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Differences in L motors of any significance?


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So not sure how I was going to title this but I just acquired a 83zx motor.

I have primarily messed with the L24 and have messed around with some L28's, but have not torn down a Zx until now.

So the first thing I noticed is the motor mount brackets have a center gusset where my L 24 brackets are just an open bracket- any significance to this ?


Also noticed the aluminum trans brackets . I thought these were only on the turbo motors using the T-5, but I guess I was wrong. Brackets any significance ?


Something else that jumped out at me was the intake plenum size - TINY- compared to older intakes.

Again, why the change ?


Sorry if these are simple questions but having a hard time finding answers.

Edited by madkaw
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I guess I was looking for rationales of signifigance like the engine mount brackets were twisting on earlier engines and Nissan decided to beef up the bracket. Or the trans brackets stopped vibration or something to that effect. I am constantly reading threads all over this site and others an never have read anything about these differences. It's one of those deals that I thought I had missed something of importance that everyone alread knows;)

The intake plenum seemed counter intuitive when it seems that progress has been more towards bigger is better. Plus in reading all the swapping(hybriding) that goes on here I never heard anyone mention to 'stay away from the 83zx intake', or that it was sized completely different then earlier versions. I rrealize that there are always going to be changes -for the better we hope-, but I thought the plenum looked like nothing more then another runner it is so small.

Maybe this is just a thread for the tool shed-LOL

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