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Posts posted by S130Z

  1. A couple months ago I was leaving the gas station and was thinking if I had screwed my gas cap back in. I stopped down the road to check and it was sitting on my roof. Ever since then I have become anal retentive about screwing my gas cap back in. I even get back out of my car to double check if its screwed in or on my roof.


    Does this happen to anyone else? I'm trying to figure out a simple solution to keep the cap attached to the socket. Any ideas on a way to connect it without installing an aftermarket system?

  2. Well, Myrtle Beach is a fun place to stop but you have to be there at the right time. I am sure Myrtle Beach is gonna be empty this time of year, but its still cool to drive down the strip. I have a lot of fun and scary memories in that town. The Ripley's Believe It or Not Aquarium is there and also Dirty Dick's Restaurant. I would advise you to take a trip to Mt. Pleasant if you are up for an hour and 45 minute trip from Myrtle Beach. There is a guy there that has a beautiful 240Z that I could give you his number. Also Palmetto Z lives there. But downtown Mt. Pleasant/Charleston is a very beautiful and historic place. Good luck with the tour.

  3. As ZZZZeeee stated, a diesel engine oil is more stable for the flat tappet cams. It tends to not stress the cam lobes as much. As far as technical details go, I am not 100% sure. I think there is an ongoing thread about someone's cam getting eaten up by conventional/synthetic oils because there was not enough zinc in the mixture.

  4. I am not one to take any kind of prescription pill. For some reason I just can't trust whats in that tiny capsule. For some reason my dad just told me I need to throw away the 12 empty beer bottles on the counter because my step mom is about to wake up in 5 minutes. I didn't understand that one unless he tricked my into cleaning the kitchen.

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