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Posts posted by Phlebmaster

  1. Two things you need to know to accurately calculate the compression are the deck height, which is the distance from the top of the block to the top of the piston, and the volume of the dish, valve reliefs, etc. Those pistons have a fairly large dish, a big chamfer around the outside, and double valve reliefs, so that volume is fairly large, maybe 12 or 14 cc's.


    If you can measure or find info on the pistons, and measure the deck height, there is a good calculator on Keith Blacks's site. You can also calculate it manually, it's just volume at BDC divided by volume at TDC.


    Just guessing, I'd say 8 - 8.5 to 1.




    Thank you for your help. :)


    I found a calculator that gives me a ball park figure of 10.81:1


    Sample: 4.000 bore - 3.480 stroke - .040 head gasket thickness - 76 cc head volume should give you a CID of 349.781 (350 Chevrolet) with a compression ratio of 8.5 to 1. Chevrolet also made 64, 68 & 72 cc heads. Check the changes in compression ratio if you enter these numbers, or use a .020 steel shim head gasket.







    Bore: Diameter in Inches 4.000

    Stroke: Distance In Inches 3.480

    Head Gasket: Thickness In Inches 0.040

    Cylinders: Number of Cylinders 8

    Cylinder Head Volume Number in Cubic Centimeters 58




    Displacement: in Cubic Inches 349.78176

    Displacement: in Cubic Liters 5.7329230464


    Compression Ratio: 10.817268625498117








    I am pretty sure based on what I have read about my set-up, that this is pretty close to accurate. Maybe not exact, but close at any rate. I was not able to account for 12.5 cc dished pistons on this calculator.


    I just was needing to know this because I will have to figure out what my octane should be. Looks like premium at minimun...92 octane.



  2. Actually those heads are so bad that I won't comment as to why you using them. Flow wise and cheap lightweight castings all spell disaster for any motor combination built using them. My humble opinion and that of the entire WWW.


    lol...ok, but notice that I didn't ask about that. :P I know I need to get Vortecs and I will in time, but this is my first round with the sbc and I am just getting to know her. So now that that the lashing is out of the way, can I get help with the comp?


    Forget about the head casting #...the 58cc head is the important thing here. ;)


    I have heard many positive things about the 081 heads, they are the non-swirl port TBI heads.


    081 heads flow reference

    081 iron head (305 cylinder #14014416 airflow #'s): 195 intake; 110 exh (ME Leigh)

    Flow chart for stock #14101081 305 head 87 91


    Intake lift (in) Flow (cfm) Exhaust lift (in) Flow (cfm) Ratio E/I flow (%)

    0.050 31 0.050 15 49

    0.100 63 0.100 37 58

    0.150 92 0.150 61 67

    0.200 116 0.200 78 68

    0.250 134 0.250 92 69

    0.300 157 0.300 101 64

    0.350 170 0.350 105 62

    0.400 182 0.400 107 59

    0.450 189 0.450 109 58

    0.500 195 0.500 110 56


    They have a decent flow with a little port work and the heads I was using were the crack prone 624 heads with 1.72 intakes so this is an improvement.....that is my simple explanation. I used them because I had them.



    I found this thread with close to the information I need to run the calculator, but it is for a 400 not a 350.



    Bore - 4.155 inches

    Stroke - 3.75 inches

    Cyl head volume - 64 cc

    Deck height - 0.010 inches

    Head gasket bore - 4.2 inches

    Head gasket thickness - .039 inches

    Piston dish volume - 12.5 cc

  3. I just rebuilt the top end of my 350 sbc and need a little help by those who are more familiar than I am with using those fancy compression calculators. I know a few of the measurements, but not all of them to complete the calculations on my own.


    Thanks in advance for your help. :mrgreen:


    Here is what I have:


    Standard sbc 350


    Block: 3970010 date code of something 74' (can't remember) but it is not the stock engine for my 1972 C20 3/4 ton.


    Heads: 14101081 305 58cc 1.84 intake / 1.50 exhaust


    Pistons: The standard stock dished with double valve reliefs.


    Bores: Standard size


    Block has not been milled or decked.


    Head gaskets: Standard thickness Felpro


    I can't think of what else you would need to know. :?


    Here are some pictures for reference.....


    Completed engine





    I don't know why this head says 55.4..but it does. I don't know if that is the milled CCs or just some jibberish.




    You can see that the pistons are just the standard dished ones.


  4. But seriously, we like people who spell things out here when they speak accurately. (Or was that precisely? hmmmm....)


    Precision vs Accuracy


    Learned this in lab class.


    In the fields of engineering, industry and statistics, the accuracy of a measurement system is the degree of closeness of measurements of a quantity to its actual (true) value.


