So I'm in Okinawa for a couple days. I've got to work tomorrow, on Sunday I'm planning on going to the Aquarium (It's not set in stone, suggest somthing else) , and monday is totally open.
Does anyone know of anything neat to see?
Things I'm interested in:
-UP Garage type things, (used performance parts)
-240z parts places
-Junkyard if they can help me arrange shipping and stuff within the same day.
-Katana store, I decided I want to learn Kendo, and figured that this is the place to look into that kind of stuff
-Place to buy random gifts for my wife.
I'm staying at White Beach, so I'm not sure whats close vs. far
And I can't drive, so its probably going to be the bus to Kadena then however I can to kokusai street (the shopping street)