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Everything posted by kelltainer

  1. yessir i wont deny it. nissans are a lot different than what I am used to. I was wanting to know if I get megasquirt can I bypass buying the zxt ecu like you can on hondas. I do think that is a valid question seeing as when I type megasquirt into the search it hasnt been producing many results.... instead of flaming why not be productive and help? I have typed in injectors, buick regal, buick, l28e injectors, 280zx injectors and I havent gotten any of the great information you say is on here. I bet the information is on here but i couldnt find it and I was/have been looking for a while. No I am not buying megasquirt to fit my injectors....Not to be a dick but you obviously didnt read what I wrote very carefully. Yes I should have split the Megasquirt and injector section up =(. Thanks for the Help!
  2. I have seen people on here are using buick regal injectors and some others from different vehicles. Which vehicles can I get the injectors for that will fit in a L28e? Also If i keep my 83 NA engine and turbo it can i just use mega squirt and tune the way I want without gettign the zxt ecu? With hondata it doesnt matter the ecu as long as you get the s300 version. I have tried to find some of this and couldnt =(. Im going through all of my options right now I have some turbo volvo injectors(green tops) that I got about 6-8 months ago to try and get them to fit my honda but decided not to. I am going to try them tomorrow and see if they will fit up. Thanks!
  3. Ok So I found a vg30et and ecu, wire harness, tranny, turbo everything I need(at least I think. How hard is this swap? I cant find a good write up on this =(. It seems to me it will fit just fine(just from looking at the two cars engine bays. I cant seem to find a l28et to drop into my car but i found this =D. Thanks!
  4. Yea that is a good idea, I went to pick n pull today and saw some nice 300zx seats =D I may put those in it. Ok so pick n pull backed out of the deal on the turbo engine =(, I was going to trade them two spare engines and a van for it but o well. I went to another pick n pull today and found a vg30et =D with everything I need =D. They want 280 for the engine and I need to see how much for the ecu, wire harness and tranny as well. I will see if they want to buy the other engines and van from me as well, lol. If not then o well. Im also jsut going to search around for the best price I can on a trubo engine.
  5. I know I am new here but I will keep yall posted on the project and to the swap. I will try and take pictures of the whole swap for a detailed write up. that way people can have pics for it as well.
  6. Ok So i bought this car for $400 and it needs a lot of tlc but it will be an awesome project! It only has a little bit of rust most of the problems are from not taking care of the vehicle. The bottom end is blown but everything else work on the car(well besides the Ac). I am getting an l28et next week to put in it before I put it in I will be putting new gaskets on the whole engine and a new water pump. I will also be buying a walbro 255 fuel pump for the install. So far i took out the passanger seat and the passenger carpet to clean it but it turns out the carpet is bad. The seats will need to be reupholstered and I will most likely need new carpet throughout the whole car. The previous owner tried to paint the car and didnt do it right so my next step after dropping the engine in is to get it sanded down and painted. He also thought it would be cool to paint some of the intereior stuff black =(, I have no idea what to do with that stuff. The rims I will get sanded down as well and may get them redone black but the right way. I am trading stuff for the engine and will most likely only end up paying 300 for the engine, ecu and wire harness. I am going to do most of the sanding and body work myself or have some friends of my brothers who go to the local highschool sand it for free . Here are the pics!
  7. ok awesome man!! thanks for the help.
  8. One tip man and this what our head mechanic does for funny things such as yours, is he drives the car for a little while and hears it for himself. Most mechanic also dont like admitting they made a mistake(that goes for anybody really) so let them drive and see what hey think it is. If they can hear it they can most likely pin point the problem.
  9. ok cool thanks man, if it was only 50 at most lower I may have stayed with the stock, but that is a huge gap! I will most likely be going with the ecu/wire harness from the actual l28et car that the engine is coming out of. it will save me a lot of trouble. As to the dizzy why doesnt it work from mine? Does it sit different? does it not handle the amps that it needs too? or is it too weak for what I am putting in it? Sorry for the questions I jsut came from the Honda scene and a lot of guys there are not too bright. For instance they say go get the vtec part but it a lot of time the same as an Ls(for the integras) and you point it out and they flip and do not give examples as to why it is different. So I am just trying to figure out the nitty gritty of this stuff that way I know why its different isntead of just reading it is. I am learning the ins and outs of diagnosing cars right now which is partly where wanting to actually the differences comes from. also if it just a slight different pin out, I can just repin whatever i need instead of buying a different harness.
  10. k i have looked and tried to find some of this on here hpwever when searching for l28 to l28et swap and things of that nature, it doesnt come up with what I want and I dont want to surf through 12 pages... i figured it was a higher performance one but by how much is it lower? i asked this for specifics not the general stuff I have been readin . p.s never buy anything from autozone please, they supply crappy parts. Our shop will not even install anything from there.
  11. ok I have read the things you need to change on a NA l28 when swapping in the l28et are the fuel pump, distributer, ecu and wire harness. however on napas website they only give option for the Z and all the parts are saying they are the same. Any help here please? I am buying an l28et here in the next week if not sooner and I need to know asap. Plus I have no idea why the distributer or the fuel pump wouldnt work....unless the fuel pump is too low but that seems like a very wierd for nissan to do.
  12. ok i found a thread on this =D, you can delete this thread if you want!
  13. awesoem thread! Ok I have 05 3800(series 3?) supercharged engine with all the necessary goodies =D except the ecu =(. I want to put this into a 79 or 83 datsun(whichever one I buy tomorrow!). For the custom fab mounts how much is it costing you? For redoing the wiring harness, are you doing that yourself as well? or is there a neat/easy way you are working out that issue? I work at a shop and we have an extra bay hehe and I really really want to do this swap!!! I drove the 05 gtp sc car today and from a 70 roll it moved! Any and all help about this swap would be great! Thanks!!
  14. Ok I have looked around online and even used the search option on here but cannot find out if this swap is even possible. I have the block, sc, upper wiring harness, ijectors and everything else I need just sitting at my shop and I am buying a 280zx this weekend. Can I put this engine into the car? or should I just do the turbo swap into the car? I will look around on the forums some more to see what I need to do for the turbo swap but the 05 pontiac gtp supercharged engine would be really nice. I can get a transmission really easily(im sure) and the engine just needs the heads rebuilt =D which means time for some goodies hehe. SInce it is not a v8 swap and a fwd(i believe?) is it even possible? any help would be great! If someone has done this or knows about something that may help then that would be awesome!!!! o there are two 280zxs I am looking to buy, one is a 79 and the other a 82 or 83. I think they are both obdo so that may not matter but jic. Thanks!
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