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bench bleeding master cylinders

Guest michael_240Z

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Fill both reservoirs, run hoses from bleed screws into resorvoirs with ends under fluid. Cycle the mater cylinder slowly using a phillips screwdriver. Do this until air bubbles quit appearing. I like putting teflon tape on my bleed screws, but if you do make sure you keep it out of the way of the hole and seat.

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Guest michael_240Z

thanks mike c. it must be nice to have a whole team of vehicles. one for every day of the week almost. haha.


so i don't have to plug the connections where the brake lines screw into?

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Guest michael_240Z

hey z ya,


i'm not sure about plugging the brake line ports(i'm currently inquiring about that as well) but as far as whether or not you can bleed it while it's on the car, but when i had to bleed the one for my 240sx, i had it held in a vice while i used a phillips head screw driver to push the plunger. you could do it while it is on the car but you would have to have a helper to push the brakes while you kept an eye on when the bubbles stopped(you wouldn't be able to see it if you were pushing the brakes by yourself).

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Just mount it in the car, tighten all lines and start bleeding the master cly 1st then work your way thru.

Remember, after master bleed the longest line(from master)first and work your way around.

Do frt(longest line),frt(shortestline) and same for the back(there sould be a T in the back line, look to see which rear line is longest).

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