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How 2 swap 280zxt motor into 240Z???

240Z Turbo

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I am a lazy fella', so I thought instead of searching the archives I would ask a question asked 1000x before. My motor is a P95 or P98 or something like that and it has 6 spark plugs. What do you think about this setup and will it work. How will it rev in my car, will it vibrate badly, will it get me a speeding ticket, will it allow me to pick up chicks, will it make my football team win games? BTW, do not criticize my post because my feelings are very sensitive and I am bound to send you a nasty e-mail. Please respect my fragility! Oh yea, and my football team is better than your football team!:oops:

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I accept your apology! What is weak is the perpetual questions that never change on this forum. I wonder how many times we have seen the same questions asked because folks who are just too lazy to search the archives. My post was intended to be childish and ridiculous. It goes along with some of the junk I always see posted. It also goes along with the crap-ass e-mail I received from JT240Z just because I told him to do more homework. I saw ZERO posts criticizing this type of behaviour yet I need to work on MY presentation! Why would someone not post back to do some further research when he seemingly did not know a compressor wheel from a turbine wheel. You have no basis for being offended except that you may have been embarrassed.

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really this post long overdue. stupid questions should be marked as such and discarded. yes a 280zx turbo motor can be put in a 240/260/280z get your hands dirty and find out for yourself. i did my swap without the internet and i am a dumbass. if i can figure it out then anyone can.


heres another one of my favorites. if you dropped your timming chain then YES you have to take the front of the motor apart and yes it is alot of work. next time pull your head out of your ass and make sure it doesn't happen.


and if your feelings get hurt over something that is said on a message board (even if it was said by James, who happens to be a very nice guy) then you need some serious help.



remember the only thing that matters is how fast your car is, everything else is BORING!!!

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If it takes me saying that I'm guilty of asking a stupid question then so be it. Guilty as charged. Will it ever happen again. Most definitely. This never was a case of my feelings getting hurt. I just got caught on a bad day with a backhanded slap.


Has the question been asked about what kind of turbo would work in this or that car? Of course. More times then I could count, even using the search engine. Quite frankly I believe just about every question you can think of has been asked at one time or another. If no one ever repeated a question again, this forum would shut down in a very short time. One of the reasons that people post to this forum is for the chance to communicate with others that share a common passion for a car that hasn't seen a dealer in over 30 years. Who know, someday someone may surprise us with an answer that hasn't been thought of.


I use the search feature to find answers to general question most of the time. When it gets down to a specific area, I may ask for opinions. My question may have been stupid to some, but quite frankly with 41 replies and 616 views, there still seems to be some interest in the topic. Maybe it was just the entertainment value of this argument. Posting to you privately was just an attempt to deal with this off line. Looks like that may have been the wrong approach.


I really would like to have this whole thing just dropped. I still have so many more stupid questions to ask. :twisted: OOPS, sorry about that. :oops: Look, you're an engineering student, and I've been A EE for 18 years. We both like turbo 240's, we do the work ourselves and we both like a good argument. Isn't that enough?


Whoops, gotta run... My CV adapters just came in via UPS.


Good luck at Reynolds.

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