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distributorless ignition


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so ive been trying to figure this out for a few days and cant find any help on other threads as off yet so if anyone knows a thread that might help me please do let me know and sorry for being repetitive but heres my question. the 4 wires on each of the spark coils (im not even positive thats what they are called) what do they get wired to... i believe they go to the relay if im not mistaken but where on the relay and is there anything between the relay and the spark coils. here are some pictures of my setup. as much help as you can give ill take im so lost on this right now.

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relay ^

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front of my megasquirt ^

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back of my megasquirt ^

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spark coils rail? (what is this actually called, i dont think its a coil pack because each coil is indevidual. let me know if im wrong)

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here you can see the actual wires im talking about ^


i got this car as a project car with all the parts and a near perfect body from some guy in seatle and im trying to figure out how to put it all together. i apologies for my ignorance but this whole thing is meant to be a learning process for me and im loving it all the way. Z's are the bomb and i cant wait to drive this thing thanks for any help you can give


P.S. if this is posted in the wrong spot im sorry but i didnt know where to put it

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Talk to me bro - where in Canada are you? You said you picked the car up in Seattle so I'm guessing the Lower Mainland? If so I'm just over in Victoria. I've got my MS3 up and running and I've tested my setup for distributorless ignition for spark control - just waiting on my diyautotune optical encoder wheel to actually run it.


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Ok, lets see,

If I was going to wire this type of coil up through the realay, it would be the fuel pump relay just to recieve 12v keyed ignition. Then the others would be chassis ground, megasquirt ground (low reference) and ignition command (wire megasquirt uses to fire the coil) Im assuming you are using full sequential ignition and the goils are gm based with internal ignitors. If im wrong though, please let me know, I just briefly researched this. I personally plan on using 3 bips for wasted spark because im cheap but ill eventually go this route myself. Good luck.

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i was planning on going the wasted spark method. ive been doing some looking and figured out that the purple wire coming out of the pigtails is the command wire these pair up and wire to s2 s3 and s4 on my megasquirt(s2 being spark a, s3 being spark b, and s4 being spark c) black is ground, brown is ground on the megasquirt,and pink is +12V which wires to my harness and has its own fuse. im not positive but it still uses an ignition coil correct? if so how does that work if anyone knows. and yes im in the lower mainland fricfrac i think i got it figured for the time being though thanks. does anyone know a way to control mega with a mac... i dont think its possible without a lot of struggle so im probably gonna just pic up a **** pc... doesnt need to be much to run the megasquirt programs does it? oh nd fricfrac which wires did you pair up or did you do sequential ignition. also how do you wire sequential and is it actually all that much better than wasted spark. thanks for the help sorry bout the a.d.d with the questions

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The stock NA dizzy doesn't give the ECU enough information as to where the piston is in the four stroke cycles. It relies partially on the switching of the rotor and distribution of the spark through the cap. What you need is a crank angle sensor with a TDC reference or cam angle sensor. The '81 280ZX turbo had a CAS (ala crank style) on the front of the engine with a reluctor style wheel bolted to the back of the crank pully/dampner. The '82/'83 has an optical encoder wheel in the dizzy that has 360 slots on one ring and 6 on the second ring. MS doesn't know how to deal with the 360 slots (yet - future firmwares may support it) and there is no TDC reference (since it's a crank and the ECU doesn't if its on the suck/squeeze or bang/blow cycle whereas from the cam you would get all 720 degrees of information suck/squeeze/bang/blow all together). It might sound a little confusing but basically all you need is an '82/'83 dizzy and a diyautotune L28 optical encoder wheel.


I would probably upgrade the MS to a MS3 and MS3X if you want to go sequential with your spark and at the same time you can go sequential with the fuel as well...



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