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Lets redesignate the SUV

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

OK we all know that SUV stands for sport utility vehicle. I believe that MOST SUV's are about as sporty as a 2 bedroom house. there for since 99%+ of the ones around fail to be sporty then the designation should be changed.


I propose that they be redesignated SAV's for Suburban Assault Vehicle. Since most will be tackling the challenge of soccer games and dance recitals as thier most taxing duty.


If anyone has a better suggestion lets hear it.


Or if your for or against it lets hear it too :)





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Guest Anonymous

Hey, I love my Suburban, even at $2.00 a gallon. Call it an SUV or SIT. I call it a great kid, dog, car part, hauler, trailer, boat puller and the best collision protection I could afford. :D

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I too love SUV`s. My first was a 92 explorer. I recently aquired a 99 eddie baurer explorer that my wife loves.

I plan on getting a 7 passenger 4x4 suburban with a 454 as soon as gas prices go up a litle more. That`s when I will get the best deal on one. It will be more usefull than my full size truck that can only haul 4 passengers comfortably, but will get the same mpg. win/win IMO

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Just plain old AV for Assault Vehicle. My poor little Z practically gets sucked under them when they fly by at 80 plus mph in heavy traffic around Dallas Tx.


Kids screaming, cell phone to the ear and adjusting hair and makeup.

5k lbs of pure insanity and no I'm not talking about the woman behind the wheel :D



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Hey, I love my Grand Cherokee. It has all the toys, in the winter I love the all wheel drive, heated seats and mirrors, it has a somewhat killer sound system in it. In the summer I love the climate control, the power moonroof, the power of the 360 engine, and the towing capacity for pulling my Checkmate. plus it doubles as a work truck for my skate shop. :D

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The bigger the better IMO. If I want to go somelace by myself, I`m perfectly content in a comact car. But if I`m taking the wife and kids with me I would rather drive an SUV.

In my Hyundai with two kids in car seats, a diaper bag and a stroller to haul. I wouldn`t have room left for a couple bags of groceries without getting closterphobic.

I really couldn`t care less about gas milage. It`s my money, I work for it, and if I want to spend ALL of it on gas to put in my SUV or truck, it`s my decision to make.

Apparently alot of people agree with me. Otherwise you wouldn`t see so many of them on the road.

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SAV has been used here on talk radio for a few years now. I still laugh everytime I hear it :-D . I was doing this house for a rich yuppie couple 2 years ago and one of thier vehicles was an Excursion that just the lady drove. I asked her if she needed a CDL to drive that thing and she starred at me with the deer caught in the headlights look. I had to go back about a year later to repair some drywall that the husband knocked a baseball bat through (hmmm...) and noticed that when the lady came home she wasn't driving the big @ss school bus anymore. She said it was only used for short trips now, because fuel costs to much for it (so why the heck do you still have it?). So she drives a Camry now.


I think people just got caught up in the SUV craze. They all wanted to be higher than everyone else :twisted: , bigger than everyone else, and maybe there is that intimidation factor when people see a 2.5 ton vehicle 4 feet from thier rear bumper while doing 75 mph.


I still like the old school SUV's like the Blazer, Jimmy and the Land Cruiser to name a few.



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The Excursion is 4.5 Tons.

That might be a bit much for a single person to drive on a regular basis, but there is still a NEED for vehicles that are capable of carrying more than four passengers.

We had family in for the weekend, and everytime we wanted to go somewhere we had to use two vehicles.

My sister in law has four kids. two of which have to be in car seats.

"Try to put them in a Camry"

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Guest livewire23

my mom drives a RAV4, and i gotta say its pretty cool. it cant tow shit and its got no oomph, but its got a bit more room, and here in CA its neccessary to have the ground clearance to negotiate the roads. not to mention to help see around all the other SAVs. And the headlight in the rear mirror deal is a real pain in the ass. I drive a lowered prelude around, and I cant see a damn thing at night. Today a raised SAV pulled next to me, and I couldnt see over his tires. :shock: Although I think some of those people had ultra-bright headlights or something. I drove in front of Don Manzo's [suburban?] for about an hour, and it didnt really bother me much at all. Then again he was towing my Z, so how could it bother me. :D BTW don, I still owe ya lunch. As soon as the Z gets registered.....

