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Everything posted by wondersparrow

  1. Hey there Jim. Heh, I wish it was Reg's car, tho he did prepare this one. I bought it off a gent named Larry Brown. I guess there has had a few owners in its time. The car has been sitting for more than a few years, so I figured a simple rebuild would be in order. I noticed the kits come with new needles, seats, and all the gaskets; so I'm just going to go ahead and do that. I'll keep you in mind if I run into troubles though, thanks!! Hopefully we have a place to race when I am done. With Race City's life coming to an end (if it hasn't already) it seems like I am going to have to tow the car quite a way to actually use it. I got a few friends that are getting cars ready for next year too, hopefully we can help breathe some life back into local racing. Brent
  2. Ok, so I finally got the beast running. Turns out it was just a bad battery (duh). Here I was checking all the wiring assuming the problem was there. One small problem.... One of the carbs leaks gas out the intake like crazy, then that turns into an amusing fireball, hehe. Good thing I had some wet rags handy. Going to order new gaskets for all three carbs. Also got my first "understanding weber voodoo" book in the mail today. Time for some light reading Pulled all those ugly stickers off the car too. Time to start cleaning up that body and preping it for a decent paint job. This may be an easier project than previously thought. <--- Famous last words....
  3. I have 6 of those wheels too, 2 custom steel ones, as well as 4 of these "solid metal plate" type jobbies for rain. All in all it was a good package. When I tried to talk him down, he even threw in an arc welder, hehe. I have a short block assembly with forged pistons and another spare block yet to pick up. The poor expedition just wasn't up to task of carrying it all.
  4. The guy I bought it from was pretty cool, his son is his carb expert. They offered to come over and drink my beer in exchange for consultation He had a look the other night when I was there and said, it hasn't gooped up yet. I am tempted to just throw some oil in thru the sparkplug holes, crank it over by hand a few times, let it sit a day or 2, repeat, and then see if it just starts. I should probably drain the cell and put some go juice in. Unfortunately its nowhere near street legal, so it will be some time before I actually get to use it. No need to rush things I guess. I am tempted to take apart the carbs, I just need to do my research. Right now I look at them as if they were some spring loaded evilness that will spread it parts all over the garage the moment I open it. There is a Haynes manual for them, I think I will get my hands on one of those before going too far.
  5. Small block Chev is the most likely candidate. My roommate is doing up a V8 Fiero at the same time. He is starting with a 305 he will understroke for class reasons, then switching to 350. It would be quite handy if we both ran 350s, lots of spare parts to play with etc. Either way I want my first season on it to be with the 2.4 thats in there, then switch. Having never really raced before, I think that would be a decent place to learn. First step will to be to get it started, then do some work on the body. You probably can't tell from the pics, but the paint is pretty sad, I think it was brushed on. Then learn as much as I can about these weber carbs. Do some tuning and hit a dyno for tuning and curiosity purposes. Giving myself about 8 mos for that much as I work out of town on a 10 and 4 schedule and don't have a garage in the town I work in.
  6. So who knows anything about webers? hehe. Carbeuration, hmm, something new to learn Long term plan is to play with the engine thats in there, seems pretty sweet. Then either an rb25 or SBC, haven't decided yet. JTR book is already in the mail. woo
  7. Finally got it home, man was it a pain to get on the trailer. Welded diff, slicks, and low ride height were not my friend today. Got some pics, body is a little rough, just battle scars, nothing too major. My full gallery is available at http://www.pictures.meech.ca/v/sparkys_240Z/ Sparky
  8. Heh, well its exciting for me. This is going to be a roadcourse car only. It was raced before. Is a 71 240x, already has a roll cage, fuel cell, triple webers, konis, etc. I'll post some pics once I get it home later this weekend. It hasn't been raced in a few years and it looks like it picked up a few scars at the last event, nothing major tho. I am sure that you'll be hearing from me as time goes on. Sparky
  9. Well I am definately no rocket scientist, but if you were to push all that air out the hood, would that not cause more lift on the back end? You may create a small ammt of downforce on the front doing that, but instinct somehow tells me it wont overcome the negative effects of the lift on the rear. If you put on proper side skirts and a decent rear diffuser, wouldnt it be better to have that air going under the car? One of the things I was thinking of doing is try and create a good low pressure area under the car from the axel back.
  10. heh, odds are they make the ripoff crap too Lots of companies do that.
  11. cool thanks! Coming from a piping and process background a question pops into my head. If you have a recirc like this (if it is big enough) would you need a wastegate at all if you had a properly sized turbo? would that not in theory encourage the turbo to keep spinning without increasing pressure and reduce lag? Sorry if I am straying off topic. hopefully soon i can find a z that is not all rusted out and answer my own questions by blowing things up
  12. First off, I know nothing. I have been frequenting this site because I am thinking of building an rb powered z. You guys confused the heck out of me with the recirc valves (I have never owned or worked on a turbo car), so I did some searching and found this. http://subiefreaks.com/rons-subaru-performance-information-corner/blow-off-valve-faq/ . I am not sure if anyone else was confused, so this might be for my benifit only. Now if i read that right, you should be recirculating back to the turbo inlet(s) after the maf. It allows the turbo to keep spinning and cool. piping it back after the maf, you avoid running rich. I am not sure if you are running dual intakes, but if you are, I would bet that it would be adviseable to run each bpv back to its own turbo. My uneducated 2 cents, carry on.....
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