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Tony D

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Posts posted by Tony D

  1. I watched that guy fall down and start twitching...


    That full face respirator was a bit more than the cartridges.. I think my particulate filters are cheap like that, but the organic vapour cartridge is more like $45.


    I have never shot isocyanates in a stall without a proper respirator since. That was the time when everybody shot lacquer and isocyanates weren't necessarily explained to people... At least not to the Goat Roper... Navy Sea Bee that had a penchant for trying to kill himself...worked on jack without stands...cracked three ribs that way had it not been for me putting his rims under he frame of the car he likely would have succumbed right then and never made it to shoot paint that triggered a heart attack.. (I mean they said "wear a respirator", they didn't say you would have a freakin' heart attack and shit yourself in front of everybody if you didn't!)


    I guess if you were raised on Lacquer and surface prep, you're used to it. I see how they do production these days and shake my head...


    Then again, it was always "therapy" for me, nothing I wanted to be rushed at...


    For the past decade, I've limited my work to that Lacquer-Grade surface prep then take the car on a trailer to Maaco or Scheib for the top coating. I use their same prep materials, know both shop managers so I get the same 5-Year "no crack lift peel" warranty as if they did the prep in-house. I leave the car with them for a week afterwards to park out front and draw eyes to the shop...and for what I'm charged for their paint application I couldn't buy the supplies!!!


    I've grabbed a can of the Acrylic Lacquer to shoot a test panel,or two with my old #7 and see if I still have "the touch"... If I do... I might shoot my 510 wagon in the yard, like the good old days.

  2. "Your brain is a muscle. You can work it like any other muscle."

    Beware, that statement will draw the ire of those adverse to exercising their brain (see Tool Shed!)


    I knew someone that was similar to how you describe yourself. Continually talking, but scattered, unfocused. Took him till 28 to finish college. First real job at 32. Excelled in his field, but never really excelled. Everybody would shuffle him onto projects and get him to start up,the group...but move him before "closing" because his record was implosion and meltdown.


    Now, that sounds like he had a great manager above him, someone who realised his strengths and used him accordingly. Productive for the company, but never "fixing" him as you phrased it. Successful, but never tied down, always moving.


    Then a life implosion. Big time. Prison. Start back square one. Talk about a black time. A social worker friend suggested a medication (Strattera I think) she had seen work. He said when he took it, it was like that movie where the guy took a pill, and suddenly he could see everything clearly, learn new languages in an afternoon, etc... Problem was it was $400 a month. He worked odd jobs (previously a six-figure earner) knowing there was something that would help...but it was beyond his reach (I learned about it too late...) anyway, while on the three month pharma trail he really perked up put out resumes, and went to interviews.


    He landed a job, in his field or a fraction of his order pay. The owner asked him one day "why the big change?" And he explained the medication. The owner arranged for a prescription, and to pay for it brought a 50/50 deduction on a trial basis. With the clarity, he was able to triple his income, and really help this small company turn around.


    That owner wasn't just interested in his business, he cared about his PEOPLE. Helped get a critical item to someone who needed it and I really believe it saved his life. He's doing well now, productive beyond what he ever conceived possible before. Things are looking up. By the end of this year, all things being good...he may finally be back where he belongs heading a department and keeping a weather eye out for those in need f help like he did.


    Like you said, people don't know...by shuffling him between projects at the one Employer-they just USED him, and were oblivious to the cycle of unproductivity they were perpetuating. They thought "he has limitations we will just use him where he's good" and never looked any deeper than that. Fostering his perpetual downward spiral. People that knew him then can't believe how well he's closing projects of the size he's overseeing now. It was inconceivable to them. It was in there all the time, unfortunately too few care to look into their fellow man further than their own immediate needs...


    You know, without a doubt you are not alone, and being vocal about it gets others to ask the questions. Many times those affected don't know. Without those persistent questions from others to get them looking, they can never see..

  3. Yes, nobody considers shipping on JDM Parts. I got a beautiful FET manifold for $70 on yahoo Japan auctions. It then sit for almost a year before I could go get it. As a result, I paid around $100 for a triple manifold because I refused to pay shipping cost EQUAL to the part itself!


    But a valve cover for $7,000? If someone really WANTS it that badly. I highly doubt it.

    There becomes a point where (as I said) cost of reproduction is cheaper than buying an original. Then they start being reproduced.


    There are idiots buying stuff all the time on EBay for "rare NOS Datsun parts" which never occurs its in a current stock Nissan box with a current part number on it. Local Nissan dealer likely could have had it in a few days for the same price if not less.


