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Texas residents, what are you doing for registration without insurance?


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My Z has been under construction for the past 3 years, not anywhere near done. When I stopped driving her, I registered her as an Antique (registration lasts 5 years and no inspection required but has limited driving). It's time to renew the registration however since then, they require proof of insurance to register. Car isn't insured since I'm not driving it. What do I do next? I don't want to not register it and get hit with penalties when she's ready to drive again.

Is there a way to put it on some sort of "out of service" status with the state so I can register it when I am ready, without late penalties?

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Classic Insurance from Haggerty for road usage is like $80 a year if you have multiples. Is $80 a year... $6.67 a month, going to break your bank?


Insure through a classic policy, for the cost per year I have cars insured that haven't Ben on the road in over a decade. Because why? Storage insurance! And if I get a wild hair one day to take the yellow 249z "2YANXXX" out fr a spin, not only does it have the 23$ registration current, the insurance is good to go as well!

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I'm 22 years old and I'm not sure if they will allow me to be a registered driver or if the prices spike. Even if I had it insured under my mothers name (car title is in her name), I don't think I will be able to drive it... insurance wise that is.

Edited by josh817
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  • 4 weeks later...

Haha Tony..... Figuring out insurance with Hagerty right now and it's as amusing as the first time we tried. Car is in mothers name, mother calls, the first time she mentioned me being part of this and they denied us on some bullshit reasoning.

We're trying again now but there is some sort of thing set up between my regular insurance (All-State) and Hagerty., so we're using All-State as a middle man... I don't know why. Anyway, they're calling up Hagerty, they will insure for $10,000 @ $190/yr. We asked can it be for my mother and myself, or just myself, and they said.... are you ready? Because I drive a vintage car as my daily (1971 datto) they don't want to insure the Z knowing I am an authorized driver because they think I will use it every day... even though it's registered as an antique.... :malebitch


Lets give it to them, I'm going to be joy riding this thing, going on police chases, driving on the wrong side of the highway, smuggling drugs, with my antique registered (not allowed to drive it unless it's to the shop, show, parade, etc), Hagerty insured car.

They won't even bother to entertain the idea that I want to be the only authorized driver because I'm 22; I doubt being 25 is any better. I think their magic age is 30..



Anyway that's my rant.

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I simply left the country and didn't come back until I was 25 and Married. That kept my insurance rates low. And all my infractions and misdemeanors involving Z-Cars were not part of the official driving record.


I would skip the wife next time around. Pay the insurance. In the long run, it's WAAAAY Cheaper!

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I didn't know they had categories like that... I never told them that it was modified or anything, I adjusted the price accordingly though which was why I said $10k coverage. They're really dragging their feet now, saying it's going to take 2 weeks to assess it.... I've sent pictures of the car, of the garage its staying in, etc. "We're worried he will drive the car more than what he is suppose to since he already drives a vintage vehicle.... very lame. While they're at it, critiquing me, I might as well inform them that I don't live at the house which its being stored, and its registered as an antique so I can't daily drive it without getting in trouble.

Just have to wait and see I guess..

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