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How to ship you're car cross country cheaply


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Hey everyone,


So my car is currently in Burbank, CA and I go to school in Daytona Beach, FL. I'm studying abroad at the moment and I don't get back to the states till January 1st, and that is to Daytona Beach. Well I need my car in Daytona starting January 9th (first day of classes).


So I could either fly home on say Jan. 2nd and do a leisure cruise cross country, which I don't really want to (it'd be my 6th time in this car), or hang out for a few days and do a mad 3 day dash cross country.


Working it out a 1-way flight cost about $250 and a round trip cost $370. Driving cross country normally costs me about $300-400 for gas, food and a hotel or two.


Or I could stay until January 8th and fly back and just have my car shipped, which I'd like to do. Now last time I had my car shipped (4 years ago in january) it cost about $800 for an open air transport and they picked it up at my house in Burbank and dropped it off at my house in Daytona Beach.


I was wondering if there is a cheaper way to ship it, either with a company or like a partial train or something.


If anyone has and ideas or even companies that they have used please let me know so I can start planning.


edit: Just looked up a quote and it said $1200. I'm looking for a quote somewhere around $700-900 or cheaper. Heck if someone is traveling that way and can tow the car I'll pay you

Edited by BluDestiny
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Month too late, and too far south, bro!

I'm going to make a run to Pittsburgh via Houston first week in December...

I'd gladly tow it, but can't swing an I10 route that far East!


Renting an Enterprise Full Size Pickup to go fetch my Emissions Machine in Export PA in conjunction with a factory mandated meeting week of Dec 10-14th. Swinging through Houston to see our shop facilities there, and pick up that Vintage Turbo Tom Kit from Texis Z (funny how that works, huh?)


Good luck!

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I just had mine shipped from Oakland, CA to Rochester, NY. The guy I used was Ron Stein (send me a msg and I'll provide his phone number) who has coordinated shipping for a lot of Z car guys around here. Ron works through a public bidding system where you can actually stipulate the price you'll pay to have your car shipped. Shipping companies and private truck drivers can then decided whether or not to accept your bid. The lower your bid the less likely someone will accept; the higher your bid the more likely someone will accept. At the beginning of the summer the average rate from CA to NY was around $800. I didn't have a chance to issue a bid through Ron until the end of summer by which time the average rate had increased due to higher gas prices. I think I ended up paying $1000 plus $50 which is Ron's fee. Actual transport time took about 3 days.

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