    Lazy=Stupid in my book.


    So they sold for $250 a year ago. Nobody knew they were available. Now they know and they WANT...


    WANT is a bitch. And if you're ADDHD and need instant gratification...then YOU PAY!


    What's a genuine S20 DOHC Nissan Valve Cover worth to you? To hang on the wall? There are people who have SAID prices pretty high "IF THEY COULD ONLY GET ONE"... So how much of a premium is my facilitation worth?


    If they are selling for $200, and someone said they were willing to pay $800 for one...and I get him one for that price and he is happy until someone buzzkills him...who's at faut? The guy who said he wanted the part, stated a prices then got it for that? Of course not! Today's. culture is that he's a mere VICTIM... OF A RAPACIOUS SELLER! Not of his OWN lack of self control, lack of research, lack of this or that... Because PERSONAL responsibility needs to be abdicated so everybody has an excuse. It's someone else's fault!


    When 73's needed smog in SoCal I paid $450 for a stock proper 73 Air Cleaner. They are given away today, maybe you get $50 for one. But THEN if I wanted my car registered, I NEEDED that Air Cleaner. So I paid. It was the last legal smog I did in LA until January of this year...


    My bet the fire dies, and someone is stuck with a $3,000 white elephant indistinguishable from a repop item... Then they can post about how Datsuns are terrible "investments" and how you have all these rare parts you paid top dollar acquiring but how you can't sell the car or what you have into it, blahblahblah...


    And someone like me quotes "Dighera's Axiom" yet once again:


    "A car is a hole in space, suspended there by four rubber doughnuts, doughnuts which you can not eat.

    Into this hole, you throw money, which never gets returned!"

  4. LOL "I have disposable income, how my life sucks!" LOL


    Priceless commentary on the situation.


    I'm not against people making some extra cash but with these kind of items who knows how much they will go for in the future if it does sell for asking price.

    Yes, like someone who raises the bar for the other cheapskates that came to the game.


    I watched an EBay auction for a set of three HKS ITB's... Got sniped because of my Internet going down at the house my bid was not entered, he got the bodies for $400. Sent a message to the winning bidder "if you decide to sell, call me first"


    He did. I got them for $2,000 three years later.


    I know what he paid, my subsequent sets have been newer, and others period correct contemporaneous competitive brands, for LESS. But not by much. Seen them sell for more as well.


    I WANTED them. None of this stuff is a NEED. It's not war profiteering or selling bottled water for $100 / gallon that you trucked in from your house water tap filling bottles in a disaster area to dehydrated victims...


    You worry about "what it will do to the prices of these items in the future"? Do you suppose they would otherwise go DOWN? Maybe people would forget their rarity... Or something along those lines?


    You really haven't priced a water pump bushing from a Tucker recently, have you?


    "Rare" does not necessarily mean "valuable", but "scarce & popular" is a recipient for revenue enhancement!


    For the record, people cursed me for sniping a set of MFI manifolds for a Datsun because I bid (and won) $445. Previous to that, they were in the $150-200 range.


    Apparently I was a penny more desirous and thinking similarly to at least one other person who bid $444...


    After that bidding escalated on the next set. Same with HKS Turbo Surge Boxes... Once people found out about them, and then started to realise they weren't around every blade of grass...they appreciated the fact that they may need to buck up $$$ to get something!


    How much would it cost you to MAKE ONE?


    That is my barometer. And not pie-in-the-sky BS estimates, either... REALWORLD costs of production of a new item in the same quality class?


    If its cheaper to buy it than make it... Little to say if its something you WANT!


    Insanity is spending more to make something that doesn't function as well or look as good.


    Insanity is not paying $3,000 for a valve cover that will cost you $3,500 to reproduce!

  5. I also respectfully disagree with jracer. You can snag an engine from a yard and throw it in for $300 and add $500 - $1000 to the value. Why? Because people like having cars complete to do a restore on.  Just my .02 cents. :)

    How is that disagreeing? It looks like you said the exact same thing we both said: put an engine in it to get it complete and sell it. People do prefer a complete car.

    One that moves under its own power is nice, but not necessary.

    The engine in place and running makes an incremental payout over if it moves the car or not.

  6. The doweling is unique, four would be nice I just don't know of the feasibility of it without a precision jig to get them straight.


    In theory you could 'half dowel' it, splitting the interface between pulley and crank snout so the dowel was locking the pulley on more than just the front flange under the washer. The crank washer will likely cover and retain any dowel without much issue. Even half-covering is more than enough.


    Take Photos!

