins done also. Has anyone got some good photos or ideas for me? Im thinking black leather around the outside with maybe grey suede inserts to match my grey carpet and black seats and dash.
  3. How did you remove the rear hatch button open thingy and still make it function?
  4. Can i throw a bit of a CRAZY idea out there. Ive just bought a 2 seater but it has subtle z or similar flares on the back. From what ive reserached these give the same extra room as ZG's so a set of 17x9.5" -19 Rear should fit quite nice under the bum. But im really keen on the zg's. I was thinking of bolting on a set of zg's ontop of the rear subtles and then fit the wheels with bolt on 25mm wheel spacers. My question is will these wheels, with rear 25 mm bolt on spacers, be dangerous or too much stress of the rear suspension?
  5. Your front blend of the front skirt into the front flares is excellent. Nice job! Its really round and smooth. Did you consider subtlez rear flares for the back as well? They are smooth not square like the california z flares, will continue the smooth theme through out the side profile of the car.
  6. That ute is related to the new GTO that you guys have in the US. I think we are exporting that to america soon side by side
  7. Hi all i found that a company just around the corner from me in Australia that makes these rear wide body flares. The spoiler shop in perth. Bad pic. First question. What are these flares called? so i can do some research on them. Second question. They are made for a 2 seater but can i make them fit a 2+2 without too much trouble? A 2+2 is wider between the door and the front of the wheel arch, i think, so from there back they are the same. So they should fit on but will need to be modded to make the lines smoothed out im thinking. Cheers Andrew
  8. i had another idea. there is those clear taillight lenses now to replace the orange ones. that means i can run reverse and indicator bulbs both through that ones lense and remove the reverse lights near the number plate but that will make it a really simple panel looks wise in the end
  9. Ok so using screws to hold on the door trims First put the screw in the door but put the clear plastic cup on between the door trim and the screw. Then just pop on the colour coded cap which hides the screw head
  10. My mate sent me these pics of a 240z/180sx and the car is beautiful but the thing i love most about it is the front spoiler. Is it a modified 240z or a modified 180sx one? Because i havnt seen it before on a zed. Where can i get one...
  11. With your door trims i did something similar because i used screws to hold it on. I bought from my local hardware store some plastic screw caps. A little clear cup screws under the screw head and a black cap fits on top of that. Really cleaned up my door.
  12. Yeah thanks for the feedback. My only gripe is that the reverse lights arent in the centre of the number plate section, theyre a bit low but i can live with it. I just like that is all smooth and at the same height / depth as the taillights and the hatch.
  13. round 2 - i broke one of the reverse light lenses but you get the idea Still needs fibreglassing and bondo (bog in aust) and painting
  14. yeah i ran out of time today. i will put it altogether and add a quick coat of primer on then take a new pic
  15. I was mucking around the other day with my spares set of taillight surrounds. I love the lights but dont really dig the number plate surround as it drops in. I wanted a more filled out smoothed look. So i got a spare EB Ford Falcon (Australia) taillight panel and chopped it up and added it in. Its only loose in there and diff colours but i think it has potential. Funny thing is that it fits really well... after you chop out heaps of it. I will just have to put a small fill along the bottem of it and put some small holes to access the reverse lights bulbs Will go nice with my shaved rear end...when i get around to it
  16. Mucked around with some card board and paint to fill in the surrounds to see what it will look like. Cardboard photoshop- and i am pleased with the results
  17. I will but it will just take time. I will do the rear quarter window conversion and prob just remove the drip rails. With a good colour on the body and window frames that should reduce most of the hump. The quarter windows visually reduces the hump heaps i think. Here is some pics ive made up using cardboard to see what it looks like
  18. I was looking at this rendering and i was wondering if it might work. Having a dual central exhaust exit. I really dont like the single central exhausts on the porshe boxers for example but i like this one. Any one seen this done before on a Z?
  19. i bought these for $100 today. i will post back when they land here in australia and tell you what the quality is like http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&item=220273938986
  20. I was looking on Ebay and found some interesting mirrors that ithought might look good on my car. They are a generic F1 styled mirror. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&viewitem=&item=180283258879 What do you think? Mounting them wouldnt be too tricky. Anyone got other pics of these style mirrors.
  21. Also ive been experimenting with a bit of metal work in the car. Ive found that if you take the opposite quarter window and turn it upside down its a really good fit and makes the rear window looks heaps better and make the lines flow better. Its only made of cardboard at the moment but its a start...what do you think?
  22. Will these size rims fit on my 2+2. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=136846 They fit on this 75 280z so will they fit on my 76 260z 2+2? (australia)
  23. as far a i know the mech are the same its just wider in the back to allow for the rear seat which pumps out the bum a bit more. Like an inch over in track i heard. Read that on the last page of the rbr group buy page # 909 http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=123576&page=46
  24. Yeah i was in on that buy but the wheels are for 2 seaters cause 2+2s are about and inch wider overall in the bum so it thows it out for the flares. With out flares 8.5 in the rear?
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