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Posts posted by zguy95135

  1. cool, its nice to see someone in a "ricer" that doesnt try to race you at every stoplight. my dad even gets guys trying to get him race in his stock

    78 2+2 (soon to be a turbo).

    theres a guy who goes to my high school that has this beautiful honda civic nice w/ground effects, 17" konigs, and race seats. honestly im surprised cause i've never seen him to spin his tires at the stoplights and doesnt drive like an idiot :-D

  2. i used rubbing compound and all the stages of wax ( cleaner, wax, carnuba). the paint went from looking like brown primer to a deep

    root-beer metallic, if you were going to do this i would test it in a small area because it could mess up your paint. it depends on what type of paint was used.


    you could get someone to paint it for you. pipelayer ( i think ) will do a good paint job for cheap.

  3. A white neon with stripes and clear tails, clear turns, painted handles/mirrors isnt a gay car? What about the rims? Looks like it to me... Especially when captioned by a danceing banana with a HUGE smile...


    Maybe' your not being mean and calling cars/drivers gay... Maybe' your just looking for one that is as gay as yours is... Looking for someone to be gay with...


    Now that is irony... Someone that is calling others gay, when he himself thinks he is strait, but is actually gay and he just doesnt know it yet...




    i couldn't have put it any better :D

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