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Posts posted by jerryb

  1. You are so right!!!


    ...what do you expect from a site called rotten tomatoes......Little Miss Sunshine VW bus!!! Oh well, they tried.



    Ok, we are all bummed that our favorites cars didn't make it higher on the list, so my complaint is the supercharged mad max car. That is the movie car I always think of.
  2. This list is crap...


    43. Kowalski's Challenger

    Type of car: 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T

    Special features: V8 Hemi, good for playing "Ship's Mast"

    Appears in: Vanishing Point, Death Proof





    42. 1973 Volkswagen Transporter (Type 2)

    Type of car: 1973 Volkswagen Transporter (Type 2)

    Special features: Bench seats, detachable door

    Appears in: Little Miss Sunshine




    5. James Bond's Aston Martin DB5

    Type of car: 1963 Aston Martin DB5

    Special features: Oil slick, smoke screen, ejector seat, radar tracking system, machine guns, revolving license plates

    Appears in: Goldfinger, Thunderball, The Cannonball Run, Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, Casino Royale





    4. The Mach 5

    Type of car: Racer Motors Mach 5

    Special features: Auto-jacks, bullet-proof canopy, retractable saws, tire crampons

    Appears in: Speed Racer




    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WTF...Utter Nonsense!!!!!!!!

    I refuse to acknowledge this list!!!! :mrgreen:

  3. The concept of concentrating and completing one ..or two....aspects of your car stand true. I also recommend you distance yourself from the project for a week or two.


    I went through the same thing you are experiencing. After some reflection I realized I was just burnt and was taking things far too seriously....after all it is just a hobby.


    So I adjusted my attitude with the perspective that it is just a hobby and I would have fun with it by not taking things too seriously. Best thing I could have done! Now I work on my car when time permits and Im in the mood...with no rush or anxiety. My life is very busy...work has me traveling a lot...kids have me moving...house has me fixing.... life is in the way. So now the project is my escape...it is relaxing...its not a MUST DO TO FINISH.


    So...step way back.....take a break....prioritize the project ...and when your in the mood....work on it.


    Hope this helps....and hang in there!

  4. They couldnt save his finger...it got mashed up in the blade pretty bad. His neighbors found it about an hour later when they came to clean up, it got thrown to the side in the accident.......placed it on ice and drove it to the hospital which is about half an hour away. The severed end was just to badly damaged and I believe the length of time may have played a role.


    Great neighbors he has...benefits of living in the country...great people! They are cutting the grass, walking the german sheperd and helping out with everything. Makes it a lot easier.

  5. Oh ya!... he is on meds and pretty spacy...and bumed out. Thanx for all your kind words.


    As far as the blade guards go....I know, I have removed mine as well. But if you see how my pop uses his table saw you'd undestand why I've have made a fuss over him removing it. Coffee in one hand..a smoke in the other with the dog running around him on a rope.....and he's is always rushing......not sure why as he is retired????


    It was bound to happen but unfortunate it finally did.

  6. :cry:After telling my Dad to be more careful with his table saw, and years of watching him have many close calls.....he finally did it! Cut off his full index finger and his middle finger down to the top knuckle on his left hand. The rest were beat up but OK.


    What a drag! He has been building his house for 3 years now and when nearly at an end he rushed to cut a few pieces of .5" trim......without the guard and with the blade at full height.


    Just a word of precaution...dont let it happen to you. Please work safely and smartly! :cry:

  7. Janaka


    And you say its tuff keeping up with the Jones! Sounds like your current mods will up the ante...... MUST....KEEEP ......AHEAD!!........


    Sounds like your gunning for best of show this year!


    Sorry to hear about the quote from Guelph....that is a scam! Let us know how Tom's treats you! Ive had full leather ambitions for many years....including the rear plastic panels. Not the dash unless I have to.

  8. Thats because its moving in that pic. The only way I can imagine a parked 370 to look like its moving is if Im dizzy.


    Oh ya...those fangs...GRAND FROMAGE!



    I think its HOT! It has a sense of moving while sitting still, where as the current 350z looks like its still all the time (stock). I just hope they get rid of that annoying exhaust note.
  9. I own my 04 roadster and love it in spite of the plain grill and front end. I also believe the Roadster looks way better then the hard top.


    I dont like the "370" much at all. The grill and headlights are silly. As for the general body lines.... too smooth and not sporty enough for me. Give me a GRID car!

  10. Steel is an alloy of Iron. In other words to get certain properties materials are added to iron ...one of these materials is carbon. Once you add carbon you create steel. Iron alone has poor physical properties.


    But it gets confusing ....steel and iron can in practice have the same level of carbon. BUT...the steel will have other goodies intentionaly added to provide certain characteristics. Depending how much carbon is added along with other materials you get tougher and/or harder steel.... more corrosion protection , easier machinability..etc.


    Typically steel has more thought put into it.



    Since steel is mostly comprised of iron (with a few exceptions), what is the difference between cast steel and cast iron?
  11. This is a scam and if this stuff did everything they claim it does then they are under charging! DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY!


    Check out their FAQ page.. www.fitchfuelcatalyst.com/products/faq.html ..what a joke! I really like this one....


    Q. How does the catalyst work?

    dot-cl.giftri.gifRefineries cannot remove many poorly performing molecules to make a more ideal fuel. In addition, once fuel leaves the refinery or is stored it is subject to attack by oxygen, ozone, and microorganisms (bacteria, yeast, and mold) that grow in the fuel. All these processes degrade the fuel to make a poorer product that prevents engines from performing at optimum levels. The Fitch Fuel Catalyst reformulates fuel prior to combustion on board the vehicle, preventing oxygen and most diseases from attacking the fuel and reversing any degradation :wc:that may have occurred prior to the fuel being introduced to the vehicle. The Fitch Fuel Catalyst assists the combustion process by insuring that fuel is highly uniform, potent, consistent, and stable.


    Wow ...they can reverse aging! Im gonna swallow one of those thingies!


    And check out how they answered this one....


    Q. Why don't the OEMs like GM, Chrysler, Ford, Cat., Detroit, etc. implement the Fitch Fuel Catalyst on the cars right from the assembly line?dot-cl.giftri.gifThe OEMs don't typically add parts to the assembly line unless it

    saves money or they are required to add because of specific regulations. OEMs must meet certain standards set forth by the EPA and other regulatory organizations. When determining MPG window sticker numbers, the EPA requires the automotive OEMs to test on a certified fuel such as Indolene. These purest certified fuels are too expensive to mass produce and are not equivalent to what consumers purchase at the pump.




    Is a standardized blend of gasoline used for emissions testing which has a H to C ratio of 1.86. So Indolene is standardized gasoline that eliminates variables for the purpose of baseline testing. I would think that Indolene should be protected by this catalyst thingy as well...... and they didnt answer the question......


    :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:...all BS!

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