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Everything posted by alex.cecil89

  1. okay awesome. looks like ill pickin up some 16x9 -15's and probably use spacers in the rear and 9 in wide wheels fit 235-275's correct? i dont want to stretch my tires and dont want a huge bubble on the size of my rim. i figure anything from 245-255 would look fine, as long as i can find something that performs decent and doesnt cost my left arm thats fine with me
  2. I have been trying to learn the dang offsets for the different size wheels and widths for these s30's and cant seem to get rid of the headaches i get from trying to figure this all out. At first I thought the more negative you go, the further out it sticks, then a friend told me i was backwards, and now I have given up. I have zg flares on the way to the house, wont be installing them until I get rims and coilovers installed. I want to go ahead and get wheels now because one of my rims has a little dent in the edge causing a tiny little leak which makes me put air in the tire about every two weeks. But ANYWAYS, i hate stance, I love big lips on these s30s and I want a 255 on a 9 inch wide wheel. I want the widest footprint I can get, obviously for good handling, but little to no camber in the rear (about 1-2 degree max in rear and 2-3 degree max in the front). What offset do you guys think would be best? i can get some spacers to dial it in perfect when I get the wheel but 16x9's with zg flares with little to no extra camber...? attached pictures are of the stance i like
  3. So who's correct? Iv seen both answers all over forums and the original owner of my car gave me a 5 speed with the car that I'd like to swap in until I do my rb swap and dont feel like doing anything real crazy to get this thing to fit. Old owner said it'd bolt right up, most people online say it bolts up, some say i need mustache bars and different length driveshafts, for a 76 280z with an r200 diff and an old 4 speed, wont a 5 speed from a 78 280z work just fine?
  4. Or updates on doors?! I am replacing a door as I type this and am surprised to how heavy this dang door is! Carbon fiber doors would save tonnnns of weight, and be great replacements for rusty doors.
  5. i have an hid brand i like and will use ill just need the replacement housing with the projectors retrofitted in. i like the dapper ones though, looks like quality and minimizes my chances for mistakes and leaks with the retrofit. its one of those small things that you want to do to the car that you dont want to have to redo lol. guys from dapper, ill give you a call when im ready! thanks for the help everyone!
  6. Hey guys, im pretty new to the forums, hopefully yall dont bash down too hard on me when i ask about hid setups... ive tried searching through threads and such and have had no luck, not very used to these forum things. anyways i am in the process of buying a z from a guy near me in nc here and have already made a list of things i want to do lol starting with mechanical things to tighten up all the bushings and get all the potential rust areas sanded down primered and coated with bedliner etc.. was wondering what you guys that have hid setups have done? this is going to be a weekend warrior but we all know we like to see the road when we drive at night for sonic meets and cars and coffee meets when the sun hasnt come up yet etc.. i was looking into them and found some plastic housings on ebay i plan to use with some extra sealant around the edges to make sure it doesnt get any extra moisture in them (like every other replacement light housing ive ever bought on ebay does) and since they use h4 bulbs, ill just transplant some hids ive used in my other cars into this one with some fresh h4 bulbs to fit the new housings, on its own relay, and its own straight connection to the battery with the relay attached to the stock headlight switch. has as anyone had any problems of bulb size with hi/low h4 bulbs? as in the bulb behind too long for the housing or not fitting and locking into the housing tightly? everything i do i do down to a tee and dont feel like dealing with returns to these untrustworthy aftermarket ebay companies and hid companies since we all know how easy it is to deal with ebay businesses.... ive also seen the makeshift aftermarket hid "globe" setups like you see in the bmws and new fords (and lots of new cars) and am wondereding if anyone has taken apart any of the headlights and put those globes in there that make the beam nice and flat on the top edge so it doesnt blind oncoming traffic... thanks guys! let me know if you have any suggestions for me!
  7. has anyone ever tried any recaro seats from any of the evolutions? i wonder how some evo 3 or evo 8 seats would fit in a 280z.. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l534/PPower1/Mitsubishi%20Evo%20IV/Interior4.jpg http://gtblogger.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Mitsubishi-Lancer-Evolution-VIII-interior.jpg
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