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Posts posted by Villeman

  1. hey all! Thanks to Dangerdan is was able to buy a car and we are now preparing shipping. Its sitting at his house and this is a first update. I will write a big update once it´s sitting here im my driveway :)

  2. i have always wondered if DMSO does the job. No fumes, easy storage, but about the nastiest stuff once you get it conterminated with other stuff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimethyl_sulfoxide

    we use it to remove fully crosslinked carbon e.g. resist for microtechnology especially after etching (very high temp, sort of). Good thing, gets solid below 18°C and doesn´t produce fumes below 60°C. If pure, you could drink it (lethal dose is higher than for alcohol) :)

  3. Hi,


    sorry i know i asked for those parts in another thread but maybe this increases visibility. So if anybody has a louver for a 2+2 and a g-Nose for an ok price please let me know. Also looking for a Nardi steering wheel, one can dream, right?



    best regards,


  4. this is more or less standard procedure here as well (which is why paintjobs are so darn expensive). Afterwards it´s Ovatrol / Mike Sanders or some other rust proofing. Well, if you don´t like redoing all in 10 years ,that is.


    For Citroen DS a restauration specialist did some conservation and just put the panels outside. Funny thing, the GDR made panels rusted from the inside out since they were made from inferior quality metal ...

  5. Hello,


    hopefully i may get my 2+2 soon but i am in need of a driver side Fender for a 76´. Location in LA or near Stockton would be perfect.


    Also looking for the usual parts, PU bushings set, Break lines, shocks and springs :)


    and if somebody has a spare G-Nose let me know ;)


    best regards,


  6. I am still looking, so keep it coming :)  ...thanks so far to everybody for helping me out. To specify, i need a complete car with an ok interior/engine. The rest i can fix. I would vastly prefer original paint as is can´t hide botched repairs (that good...)

  7. Hey Dangerdan,


    the car has been offered to me several times, seller was not really my kind of person. Since he told me he already worked on getting it running and now it states "cranks over" i´ll pass on this one. I also put some pictures of that one up and when i send comments from you guys to him he somewhat lost interest to sell :)


    @Tony, i guess you don´t have pictures? Maybe if your friend ships cars to the netherlands again he has a free spot in a container.



    (i need a reliable seller more than most of you guys since i´m new with this and its really anoying when they bail out while i try to get shipping going )

  8. Time for an update. Thank you all for helping but i wasn´t abled to score one :) instead i went up Maine and enjoyed the time (always keeping one eye open). The closest i came was  " my neighbor had one sitting behind his house till last year -_- " Anyways, had a great time and i´m back to Craigslist (with a small detour called Land Rover Santana 109 6 Cylinder Diesel ) but still looking.


    One funny thing, car rentals didn´t have my car so i got a Cadillac CTS sports (upgraded all the way from smallest category) ......quite nice actually

  9. Why a 2+2 ? Well, i´m rather large and the 2+2 has more space. I actually like the design, espeicall with a Gnose (i drove a Citroen Ds for 2 Years) and i like the longer wheelbase. Also, i need to carry more than 2 people.


    Why america? Well, i got an opportunity to go to a conference. If i get another conference maybe Au it will be (but shipping is higher i guess)


    @Bludestiny: Sonora looks awesome. Flights are on the pricy side though, but i will definitely consider this


    edit: Sedona, not Sonora

  10. hahaha, my thoughts exactly (have this car bookmarked quite some time now) 


    btw. Craigslist is now blocking non US Ip´s , i only can contact people when i use a US based Proxy. Does anybody know if non-us Emails get deleted as well (since he didn´t answer my mail)?

  11. Hi,


    as luck has it, i´m going to a conference in New York first week of August. Afterwards, there is one week free. I´d like to know if there are places you guys can recommend, both for possible car purchase and general vacation. Since i´ll be one week in New York, i will use the time to browse Craigslist etc. Nevertheless, if somebody knows of an offer or has some ideas how to spend the second week, i would be glad. Thing is, i want to see some other parts of America as well and have


    -roughly one Week time (8-13.08)

    -go where i might find a car (ideally a 280z 2+2 )

    -go where i can spend a week with possibly some nice nature and without need to get a rental car etc (so far this would be Seattle with Olympic national park)




  12. wow. thanks for the entertaining read. I have to second that it makes a huge difference if an engine is aimed to make 100.000 k reliably or an unknowable mileage with a bang. It´s classic design of components, you have a standard deviation of when your engine normally blows up (manufacturers test´s ) and you mulitply this with whatever you want to have in terms of "safety zone" and reduce power (or increase build quality) till your engines match this safety zone. This is more power lost than 1 PSI boost ever will produce. If you on the other hand only care about ONE engine and NO target mileage it should survive, then it´s a completely different game.


    and yes, the dragracing time-calculation is ok, it will just give you a MINIMAL HP, expecting no losses by friction by tires or air-drag(or you need a well known cw value with spoiler etc) and a perfectly running engine (termodynamically speaking). Basically an inertia-limited acceleration of a pointmass with the mass of the car, and every deviation from this can only be that actual HP is higher.

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