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Who are you insuring with?


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Working on your own car is not generally a "business"...


Josh, point ceded re: British Vehicular Maintenance. It's not a knock-off hammer, it's a Lucas Electric Fuel Pump Restarting Hammer...


Where I pulled "evil insurance company" from is the common vernacular. Most people tend to not understand insurance companies are NOT in the business to PAY claims! but to limit risk exposure.


That "most people don't realize Haggerty (COLLECTOR CAR INSURANCE) Is for a collector/show car, not a car that someone actually means to drive" --- DUDE? Seriously? REALLY? If you or anybody doesn't realise IMMEDIATELY that "HAGGERTY COLLECTOR CAR INSURANCE" is not your normal company like AAA.... I refer back to my original statement. C'mon! THAT is a ludicrous reach to the absurd!


Getting resentful that a company for collector car insurance did not pay out on an accident when the car was used for commuting seems a bit cockeyed to me. To turn the phrase around, when your friend fraudulently misrepresented his intended use of the car to the insurance company to avail himself of lower premiums...did he consider the consequences?


I drive my "collector car" on a Limited basis. It is not used for commuting. I do drive to club functions and meetings. If I want to drive it daily, I put it on the AAA policy I have, it's like 258$ a year for PLPD minimum coverage...up to 10,000 miles a year. $180 if below 2,500 miles a year. The price break isn't that huge singly, but the ability to get catastrophic coverage on parts cars and stored vehicles is something standard companies don't offer. When you pack cars six to a container to "work on them later" having some sort of fire insurance or SOMETHING is prudent. The ability to rotate VINs between a preset series of vehicles without premium changes is another... As the saying goes "I can only drive one at a time" the rest should be on storage insurance of some type... Try getting quotes for something like that from non-specialist companies!

Edited by Tony D
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American classic car insurance: $200/year agreed upon value $15k.


Classic car insurance is the way to go, even with the stipulations. Biggest requirement is that the vehicle must be garaged...difficult if you rent. I bought a house specifically so I would have a garage. Also, if you register the car as classic, you can't use the vehicle for daily use anyways, so that point is almost moot (in VA). My total yearly ownership cost is $201/year. I have to pay $1.00 a year in registration tax to the county....love how cheap it's been to own!

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Have my Z insured through Hagerty.  I have other vehicles, so I don't drive it to work.  When signing up I got the general rundown on what is and isn't allowed.  It has to be kept in a locked garage when not in use and can't be driven as an everyday commuting vehicle (must send them proof of another insured vehicle to use as a daily driver).  I just drive mine for fun whenever I feel like it.  Insured for approx. $10,000 at around $200 a year in premiums.  Here in Utah I have my Z registered as a classic, so registration fees are $10 a year and no safety inspection is required.


They never gave me any hassles when I sent in a picture of the car in the first place.  It didn't have a rear bumper, no windshield wipers, it had a crusty, faded, 20 year old paint job, the hood was a different color than the rest of the car and it had stick-on adhesive showing where I'd peeled the aluminum side-cladding off.  Been insured with them since I was 24 years old.

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Thank you all for the responses!


I believe it will still be better for me to split up my policies.


My father got me in touch with his insurance shopper who found a policy for my daily driver at around 1200 a year for 100/500/500 coverage with collision and other incidents insurance. I am hoping of switch cars to something a bit older which should help drive the premiums down even further.


The datsun will definitely be registered as a classic. I had some grandeur idea of using it as a daily driver so pursued a regular policy, but barely managed 1000 miles this year while actively trying. I have also just been informed that my savings will be a whopping 3$ per pay deduction for the datsun so definitely will be going with a classic insurance company. 


Will definitely be talking to Grundy, Haggerty, American Collectors, and American Classic. 


Thanks all!

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