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Posts posted by Drftn280zxt

  1. No, I just want to make sure I get a good durable wheel. If I have to pay a little more for it, so be it. If I could get Sparco quality for $120 or something, I would definitely jump on it. By no means am I excited to have to pay that much a wheel :x I know some name brands are crap, look at Grant. But Sparco has a very good reputation for quality, and if WRC, D1GP, and JGTC drivers are willing to risk their lives to SPARCO's products, I think I too should feel comfortable with it. So I am more of quality shopping-just so happens that it will cost a bit.

  2. Thanks guys I really appreciate. I think I will go with the 13" wheel since that seemed like the ideal size. Also on another note, would the MSA mounting hib work with the SPARCO wheel? I mean they have the same hub center and are six bolts I believe. My reasoning is a) I am not sure SPARCO has a mounting hub for my car and two, odds are good that the MSA unit might be cheaper. Or do you think it would be better just to get everything SPARCO?


    Lap3 wheel

    I will most likely get the silver one since that matches my color theme perfectly :-D Plus I think it makes this wheel look better all around. For $250.00 :shock: this wheel had better be damn good. Plus however much for the hub :x

    It'll be worth though, I think :confused2

  3. Okay now that I've got your attention what do you think would be a better steering wheel size for autoX/drifting but still be feasable to use for daily driving. Also this is for more 280zx, which does have power steering.


    13" (330mm), or 13.5" (350mm)


    This probably sounds like a silly thing to get hung up on, but I am. If it helps, to shy to tell what size wheel you use. All I know is that the 14.5 wheels in my car seems way to big. So I know for sure I want it to be at least and inch smaller in diameter, but would the extra 0.5" be pushing it too much?


    Oh and while I am at it here are the wheels I am considering.


    Sparco Lap 3

    Motorsport Autocross Wheel

    MSA Evolution Wheel

    I'm not sure I really like the "evo" one, seems too stock looking



    Also how do you place a custom order for Volk Wheels? I in there calalogue you see "custom" offsets to like -1, but on a 11" rim. What if you need a 12" rim with -13 offset or something, how do you get that?

    Also how are Gramlights compared to Volks "typical" forged wheels (GT-C, GT-V, TE-37 etc)? Yes I know they are made both by Rays Engineering/Mackin Industries, but is anything really lost by going with the advanced casting design? I mean the weights of the wheels are very close in weight.


    These wheels are awesome!

    57pro Gramlights, silver

    and these


    I wonder if they come with the option of the rounded lip like the 57pro?

  4. Here is my major concern, quality! I know Sparco has a huge reputation for having great products. But so does MSA. But I about a year and a half ago puchased a Naugahyde Shift Knob From MSA and now that knob like to spin. The way the knob was assembled seems questionable, a splined metal "screw head" pressed into compressed cardboard. Well overtime that cardboard has given way and the splines not longer have as much to grip on in. Is this the same durability I can expect from the steering wheel?


    I think the Carbon Fiber one is out of the question. It would get scratched over time and might even fade into a gross yellow. Not to mention I think that wheel would be kind of slippery. Not exactly what I want in my hands if I have to make abrupt maneuvers.


    I kinda question the Seude wheel idea to. Wouldn't that just wear smooth after a while? I know that with by skate shoes that were seude after rubbing against one another so many times the "fuzziness" just work away leaving a slick, smooth surface behind, which is not better than the Carbon Wheel!


    I think you can see where I'm heading with this. I want a Leather/Naughahyde/Alcantara wheel, but I do not want it to fall apart.


    Do you think the MSA unit will hold up, or should I just pay the extra "dough" and get a really high quality steering wheel that is bound to hold up for a long long time?


    Oh yeah and once again. 13" or 13.5"

  5. that would be interesting Sir Daniel. Personally I am not really flaberghasted by the "Angel" eyes, but whatever floats your boat. I might find them more attractive if they didn't have so many "little lines" (for a lack of better words) in them. Kinda makes the unit look cheap IMO. I guess what I am trying say in a clear cover that gives an unobstructed projection of light would make the Angel seem much more appealing (to me anyways). I am just picky like that :lol:


    I like the idea nonetheless :-D

  6. Drftn280zxt i took the liberty to post your sketches at a swedish forum (where i got my project thread) but of cause did i say who had done the sketches.

    Thanks for telling me, and for acknowledging/giving credit for the sketches, I really appreciate it.


