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I was running down a local interstate the other day behind a Superduty F150 in the left lane and he was just not wanting to move out of the way. A hole finally opened up and I moved over to go around him on the right only to get a face full of diesel smoke as he floored it to get alongside the next vehicle in my lane and block me. I don't know what he has against little red sports cars but it certainly hacked me off. Wouldn't have bothered me as much if it hadn't been a nasty %&*^&(* diesel. Anyway we got to a spot where a merging lane came in from the right and 3rd gear got me past both cars quite briskly and I went on my way. Why do people have to be that way?

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That was a F250 and that black smoke is un burned fuel. Contrary to popular believe a Diesel engine actually burns much cleaner than a gas motor. BUT that was still a dick move.. I do the same to people but only when they do something to piss me off.

Edited by thezguy
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You stated in your topic . :-) . They're many out there . That's why we have road rages . People need to drive with some common sense and common courtesy .

Now that you mention it - I wonder if he would have done that if he knew I have a concealed carry permit? Naw - he'd have done it anyway.
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Road rage is becoming more and more common these days. Who knows why he got pissy, but you're lucky to only get a face full of diesel smoke instead of a 45.


At any rate, it reflects on his deficiencies, not yours. I've learned it's best to see these guys through my windshield rather than in the rear view mirror.

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I had the same thing happen. Had the window down, just minding my own business on a main street. Notice a truck jockeying for position next to me. Turn to look and see the passenger is telling his buddy to slow or speed down to line the exhaust up with my window, then he floors it and my car fills with black smoke. Left me deaf and blind and had to pull over to wait for it to clear.


I'm told this is called "rolling coal" and certain individuals will install controllers to change the fuel levels to get the black smoke. Some people really have nothing else better to do. 

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