  7. If profit i the motive then here are your options: 

    1. put in a stock z engine(next to free in price) and sell immediately. 

    2. Sell it now, as is.

    3. Part it out. 


    Order is from least to most profit.  There is no profit to be made in any engine swap in my opinion.  These cars do not have a high enough resale value to make profit. 


    Agreed, nothing you put into it will return the money. Once it's rolling and driving, you already have hours of time and the longer you spend the less time your input is worth.

  8. Blu Destiny has it. And while Isky is THE guy to go for in terms of REAL balls-out performance...

    I don't think you will go wrong with Dave Rebello's Elgin Grind, his head work, and him setting up the head. That will easily support 500HP and be as docile as you wish on the street depending on your choice of turbocharger. A GT35R like JeffP is currently running bolted to an otherwise stock L28ET bottom end will twise upwards of 475HP to the rear wheels on C16 Racing Fuel. 


    At altitude in Carson City Nevada, Jeff is currently running that setup to 15psi and running out of airflow resolution on his Ford Lightning MAF using Methanol Injection and 91 octane!


    The setup by Dave, with a stock bottom end, a GT30 will make 300HP and 450ft-lbs of torque at 8psi through an intercooler. You have room to grow.


    Dave is much less expensive than the alternative that has proven good in SoCal. Slover's head will run you around $2,400, and if you could get Nathan from BCG (with guidance from his dad) to do one the price was similar. Dave offers great value for the money and works well with you.


    Really, at 300HP level...all this is overkill. Unless you want to do it as 8-9psi and rev to 7,000 as a limit. ITM pistons are only $250 a set and you can break a LOT of those to come up with the cost of one set of forged units! Jeff is pushing his to 7400 because he's Jeff. Likely his cam peaks around 8500, but because he never listened and didn't do a full pull at 8-9 psi to see the power peak, and because the GT35R runs out of air around 750HP, he is still pulling hard at 15psi and seeing load scalars equivalent to his prior 735hp runs at 17, 21 & 25 psi. Higher you go, the lower the HP Peak. 


    Best will get this shedded, only you can decide that. If you only want 300, you don't need a GT35, and likely you will be better served by a GT30 or smaller. Go for early spool so you have USEABLE HP and Torque under the curve. Jeff P spools to full boost at 3,200 rpms, and pulls past 7,400. Were he to go with an rpm limited cam (peak around 6,800) and design the hot-side A/R I see no reason that with a GT30 and the smaller A/R you couldnt' have a car that spools similarly or slightly lower than stock (2,000-2,300rpms) at full boost, and runs hard to a power peak at 7,000. That is one hell of a linear power curve if the cam 'comes on' after boost threshold and it acts like a MUCH LARGER N/A engine!

  9. That guy almost dropping dead from a heart attack at the age of 24 kinda makes me hesitant to shoot catalysed urethanes without a proper respirator.


    I can't count how many cars and spot panel repairs I did in lacquer. For a while we were shooting urethane clear over lacquer base for chip resistance.


    Sure, urethane is nice, now that the "interim years & growing pains" are over... Maybe today's paints are equivalent to the DuPont Imron I shot (or 10:1 Rock Urethane "The Imron of Japan) back in the 80's. the stuff shot on my Corvair in 91 (CA LoVoc) was CRAP and I lamented not simply shooting it a solid colour using air at work.


    It chips (I never really experienced adhesion issues with it), but spot repairs are easily done. It's fragile, but it buffs nicely.


    Yes, my Imron is still great to this day. Buffed and shined 5 years after I shot it! But then again so is the bus.


    But that Vair? YEECH! That's 50/50 for urethanes in my yard, and batting 1000 for lacquer on probably 100 to 150 cars.


    We started shooting urethane at the end, in 87/88...but it was good solvent-based "need a respirator or you die stuff"... It held up well, but he LoVoc didn't last and I was overjoyed when the "private use" exemption came into play in CA and I could once again get Acrylic Lacquer to do quick work without the hassle associated with shooting poisonous Urethanes.

  10. Yes... I can see that.


    Those placed on ignore are self-righteous enough to never think it would happen to them. If you think you've been placed on ignore, chances are good you have enough sense that you wouldn't be placed on ignore!


    (Edit) Actually, there are some good examples of the clueless sorts now...ranting and railing, oblivious that my statement "now to go add some names to the list" was directed at "those who produce static, background noise, and little else"!

    It's curious how they feel they are so important they HAVE to argue the point, when in reality...they aren't worth wasting the time. To not HAVE to read their useless dwarf-filled posts in a thread now is GLORIOUS!


