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Plasti-dip'ed My GT3 wheels...

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So I hate brake dust on wheels. I like black wheels, and I figured why the heck didn't Porsche put black wheels on this car? So what's this got to do with HybridZ? Lots, because we are a DIY site. I bought the Black gloss wheel kit a few weeks back, and on Sunday I did this:






Weather has been crappy so I didn't get any decent outdoor shots of it, but so far the product seems nice, and is apparently durable. The wheel lock has already fallen and hit one wheel without even marking the surface. So for those of you on a tight budget and having a set of wheels you want to rescue, this may be the ticket.


Be forewarned that you really need to read the directions on the package. Make sure to use paper towels and the cleaning solution to clean and prep the surface after you have washed and dry'ed the wheels. Don't apply coats unless you have allowed each coat to dry for minimum of 30 minutes, plus FOUR HOURS cure time, per coat. Also, the clear coat takes 8 hours to cure. It's a long process, but hopefully worth it.



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or robbery skin.


"Nah officer I didn't rob that bank. It must have been the OTHER ....Datsun 240z.." :P


Well I do all my robberies in the winter. Hence the term winter skin. Traction can be a bit dicey in the snow though.


Hopefully the 280 does better than my last getaway vehicle.



Edited by SUNNY Z
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