Hey guys, as you can see I am new to this forum, also new to the Z club. I bought a 75 280z with an engine swap from an 81 280zx turbo in it. The person before me wasn't electrically inclined and left the harness in bits and pieces with splices and dices everywhere... so I found this to be an opportunity to clean up the wiring in this car. The previous owner deleted the E.G.R and I.S.C along with the air regulator, So I cut the wires from the computer connector and started from scratch. I am almost finished as i have wired the injectors and dropping resistor, the knocking sensor, exhaust sensor, air flow meter, air temp sensor, cylinder head temp sensor, and all of the grounds. I have a couple of questions about the Ignition Coil and Distributor as well as the inhibitor switch and EFI relay: (and trust me, i spend day researching this trying to figure it out.....) Here is the diagram Ive been using:
1) Does anyone have a diagram of how the Crank Angle Sensor needs to be wired, I am pretty sure that mine is aftermarket and I don't know which of the 4 wires go where (nor could I guess because I have not found a single diagram that shows 4 wires going to the Distributer except for the one above)... Also the wires that the old one was hooked up to were 3 colored wires that went into what looks like a resistor, then then come out braided and then at the end of the braid there magically is 4 wires that hooked up to the Distributer, and the new Distributer has 4 wires coming out of it with White, Green, Red, Black written on each of them....... I'll attach pics:
2) How should i wire the Ignition coil, I've read that you can delete Ballast Resistor?! Here is the old setup: I am so confused about the Ignition coil and Distributer part of the wiring..
3) Where is the inhibitor switch, and is it necessary to hook up?
4) Can anyone give me a diagram of which pins go where on the EFI relay according to the wiring diagram above? I couldn't find anything online!!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!