    Just a notation along the lines of "You have chosen to ignore content from Bubbleguinea. View it Anyway?"


    Yes, I have. No, I do not!



  11. You know, as mentioned, you can just hang a turbo on what you got...


    I did that in 1985 to my N/A L28 and well over 40,000 miles later still going strong... Last I checked it was 40K miles, before I was doing 26k miles a year commuting with it... did that for 2...maybe 3 years before I got a company vehicle. I think all told that L28NA has compiled 78,000 commuter miles plus the original 40K before my VW Van was moved to retirement as driving a canyon daily to work was a LOT more fun in the Z! Maybe 110,000 N/A converted - to - Turbo miles on it (12psi normal, 17 regularly on the weekends, and 21 psi on occasion...)


    Think about it.

  12. Strapping it down in the tire (inside an inverted spare for instance) is very stable if you move it to the extreme of the bed and strap securely over the top. The friction of the rubber effectively overcomes most any axial forces that will act upon it (assuming decent tie downs and a good strap.)


    For insurance, you can add a second strap to pull it against the tailgate, or front of the bed. For ultimate safety and load equalization you would put it up front in the bed, offset away from the driver. Under even the hardest braking, it won't shift further forward no matter what!


    My friend made a 'cradle" from 2X6's that let the engine sit bolt-upright inside resting on the oil pan frame rails (when you look at your diagram, you can see where it would go) other than a simple 2X6 box screwed together to fit the pan, he cut the top right corner out so the oil pump would clear.


    Seriously though, I put them in a spare tire and strap them down. Brian Ortiz can attest to that, as can Texis... Houston to LA at 90mph with good straps. I think the spare tire is fine for what you are going to do, just get decent straps and not those cheap nylon 1" "500# rating" specials from Lowes or Harbor Freight. GOOD straps. Pull it DOWN hard, and then as a safety, pull it against the front or rear of the bed. Done it for years, and thousands of miles.

  13. Someone called it that, it's referenced in the prior posts.


    "Mr. Anderson" --- You know, Neo? That's always what comes to mind when your last name comes up...


    Though, in my defense reading this today at work...I realize Apple Autocorrect is hammering my intent and spellings so that MAY have been what happened as I know you are 'en' same as old Pedo Bob EricksEN which he was quite particular about as Robert AndersON was a murderer.... and THAT simply wasn't acceptable in his mind! (seriously, search obits in Nashville TN for a Robert EricksEN who was knifed to death.... that's the guy who was particular about how his name was spelled, and that was the reason he gave for it!)


    But I digress.


    The "Ignore" function is powerful, and I like using it. My criteria for inclusion on the list gets lower daily I guess. I don't need the static. As it is I deal with enough people off-forum now with projects who feel the same. It's just not worth discussing stuff in the Barney World any more. A Thick Skin is good, but it gets old having to deal with the yappy terriers and chihuahuas of the Interwebs. At some point you just start stomping on them to keep the background noise down.


    Hence my love of "Manage Ignore Prefs!" :icon7:


    I only wish rather than bitch about me, they would simply "IGNORE" and never be bothered with my ignorance ever again. It works for EVERYBODY including the larger population of the board!


    (Edit) Actually, I just found this feature exists at ZCar.Com as well! OH BLISSFUL DAY!!!! The days of irritating idiots too stupid to read a post and comprehend a 10RGL is coming to an end! Oh happy, happy day!!! No more parrots who read but don't comprehend! Life is really looking up recently...how I went so long without knowing these features existed astounds me! Indeed, they are lifesavers...and shoud be explicitly pointed out in forum introductions! Then again, some people can't handle the thought that the Internet does allow people to squelch their stupidity... This ignore feature does just that! Woot!

  14. Yes, then you should be OK that's what I had on mine!


    Of course, I also had an unwrapped turbo manifold and o heat shielding under them.... Blasting on the freeway at 9PSI non-inter cooled got the carb bodies 200+ F, then take an off ramp and sit in stop-n-go...


    It's amazing how cold N/A Carbies seem by comparison! LOL

  15. And for the record I never viewed Big Phil as a whiner. Dude took the car, whipped it into shape and got to to go.


    Never a woe is me whine-a-thon or snotty comment when he was frustrated.


    Incessant talking on videos, sure. Guy likes to hear himself talk. Nobody put a gun to my head to click the link. I'm a big boy, I guess I can endure Phil's talking and watch his video. To turn it off.


    I guess adults can do that. Now, to manage my ignore prefs and add some people to the list...

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