    The precision of a measurement system, also called reproducibility or repeatability, is the degree to which repeated measurements under unchanged conditions show the same results. Although the two words can be synonymous in colloquial use, they are deliberately contrasted in the context of scientific method.


    Point: You can be precisely inaccurate, but never accurately imprecise. :lmao:

  5. Interesting.... :)


    Most people who are posting about your given example (five speed) usualy will type 5 speed instead.


    Example search: http://forums.hybridz.org/search.php?searchid=4285320


    I typed in "5 speed" and came up with a ton of threads. It is a challenge to pick out only the threads you want sometimes admittedly, but for most questions, they can be answered this way. It does bring up threads with "speed" but then you can narrow your search by searching in a specific forum. My search did leave out the "5" due to it being too short of a search term. Thats when you should choose another term for your search criteria....maybe less specific.


    It is a matter of spelling. You can also narrow your search by searching in one particular forum or thread rather than the entire site.


    I hope this helps. ;)


    Maybe I am missing something (haven't searched enough?) but I can not find out how to search phrases on the main search page. Oddly, the FAQ page has a search phrase option - Search FAQ Search Word(s):

    Matching Options:

    Match Any Words Match All Words Match Complete Phrase Search in:

    Search Titles Only Search Titles & Text





    but the main Forums search page does not seem to have one. It does single words only. So a search for "five speed" brings up all the posts with five and speed, not just "five speed".


    Actually, just "speed" - from my example search - (=0&childforums=1&titleonly=0&showposts=0&searchdate=0&beforeafter=after&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending&replyless=0&replylimit=0&searchthreadid=0&saveprefs=1&quicksearch=0&searchtype=0&nocache=0&ajax=0&userid=0&"]Search: Keyword(s): speed The following words are either very common, too long, or too short and were not included in your search: five).


    I think this is one reason people don't find what they search for. Too many results to sift through.


    Am I missing something? This is a great site and I'm sure it takes a lot of work to maintain. Not too be critical, I'm just trying to help out.

  6. I got me a new Edelbrock 1404 500 CFM carb tonight that is actually NEW!! Thanks to Blackice280z and kamakazi620. :) I also have a good Q-jet coming tomorrow....so I will have two q-jets (one good & one worn out) and one new 1404 carb at my disposal. I am very happy about that. :)







    Funny thing...it says Weber on it! lol





  7. I've been on several internships which basically let me work in an engineering position without a degree. OSU has a special program where take 6 months out of each school year to work basically as an underpaid, temporary engineer. Really helps getting jobs later on I think.


    I've thought about staying to get my Masters but ultimately decided to take my chances. I am hopefully going to get an offer from one of the places I worked for previously, but was hoping to have more than one choice for work..


    Network, network, network!


    Get in as many places as you can and blow them away with your enthusiasm. In healthcare that is how you get a good job. It seems like everyone knows everyone else in healthcare so getting to know people in your field of interest is a gold mine.

  8. As of 7am this morning the upload option for photos was dissabled, pending some server/forum software upgrades.


    Hang tight... :mrgreen:


    In the meantime you can still use an image host and post up pics that way for the time being.

  9. I started to tear apart my motor tonight so I can put my new heads on and make sure my cylinder walls are ok.
















    I have dished pistons so I can get away with the small chamber heads I am going to use. :D




    A little paint for show....



    The 624 heads that were on my truck are the 1.72 valve!! :( I am glad to not have to use them any more. Now I have a set of 1.84 1.50 valve 58cc heads. :D You can compare the old head on top with the 58cc head below.





  10. http://portland.craigslist.org/clc/pts/1500765393.html


    My Holley 750 won't stop flooding (which I found out they are famous for) and I have tried all of the remedies. New seats floats etc... I did my research and worked with it for two days...and after two engine fires I am done with it. I just want to switch to Edelbrock carburetor. I have a ton of Datsun stuff for trade and even some SBC stuff that you could sell for way more than the carb, if you help me out. :wink:

  11. Well, after much research and discussion with those who know about what I plan on doing with my engine I have decided to do this one step at a time rather than all at once.


    Tonight I put my new intake and Holley 750 on. :D I will install my cam once I get heavier springs. I can tell you this about the stock crap that was on my truck...the intake had a bunch of loose bolts and all of the fittings were not tight either. It is a wonder it even ran! :P I fixed that though. :)


    I will not be able to test this new stuff out untill I get a new water fitting that runs from the intake to the heater core.


    Here are the obligatory pics of the swap!


    So it begins,,,,













    Now that feels better already! Damn that thing is heavy!!








    All finished for tonight...I can't wait to start her up tomorrow! :)




  12. It happened to me a couple of times too. I just threatened my computer with a huge magnet and she stepped right in line. :mrgreen:


    This error is intermittent so it is hard to determine what is causing it on the user end.

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