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Posts posted by EvilC

  1. Thanks for all the info so far. The bike I will look at in the am in a 08 R1 with 7k miles for $6k. Bike is stock. It is priced low for something near the city. I have been on CL looking at prices of the model and year bikes and there is a difference being here in NYC or about 2 hours away. I expected that.


    hoov100, I was looking for a bike exactly like yours or the red n blk theme to kinda go with the Z, lol. I can always repaint the bike I buy. I don't plan on changing bikes every few years.


    Like you guys stated, I will try to get a sense of what kind of rider people are before I buy anything. Between now and tax season will be the time to get a deal. If anything, I will snap pics of some of the bikes I am looking at but I will say I would like to keep my spending @ $5k.


    This bike I am going to look at is 10 mins from my house and about $1k more than I want to spend but about two years newer than what I thought I would find....so we all know how that goes.

  2. So I have been playing with the idea for the past few weeks to get a motorcycle. Yes, a crotch rocket. I really do like the 07-08 Yamaha R1.


    I have never owed my own bike but have taught a few of my friends to ride. I wanted to wait until I knew I was mature enough to get one of my own. At 26 now, I do understand the danger of one especially living in NYC. I do look forward to really learning how to ride and def will be signing up for HPDE for bikes…..like you didn’t see that coming.


    So when looking at used bikes, what are some things to look for? I am aware of making sure there is a free and clear title. Look at the bike for any obvious damage….frame/wheels/fork? I am guessing the chain would be something else to look at. One bike I have in mind, the owner told me it fell over from a standing location. Due to the fact it is only 30-40 degrees during the day now, taking one for a ride is almost out of the question.

    Looking forward to some info from you guys who ride or did at one point. Also would like to hear from owners of other brands of bikes and hear your pro n cons.




  3. hoping to find a longnose clsd r200 and a 5 speed tranny for chevy to replace muncie 4 speed .only rebuilt and or in great shape thanks Tom



    I think Greg still has an extra diff. I will be seeing him Friday, I can ask for you. Tom have we meet yet? We had a few events this summer over at NYZCC.COM


    anyway here is your old thread: http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php/topic/89486-r-200-lsd/page__p__849540#entry849540

  4. Time to update this again!


    I will update every time I make the 6 hour drive, lol. Spent sometime looking over the car this weekend and it is looking great. David and the kids are doing a great job restoring every inch of this car. The pics and vids don't give you a true picture but just an idea.....enjoy!



    Green and Gold~






    Engine Bay



    Walk Aorund:


  5. Def Tony, I can see the car going for $1500 for to the right person who needs the parts. Maybe $2k for someone who is a dreamer and wants to build a "Devil Z". Like it is known any car can be saved with time and money. We will have to watch and see.....Tony...buy it!

  6. When I called the seller, he said I will tell you right out that I won't sell the car for less than $2k. My $3k comment was a joke1



    And I see no problem disclosing someones reserve. As a seller most times, I hate 2 out of 3 calls of someone just trying to figure out if they are in the ballpark to make a low offer. Time is money.


    Back to this car, it is worth what anyone is willing to pay or who needs the car bad enough. Yes it is worth a little more than a rusty USDm car but $2k....come on. If all of the lenses are cracked, orginal motor is gone, dash is cracked, clock is rusty but prob can be repaired....how many parts really equal to $2k.


    NOS rare part price > used rare part price > broken rare part price {doesn't} = Ultra rare rusty prices :P

  7. Well of course it is rare :wink: but not $2k rare. Owner said he is a car dealer and bought it from a body shop that was going out of bizz. Sounds like he got it for free. Good eye Tony on the parts in the engine bay. He is about 3 hrs from me.....I was thinking someone could pick it up for about $500-$700 if euro tail lights were in good shape.


    Tony, does that number included the 2+2s?

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