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Everything posted by StreetGlide07

  1. I have been to his house and have his number, let me know if wigen does not get in touch with him. I can go by his house or call him.
  2. This is my daily driver. I also have a 1977 I am restoring for my daughter to drive.
  3. Thats funny. I had the same thought. My Dad wants a 57 Chevy with a 283. I have a 77 Z I am going to fix up for my daughter. It would be a family tribute, my favorite car a Z, Dad's engine a 283, Daughter would have a cool ride.
  4. Sorry I cannot help you with the info, I am in the lower right hand corner of Alabama. Nice to know people are near. I have 2 Z's 77 and 78. 78 is the daily driver and the 77 is to be restored. Maybe V8 dunno, need experienced help. Anyway, hello from Dothan, Alabama.
  5. Hey Man!!!!! If you need a running Z to compare to you are welcome to look at mine. I could come over sometime. I finally got mine running, still have a couple of things to fix: 1) Short in the ECU main plug, have to take apart and repair 2) Not charging the car, guessing it is the voltage regulater/charging relay, gonna swap one from my 77 and see if it changes. Found the short today during FAY, hehehe, gotta love and awning, anyway send me a pm or email if you need to see mine to trace wires and maybe we can work something out!!!
  6. Hang in there. My 1978 is not running either. It was perfect until I came along. Someone installed a kill switch under the dash that I did not see until a week later. I must have hit it because it would not start for a week. No it runs but I lost the water temp gauge and it surges while idling. 500 to 1000 rpms, up and down up and down. I am thinking water temp sensor maybe? or AFM. I am going to swap a part or two from my 1977 to the 78 to see if I can find the culprit. I hope you get it running, would be nice to have a few more here in LA (lower alabama). There are suppose to be several in this area. We need to get them all together so we all have a source for some help when things like this come up. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!
  7. For sale? Anyway, when you swapped, what kind of trouble are you having???
  8. Try this, hope it helps! http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=126452&highlight=280Z+fuel+pump+relay+location
  9. Well congratulations. I was going to buy both myself but you beat me to them. I have a 77 and just bought a 78 that is in nice shape (not counting the strange electrical problem I have right now). I will post a couple of pictures when I can. If you want to get rid of the automatic transmission and ecu let me know. I live in Dothan. Work down the street from where you bought those, I have been driving a blue 280Z to work lately, maybe you have seen it. Good luck and maybe we can help each other out sometime. I will post pics of both of mine when I get a chance. Talk to you later and congrats again!
  10. How are you going to strip the paint? Manual or chemical?
  11. What did you do? Replace the tank and lines? Clean the tank and lines? If so what method did you use? I have a 77. Just starting to tinker with it. Thanks Man!
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