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race gas/ street gas, combined octane math?


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just wondering if there was a science to figuring to say, how much 110 mixed with 91 makes 104, or how much 104 with 91 makes 100 and stuff like that, and if its just the simple math it looks like, Im gonna slap myself :D ever since my first brush in with the race gas, i like it, I know a lot of people take pride in saying they make tons of power on pump, I dont. Im also wondering if there is a calculation on max hp a 26lb injector can make on race fuel???? yes im

ghetto. thanx guys.

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the union 76 fuel distributor in my town has a brochure with a graph on it about mixing street92/110 leaded in the brochure.when i run my car at thunderhill i run 10 gals of 110 in the tank.its because the engine is on boost for a long time there.i hit 125 on the front straight.the union race fuel distributor is in my town.they fill the 5 gallon jugs from the 20000 gallon tank.if gas is stored long octane drops.beware that graph would only apply to union fuel.last summer at the track day for shasta had no pinging with 13-14 psi boost with 110 degree heat and no intercooler.

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i know you run that car pretty hard too, w/o ic and four gallons of 110 i got it up to 12psi and near 15 on the highway with no issues, but you know im in boost for max fourteen seconds at a time, how hot does that car get when you run it that long???

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Just last night I was reading one of Vizard's books "Performance with Economy" (I think that was the title) and they gave charts that did just what you are asking. I think the book is out of print, but if he had it I am sure someone else does.


The book also has an excellent write up on water injection. Really could have added a lot of detail to one of the recent threads on the subject.

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Anyone looking to use race gas is obviously going to be racing and should be aware of octane ratings. The advertised octane rating, (R+M)/2, is meaningless for racing. What you need to be looking at is Motor Octane, MON. Now, for the average Joe just looking for an octane boost to be safe, this is probably meaningless and the cheapest one you can find will suffice. If you are pushing envelope though, this is important.


E.g., the most commonly available race gas are the Sunoco 110 and the Unocal 110 but their MON are 105 and 106 respectively. On the other end of the scale is VP C-16 which has an advertised octane of 117.5 only 7.5 above the others, but its MON is 117 making the MON difference quite substantial. There are other properties that must also be considered but that is another story.


As for mixing, multiply the volume of each by its octane rating, add the results and divide by the total volume. E.g., mixing 3 gals of 93 with 3 gals of 110 results in 6 gals of 101.5. Be aware that most race gas is leaded and will contaminate the simple 1-wire O2 sensors quite easily. This will eventually affect you if you are running a closed-loop system or rely on info from a A/F meter.


BTW, do not waste your money on octane boosters. They say it raises your octane x points and they really mean is .x. Ask the hard core racers where they buy their race gas and you will find there is probably station in your town that sells 110 at the pump usually for about $3.50 - $4.0/gal. No, you cannot pump it directly into your tank :D .

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The richest AVGAS that I have ever heard of is 102 octane and it's leaded (102LL). Not sure if the octane is standard or motor, as Scottie mentioned, though.


The stuff costs from 2.75 to 3.00 a gallon, depending on location.

Also, don't get caught using it in your car on the road, I think it is frowned upon.


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Grumpy, I hope that you show up in this one again. I wondered how cleanly tolulene burns compared to regular gas, in terms of emissions? How safe is it for standard fuel lines, or is it? I tried to get answers on this awhile back to pass a big cammed V8, but nobody really knew. Some use alcohol up to 10% (yes I know about corrosion and fuel line issues...), so I wondered about other fuels burn cleanliness...


As for leaded gas folks, keep in mind O2 sensors dont like it.

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