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Posts posted by DavyZ

  1. Hi Len! I'm going with a 3" single pipe from two block hugger headers. Actually, if you go block huggers, I'll sell you mine since I'm a little far from finishing. Plus, I can recoupsome of that money I gave you from the roll cage!!!! They are new and painted black. Email me if you want them.



  2. Since no one has yet posted a scientific reason behind the 3rd gear mystery/misery, I want to theorize:


    In first and second gears the engine vs. weight and gearing is up to great acceleration. In third, you start pushing major air. The combo of friction, weight, gearing, and torque is probably enough to tear up third gear, with the air resistance pushing it all over the edge. How's that for a theory? smile.gif Now let's hope someone with facts chimes in!



  3. Owen,

    "Too ricey?!?" Yeah, but at least it's very different! It would look great with some flares and such. Still, it's not as bad as those 300ZTT with the " super blaster battle Z front ends by Blitz" and stupid stuff like that. The cars end up looking like Tranformers, which may be the idea, rather then racing cars. Just my $.02 smile.gif



  4. quote:

    Originally posted by BLKMGK:

    I've got a set of Recaros in my car. They too are a bit narrow for my taste...At some point they may come out and be replaced but it will depend on what I can get...


    Hey BLKMGK,

    Sorry to let you know this, but Recaros are WAY over-rated!! So being the good person I am, I will take them off your hands (and sore butt) for cheap, I promise I will!! smile.gif



  5. If you pick one of these engines up, do yourself a favor and put on some of those awesome billet(?) valve covers. They some really close to making that motor look like a hemi...which would drop a few jaws at car shows and such eek.gif



  6. Wow! Just double the British # to get dollars. For $340 plus shipping and taxes, customs, etc., it could be mine. Hmmm maybe not. Still, I would like one. I would pay up to $300 for one, but not much over that.

  7. Michael, thanks for the information. I'll download it when they make a disc big enough...No seriously, I am going to use that info to make a decision. I like the BRE type spoilers better then the wings or whale-tail spoilers. If it doesn't matter a whole lot, I may suck fumes anyway, but hopefully not.

  8. Pete, I hope your seats have more cush in them then the Corbeau's I sat in tonight. Ouch! These were rally/race seats that literally had little to no padding in the butt area. Very tight too. You met me and know I don't have a wide a$$ (although I doubt you looked smile.gif ). Are your new seats a "road race" or "sport" type? They sound very different from the one's I just rode in and I'm curious to see what they look like. The quality was good--no complaints, but the ride was harsh.



  9. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! That's what I want for a front airdam!!!!!! Doh! Japanese license plate (or sumthun)--that means it's not available here... I hope someone someplace in the US will market that puppy. I tell ya, I am there man! Totally BAD!! I want it! I waaahahaant it, pleeeeez!!!!!

  10. Had not thought of the MR2 seats or the VW Corrodo seats. Corrodos might be hard to come by in the junk yards, but the MR2...Hmmmm. Otherwise, Honda! If I can't get the color I want (black or something close) I will have them recovered if need be--I have friends....

  11. Rick, wasn't it you that had a T5 beefed up by a tranny shop? If it was, what did that run you $$$??? The wreckers around here have T5 unit for about $850, but this does not include the bellhousing or the slave cylinder. I may beef up a T5 unless the cost becomes stupid, then I'll go to a T56 or even a Tremec T5 adapted to GM spec.

  12. Can't help you with the tranny info, Razor, but I can give you an opinion about the FI. First, you might be able to buy just the injection stuff, but what is the cost relative to a complete engine? Might be more if you have to piece-meal it together. I'm almost sure you can install the injection stuff on an older block. However, there might be some machining to do to the block. A good engine builder/machinist will know what to do. Hope someone else chimes in with some facts and figs for you.

  13. Hoover,


    Oh yeah, I'm going. I have been waiting for 5 years to go and this is the year! Dennis told me your car is at Dandos a bit and I was just there last week. Didn't see your car though. Andy Craig is a cool guy and easy to talk to; I told him about our site and he said he would look it up. Hope to meet you soon!!!



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