The guy I bought it from was pretty cool, his son is his carb expert. They offered to come over and drink my beer in exchange for consultation He had a look the other night when I was there and said, it hasn't gooped up yet. I am tempted to just throw some oil in thru the sparkplug holes, crank it over by hand a few times, let it sit a day or 2, repeat, and then see if it just starts. I should probably drain the cell and put some go juice in. Unfortunately its nowhere near street legal, so it will be some time before I actually get to use it. No need to rush things I guess. I am tempted to take apart the carbs, I just need to do my research. Right now I look at them as if they were some spring loaded evilness that will spread it parts all over the garage the moment I open it. There is a Haynes manual for them, I think I will get my hands on one of those before going too far.