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I here you Denny but, .......When i was a kid my old man had a 1970 pontiac catilina wagon. You could get 3 in the front, 3 in the middle, 3 kids in the back. And if you were going for short trips you could get a couple of more kids in between the middle and back seats. If some one made something similar today I would have one. The whole concept of driving a truck when you dont need to is a bit odd to me. Btw my daily driver is a truck, however we are on a farm and it gets used like a truck should. :D



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SUV's are what happens when the government gets in and starts mucking with things. Use to be you could get 7 or 8 of your best friends in a $600 Olds Delta 88 for a night of partying. Gas prices go crazy, the Ralph Nader types put in fuel efficiency laws and basically shame the auto makers into not making the big sedans anymore. At the same time they put in different smog and safety laws for "trucks". Gas prices go back down (in inflation adjusted dollars) and next thing you know, the only BIG vehicle you can get is an SUV.


Hey, all you guys arguing size, ever consider a minivan? Can seat 7 with plenty of room behind the back seat and only half the size of an SAV.


Or is there more than size at issue?

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My Mom`s Caravan gets the same mpg as our Explorer, but the Explorer has 4x4 for the nasty Ohio winters.

I am a farmer too and all of my vehicles are used like a truck and see off road use, even my hyundai elantra, but it`s not a good idea to park a car with a HOT cat converter on a freshly cut wheat field.


My point is, just because people drive suv`s who don`t NEED to drive them, doesn`t mean that they should be banned or even limited.

The whole idea is freedom of choice. we all have a choice to drive what we want.

As far as FUEL ECONOMY, there are many people in the world that believe we should not be allowed to alter our cars from there original intended purpose or design. (OHIO actually has a law about this)

Just How practical is a 2 passenger car with a V8 that gets 25mpg? You could just as easily drive a geo metro with a 3 cyl that get`s 50mpg.

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Guest Anonymous
The Excursion is 4.5 Tons.

That might be a bit much for a single person to drive on a regular basis' date=' but there is still a NEED for vehicles that are capable of carrying more than four passengers.

We had family in for the weekend, and everytime we wanted to go somewhere we had to use two vehicles.

My sister in law has four kids. two of which have to be in car seats.

"Try to put them in a Camry"[/quote']


I never said get rid of the massive people movers. I fully understand the need for them.


I said lets redesignate it because there is nothing sporty about them (especially the excursion). A Z is sporty a 7 person people mover is a brick in the wind.

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My response was a general one, mostly in regards to JoeinCa`s comment.


how about SIT?


Suburban Idiot Transport?


just a suggestion...




The whole idea behind this forum in open mindedness and acceptance of otherpeople and their choices. I believe everyone has personal choices whether they be with a Z or otherwise.


I don`t like what some of the ricer`s do to their cars, but I would never make a blanket designation that they were idiot`s because of what they drive, even if it seems absurd to me.

That`s not to say I won`t poke fun at SOME of them for the ridiculous things they do.

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Getting a little defensive, Denny?


A Ford Explorer is probably one of the more inconvienent vehicles when it comes to kids in car seats. The things are too tall for most women to lift a kid up into. They also don't offer enough room to actually get inside and crawl around the seat while trying to strap a kid in while it is raining. A minivan with second row captain's seats and sliding doors is a MUCH more kid friendly vehicle. Don't have to worry about my 6 year old door dinging the car in the next stall.


Also you need to name your poison. You can't have the seating capacity of the Excursion and the gas mileage of the explorer. Unless they have changed them since I looked at them (and maybe they have), your sister in law is not getting 2 kids in car seats + 2 other kids + herself safely buckled into an explorer anyway. And certainly you aren't about to compare the gas mileage of the excursion with that of the caravan? And yeah, the Chevy Yukon/Suburban has a 9 passenger model, but that 3rd row of seats is rather clostrophobic to get in and out of. I wouldn't sit there.


SUV's are nice vehicles. Big, comfortable on the road and the new ones are nicely equipped with all the luxuries. If I lived in a rural area or towed a large boat/trailer, then I would probably own one also. But you have to admit for some yuppie with 2.3 kids driving Tad or Brittany to soccer practice in LA they are a bit much.

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The bigger the better IMO.I really couldn`t care less about gas milage. It`s my money, I work for it, and if I want to spend ALL of it on gas to put in my SUV or truck, it`s my decision to make..


This is one of the problems why gas prices are so high. These SUVs take a lot more fuel to operate, which means more demand for gas, which makes the price higher! :evil:

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Guest Anonymous

I think in the next couple years you will see people driving what they need not necessarily what they want. And they will be higher milage vehicles. Then again I feel we shoudl boycot OPEC and use the oil tariffis to pay for the national debt. WE can get all the oil we need from the western hemisphere. BUT I DIGRESS :D


Subrurban Assault Vehicle :D instead of SUV

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