I have the caliper. Rebuilt to factory specs. $50.00 plus shipping. Or, if you are in the Orlando area stop by and pick it up.
Skip Pringle
I just quit driving my 81 because of serious rust issues. The brake booster and master cylinder are still on the car if you still need them. I'm in Orlando. $75 for both.
Hey Veelo,
I'm in Orlando. I've got the stuff. I just quit driving my 81 so it's being parted. $100.00 for the gas tank. $100.00 for the hatch glass. I'd be willing to meet up half way.
Skip Pringle
I own a fabrication shop. E mail me with a description of what you want and we can go from there. Sectioning is usually done with a specific goal in mind and with specific dimensions.
I have a good working unit from a 81 that I just quit driving because of rust problems. A very large piece of the floor pan under the drivers seat fell out. I'm going to part out the whole car. Price for both master cyl. and booster: $100.00 plus shipping.