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Posts posted by EvilC

  1. Very true, my aol account got jacked few yrs ago and I didn't know until AOL contacted me.


    I don't think we can do anything about this, esp if this person is not in the US. If anything the Paypal account is needed to catch him or her, or some kind of bank info.

  2. Looks good.....now next time I try and set up a meet you def have a Z to drive! Hows the other one coming along?


    I am up to my 6th Z and 3rd f body in a year and half.....HBZ is doing it to me!

  3. I am very impressed............honestly I love the sound of boost but went V8 build because I thought these numbers where not reachable with the L28t without big big work. Glad to see some of you guys proving me wrong! Great numbers......we need the vids!



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