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Posts posted by jerryb

  1. Thats a Canadian car from BC......haha pretty soon you will have 3 or 4 parked on your front lawn.....Ive never known anyone with 1.......


    My brother in law is a Canadian red neck....he owned at least 5 of them.....all his friends were rednecks and they owned at least 3......BE CAREFUL! This could be a turning point in your life.

  2. I personaly dont like solid mounts. I didnt notice a harsh ride so much as vibration sounds. I hated the sounds that seemsed to carry through my car at various RPMs


    Mind you this wasnt with a VQ but Im guessing it will act in a similar fashion. Solid is solid.

  3. Damn those stitches are going in every direction...well done! Gives me shivers looking at it.


    Sorry it happened, take care!


    I agree with Jon...Ive swung mine out like that many many times..works great! Everything is tight and connected to something so its easy to work on.

  4. Im thinking of adding a short flexible line off at the master cylinder in order to make it easier to install my proportioning valve (PV). Is this OK? Is there something I should be careful of?


    Im adding a Wilwood PV...my plan is to make a braket that attaches the PV to another brake hard line. I will be a small aluminum block with a groove in it that will go over the brake line. There will be two threaded holes in the block in line with the two mounting holes on the PV. I plan to bolt these together over the hard line and the flexible line will allow easier fit.



  5. 20 years ago my new wife and I went to Europe for our honeymoon. Her half brother worked for (still does) BMW in the R&D department developing engines..(he heads that office now!!!) We stayed in Munich for a week......during the Octoberfest.


    Anyway....we took his "special" 3 series "werks" car onto the local autobans many times....once I had it up to 266kph....~160mph...the lanes seemed to get very narrow at that speed and I didnt dare go any faster...to be honest I was scared. There were 4 of us in the car and at one point I was passing one of those ugly duck Citroens that was probably going no faster than 90KPH while a bad ass Mercedes was flashing his headlights at me to move over.


    The differences in speed between all the cars was huge and very inimidating. All in all it was quite an experience but I dont wish to do it again. Too much going on with too many types of cars and drivers. The French autoban seemed much safer as it was an expensive toll road with not as much traffic...if I recall correctly the lanes were VERY wide as well!. Id love to get my Z on it!


    Fastest in my Z....~130mph on a long strech of the 401. the steering was getting real light so it was a quick peak speed, not sustained in any way. As many of you know.......the standard front end of a 240 doesnt offer much down force!! LOL

  6. I dont believe those "fangs" will ever go into production!.....I sure hope not! As far as the headlights go....now that I see them on the new Maxima ....I have warmed up to them. Not great but OK.


    Anywho.....In my mind if that represents the new Z there doesnt seem to be enough visual change for my likeing. Very lame for a NEW MODEL


    Give me the Red concept car below istead!


    Flaming gay, especially the headlights. (kind of look photoshoped) Like the 350z alot more.
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