    I stared at my headlight bucket today as I think I have contemplated a better design for the headlights. I realized that there was something missing in the sketch above. The 280zx has a steeper outer slope than what you see in the sketch. Plus what do you think of having the outer part (the lighter gray area in the sketch) as Carbon fiber, then have the elliptical "things" that are in front of the projector/LED as chrome. Then still have the chrome "rings" and have the "bodys" of the "LED unit" and "Projector unit" in gloss black or "black chrome". Then on the "Projector Unit's body" have chrome rings similar to what is on the projector units of the Mercedes CLS

    here is a pic of the CLS unit


  7. Once again, you've surpassed my expectations!
    :lol: I haven't even met my own. Hey do you guys think the headlight design needs more black, less chrome, change of shape around the LEDS and projector, need input since these are things I am having difficulty in designing to look good. Personally I don't like that headlight sketch, looks like crap. Hint (I'll be doing another one)


    By the way does anyone on here know how to effectively recreate the look of chrome in a drawing? I tried, as to me it looks less like a reflection

  8. Hey Speeder something that came to mind. Are you going to have sideskirts with the YZ kit. Personally I think it would look a really good. It would really balance out the whole package I think. No offense to the other guys that have the YZ kit but without sideskirts it sure looks like there is something missing in the middle under the door. Just my .02

  9. I've got ideas for the S30, I just gotta get them on paper :wink: I'll just go for the BA and if necessary get another BA in tranportation design. I'm not sure if what I want to do would be "graduate work" or just a whole other degree. That school told be that I would probably still have to do about 3yrs of schooling since only so much of my MEG would pre fulfill their requirements since the Transportation design degree in mostly studio work and building a portfolio. But the ironic thing is that some MEG stuff is incorporated into the curriculum.

  10. Here is what you should do. Upper portion the light blue. Valances, front fascia, and ZG flares dark blue. Never have been to fond of bronze rims (I think black or even better silver would work) otherwise still go with a polished lip. It will give the rims more depth and it will compliment the door handles and the window trim.

  11. The kids got talent!! I don't know what you are doing now but IMO you should persue auto art. Could be a future in it...

    That is exactly what I want to do. I really, really want to design for Nissan (yeah I am that stuck on Nissan's)


    I agree. If you would be willing to move to Los Angeles/Pasadena area I'd highly recommend these guys http://www.artcenter.edu/ the offer an entire major to transportation design. I applied back when I wanted to be a graphics design major, but didn't get in. They are one of the best in the nation and do have a lot of connections to big time Car companies.
    Yeah I looked into that place. But Nevada offers a kick a## scholarship of $10,000 for the Universities in Nevada. I figured I would take advantage of the opportunity since I was over qualified for the scholarship and am pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering. My reasoning for this is is well, this degree will costs a small fraction of what a transportation design degree would. And a Mechanical Engineering degree is a stronger foundation to fall back on. Transportation Design is a little weaker. You are severely limited with a transportation design degree versus MEG. And going to school and living at home really does make things easier to concentrate on my studies.


    Here is the plan, since Art Center College of Design would cost roughly $100,000, and I really really don't want a hefty loan. I am praying like he## that Nissan might be willing to fund the rest of my education after I attain my MEG degree. After all I have worked for Nissan since I was fifteen and my dad has been with Nissan for almost thirty years, and they have recognized him for it.


    By all means, I would much rather be there (Art Center College of Design), I know I'd love it. I've looked over the entire curriculm (sp?) (which is kinda torture, since there is almost no class that I wouldn't enjoy) and it pushes me do well since I know what I really want to do, and I know an engineering degree can only help to make be a better potential designer.


    Thanks for all the nice words guys,you make me feel like my dream (er both of them) could come true.

  12. Very Bad A$$. Did you have a headlight, that's already in production, in mind when you drew that? I would love to see a kit like that for the Z.:twisted:

    Nope. I completely made those up. There is no headlight that I know of that would fit my design, I was thinking along the lines of custom :icon52::twisted:

  13. really like thoose pictures!

    the headlights are really something i would like to have on my 280zx...


    i've started to make my own taillights for the car only the outer frame is left of the original taillights and there will be LED instead of bulbs. =)

    I hear you on the LEDS. In the drawings the taillights are supposed to be LEDS. And the outer headlight portion is also supposed to be LED. So there is really a projector and LED technology involved in those headlights :-D



    I wish I new someone here in Vegas that could "hook it up" but at the Art Institute here in Vegas they do not have an Industrial Design segment.


    Gollum- what exactly do you have in mind. Any Sketches of your plans out of curiosity?

  14. thanks for the praises. I'd love to start working on it. But a)I have no body mod experience b)I do not have the tools and c) I don't have the money to pull it off. But hey sponsers would be great to get the project rolling :wink: Now wouldn't having a mean Stroker Twin Turbo L28 under the hood of that beast be fitting :wink:

  15. That first one is the best I've seen of your concepts, I psuedo remember your old ones. The first one looks like it could realistically be pulled off, the second one and your other ones would need like 27'' rear wheels etc.

    Yeah I'd have to agree. I really like the first one too. It does make the project seem "doable". And yeah the angle I used in the second drawing definitly over exaggerates the wheels. I think I need to take some more pictures of my car and do the same type of thing I did for the first. It really does give you a realistic representation of what it could look like. Also I have to say that each drawing is little better than the previous, I keep learning new techniques through practice. I look at some of the older ones and yeah they were not very good. But I think these newer style ones that definitely are more functional, could lead to something.


    What are your guys opinions on the headlight/ taillight designs?

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