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Know your roots


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So I was getting off work the other day and when I got to my car I saw this.







I thought it was funny as I've seen the car around before but I thought it was fitting that he parked next to me hah.

I also usually try to park further away/alone to avoid stupid door dings and such.

Birds of the same feather flock together? I guess? Or he knew my car was his cars great grandad heh

Edited by sito
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Seems like in upstate New York kids forget their roots big time.


Almost every 350z I've seen while driving my 240 has only wanted to race me. Nor do they even know what the car is that I drive.



I've wanted a picture with this pretty much identical color scheme 350z as my 240 for some time. I just can't seem to make him pull over to chat, he just dry revs his motor and speeds away.


That's what happens when you own pretty much the only s30 for 3 counties.

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This is true most people I meet don't know what kind of car my car is. The only giveaway is I still have the 280z emblems on my lower fenders. I've actually been approached by more non Z/non nissan guys with other cars than any Z or nissan guys. Also most of the people who comment on my car that know of it are older gentleman haha

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