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He's in the Hospital again undergoing Chemo for the umpteenth time. For a guy at Pearl Harbor on December 7th, and cancer fighter you might want to give him a little break at this point in time... He was at the first Datsun Dealership in the US when it opened, he might know a little bit about the history, just not on the modifications...


He'll be gone soon enough and you won't have to endure his sales pitch any longer, except through the enduring video...


Edited by Tony D
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That's very sad to hear Tony. I can only imagine with things like that going on he might be a little hazy on a few points. Hell, I'm giving credit to ANYBODY over age 60 that has knowledge of a skyline or Datsun. Most of the older guys I get to hang around came from a generation that was fairly closed-minded and very american car focused. They may give a little "credit" to foreign imports but not enough to make out models.

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Yeah, you might think a guy who was a Pearl Harbor Survivor, and then participated in various Pacific Theater Campaigns (including the liberation of Java) would NOT be the guy to take a job at a fledgling JAPANESE auto dealership, eh? Not to say he didn't have Jalopy Racer background---he was a photographer for a long time, and I've seen some of his prints off Kodachrome Slides from the late 40's and 50's at the dirt tracks around SoCal. It's like a time capsule!


Don't get me wrong, he's a salesman to be sure. He takes 'ownership' of just about anything he repeats. But the chemicals are wreaking havoc on him and this video isn't really representative of him say...15 years ago before the second bout of cancer.


As an employee of the First Datsun Dealership in the USA (San Diego Datsun) he was a personal acquaintance of Mr. K.


For what he's been through, I don't know that I would be as lucid.


Oh, and its is the SBC TT car he's talking about. He's in the same Car Club in Murietta. Matter of fact, the Red TT 240Z was on display at the 9th Annual Show this past weekend!

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And now I feel like a total arse! :o

I had no idea who the man was, and didn't mean any disrespect towards him.


Just thought the clip was funny.


Apologies if any offense was taken.

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Oh no doubt it was a snickerfest! It is funny. It's a manifestation of a lifelong salesman getting asked an unscripted question and totally brain-farting but running the salesman's B.S. without skipping a beat! I have given him grief over it in person, and let him know "The Internet" is abuzz with talk when it first appeared. When I told him what "432" really meant he just looked at me and responded "Of course....(then with this panic look in his eyes said) what did I say on the interview????" When I told him he rolled up his eyes and just let out an "Oh gawd! Oh well, too late now that one's out of the gate!" :D


I just didn't want to see it go too far, the guy is over 80, and the courses of therapy don't leave him in great shape so even I cut him some slack on this one and just rolled my eyes. Which is about what he did when I told him what he said!


Didn't stop me from giving his crap over what he said (in person)... But right now he's not doing too well and I figured I should let everyone know before it got too overboard. He knows now what he said...the brain and the mouth just get a little disconnected when you get older I guess.


No need for apologies. I once gave a sideways locked up double "You're number one" finger display to this Crown Vic that totally ruined a mountain run. Then when we got to the BBQ, I found out they were in our group! (D'OH!) We all spout off sometimes. I think some worse than others. It's not like you waved the double-bird in his face sideways out your window doing a smoking four-wheel drift at a 45 degree angle across the lane 60 feet in front of his car...


"THAT would require a most humble apology..." :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hahahaha, thank you for that post. I got an even better laugh at that than I did the video.


Regardless of your absurd gesture, I'm sure they could appreciate the skill required to pull of a maneuver as complex as that.

Did you say you pulled off a "double front flip" while in mid drift?

No hands on the wheel? Just picturing that is amazing.


But back on the subject, thanks for making me feel like less of a D-Bag about the matter. Mucho appreciano.

That's spanish for much appreciation, for those like me who can't speak it. Or more likely, just me.

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